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Everything posted by D-D-D-Ddude

  1. D-D-D-Ddude

    Fire Bars and You

    Wait, are fortune cookie items excluded from the catalog? I've only had the game for a week or so, and Nookling Junction is in the process of upgrading today, so...yeah.
  2. I see what you did there Also, would it be possible to (with massive amounts of time and effort) recreate the slumbering Mata Nui robot on a smaller scale and use that as a hub? If we're going for Bioncle-based ideas...
  3. D-D-D-Ddude


    If the choice is between Luigi's Mansion and AC:NL, I'd recommend AC:NL, simply because that game is going to offer a lot more playtime. Luigi's Mansion is a solid game, but it doesn't have a ton of replay value imo. Of course, if you're choosing ANY 3DS game...Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate all the way
  4. Dangit Bamble, stop stealing my joke ideas >:c But yeah, teleport hub sounds good. Community farms/mines for newcomers, mebbe?
  5. I vote in favor of this. It'd get me to play on the server a lot more, seeing as I'm horrendously far from anything interesting at the moment.
  6. So I cracked and bought this game when a friend got it, so we could play together online. Here's roughly how my first visit to his village went: Me: Okay, I have oranges. You have peaches. Gimme. Friend: Hmm? Me: This is a hostile fruit raid. Hand over your peaches or I will be forced to whack your villagers with my bug net. Friend: Well okay, I was gonna give- Me: DON'T MAKE ME BRING INNOCENT CIVILIANS INTO THIS! And then I burst out laughing at the concept of a country/regime/cult somewhere that uses bug-net whacking as a form of interrogation. I'm really enjoying this game, though! I can see a lot of hours being sunk into this... PM me if you want my friend code...I promise I won't rob you blind of your fruit like my friend.
  7. I FELL TO THE GROUND, THE PHONIES WOULDN'T LET UP actually yeah I think that's as far as I'll go
  8. Ddude beat MI in quite a long and lag-filled (in MI's favor) final battle. He only won because I wasn't there. I don't deny this.
  9. I think Nintendo makes Pikmin for fun and profit... In all seriousness though, I imagine what you heard probably has something to do with Pikmin being a newer, less famous IP than some of Nintendo's other franchises. They probably make Pikmin games knowing full well they'll rake in less money than a new Mario or Zelda, but they still want to make an overall profit.
  10. I think I'm in by default? Right? D:
  11. The Toon Link in Spirit Tracks is different from the Toon Link in Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass if I remember correctly, so there should still be hope. I do want Wolf back, though-he's my main in Brawl. Also, there's a disappointing lack of Waluigi on this list
  12. Been a while since I blogged here. Feel like my PMship should have run out by now, but I'll take what I get =P I've been up to various remotely insane activities...I finished my sophomore year of high school, I've been practicing for cross-country next year, I've played a whole lot of video games (it escapes me how Minecraft isn't classified as a drug), I've plotted to take over the world...the usual stuff. =P I slogged through about 8 hours of Driver's Ed today (and I have another 8 hours waiting for me tomorrow @_@). Did anyone else find themselves fearing driving significantly more when they took DE, or am I just (more) insane? also Pikmin 3 aaaaaaaaaah
  13. I haven't been on the server much lately, but I've been busy and stuff. Also playing on other servers. =P If
  14. I feel like this was at least partially directed at me.
  15. As of right now, 3 hours and 47 minutes.
  16. I'm game if it happens.
  17. D-D-D-Ddude

    Okay so

    Well, at least our anniversary had that classic, off-schedule BZPC flavor. =P
  18. D-D-D-Ddude

    BZPc #15

    As did I. -__-
  19. D-D-D-Ddude

    Just WAT

    Who's ZZ Top? teehee
  20. "What's that, Mr. Parking Sign? Little Timmy fell down a well?"
  21. This could either go really well or really terribly.
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