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Everything posted by Collector1

  1. A person wearing a cross between the Pakari and the Mask of Earth donning a Santa hat.
  2. What if the fortress future Krakau was referring to was the fortress of the Golden Skinned Being? That's the only one I know of that exists in the future.
  3. You can always go to the internet archive and try to look for it on an old version of BZP.
  4. I just love your use of parts on this MOC. I adore the use of the Glatorian fist, the way the HF 2.0 armor fits on the Mata feet, and how you made something out of the Rhotuka connecter besides its common usage. Another thing I like is the shoulder mounted canons, they're just so perfectly designed. You have made a beautiful MOC, Kraataface. Really stands out among the giant titans that have been entered into the contest so far.
  5. Do you have a gallery or any more photos of the MOC? I wish to critique it, but I feel I don't have enough angles to make more accurate conclusions.
  6. Pardon granted. I failed to include the necessary emote as I was in a hurry. Although technically that could work as a headcanon lol, given that this is a headcanon thread. And to further clarify, I meant Nektann the robots...not the other Nektann. (Although that would explain Vezok XD! Both of them are blue...) Once again, I would like to apologize. I was unaware that posts in the headcanon thread doesn't always have to fall in place with the canon.
  7. Pardon granted. I failed to include the necessary emote as I was in a hurry. Although technically that could work as a headcanon lol, given that this is a headcanon thread. And to further clarify, I meant Nektann the robots...not the other Nektann. (Although that would explain Vezok XD! Both of them are blue...) Hmm...you might be onto something.What if after the Skakdi's mutation they were able to tame dangerous beasts by using brute force to make them compliant.
  8. A Voya Nui Online Game, and I don't mean the one we got. This one would take place during the Dark Time and would focus on the life and death of Voya Nui's chronicler who contributed to that cavern of historic records that was destroyed by the Piraka in Comic 1: If a Universe Ends....
  9. The grouchy old lady Toa with her pet Muaka is a well known hero on the Southern Continent. Uh..Vezok never had a Muaka as a pet, just to clarify. Do you mean Nektann? I was just joking. Old grouchy cat lady. Although Nektann works too! Pardon me if I failed to understand your joke.
  10. Biometrical beings with elemental powers fight a powerful villain who has put their great spirit, tasked with reforming the now shattered planet Spherus Magna, into a deep slumber.
  11. Same here. I've talked to some people about it, but I've never made them fans or anything.
  12. I like your MOC, but I'm curious about something. How tall is it compared to an average sized BIONICLE figure?
  13. The grouchy old lady Toa with her pet Muaka is a well known hero on the Southern Continent. Uh..Vezok never had a Muaka as a pet, just to clarify. Do you mean Nektann?
  14. Looks like Teridax now has a Kakama in place of his Hau as he watches over the island of Mata Nui.
  15. Battlefield 3 Multiplayer. It's less glitchy than its successor.
  16. No, but I have tried Surgeon Simulator.
  17. Huh, never thought of that. Good headcanon!
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