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Everything posted by Dralcax

  1. IC: Venge Venge arrived at the infirmary a couple minutes after Raptor did, having taken the longer route. He noticed just how many students were running into the infirmary. Evidently the injured was somebody important. He overheard bits and pieces of conversation, something about a fang, he gathered, though he didn't understand. He couldn't quite see who was in the bed, though, there were too many other Rahkshi in the way. Keeping to the side, he noticed one of the Rahkshi from earlier run by. Ah, yes, Raptor, he remembered.
  2. IC: Venge As he left, Venge noticed that the tour was getting broken up. It's probably well off course by now, he thought. No point in waiting for them at the gym or dorms now, better get back on track. And with that, he headed towards the infirmary, taking care to choose a different route than Raptor.
  3. IC: Venge "..." Venge frowned. "Well, in any case, I'll correct you, the Causeway is safe. I'll see you around." He shrugged and slowly began walking away. I should find out what happened to that injured Rakhshi they mentioned, he thought, but then again... this could be fun. And they were kind enough to tell me where they're going next.
  4. IC: Venge "Ah, a tour. I haven't been here long, maybe I'd like to come with you." He noticed Revenge getting increasingly angry, and readied himself for a conflict.
  5. IC: Venge Venge laughed, and turned his back. "You know, perhaps you three could be useful. One more thing, what are you doing here?"
  6. IC: Venge Revenge? What kind of a name is that? It's not even original! he thought, slightly annoyed by the similarity to his own name. "Well, same to you," he said to Revenge. "So it seems we aren't so different..." He walked up close to Revenge, both confronting him and tilting the odds in his favor in case things got violent.
  7. IC: Venge "First... what are your names?" he challenged, trying to deflect any more questions.
  8. Yeah, I see how that would be... confusing.
  9. IC: Venge "..." Venge began formulating a lie. "Floor." he lied. "My name is Floor, and I am looking for somebody. Unfortunately, it seems you provide no clues."
  10. IC: Venge Venge saw the others looking in his direction, though he wasn't yet sure if they were aware of his presence. The only useful information he had gleaned was that a Rahkshi had been injured, and he would have to look into that later. Weighing his options, he decided that it would be more advantageous to befriend them, at least temporarily, rather than stalk them, considering that they would be looking over their shoulders a little too often if he chose the latter. Then he saw one of them point a Zamor launcher at his head, which made up his mind pretty quickly. So, with little choice left, he stepped out into the open.
  11. IC: Venge In a secluded corner of the library, Venge was reading a book, until he noticed an unfamiliar Rakhshi enter and approach Rider and another unknown Rakhshi. Silently closing the book and getting up, he got closer, finding a spot behind a bookshelf near the first one, just out of sight, listening in on their conversation.
  12. Well, that's just because I'm still waiting for approval. Still got dibs though
  13. Name: Venge Variation: Silence Level: 2 Gender: Male Gear: Two katana, a small dagger Appearance: Venge's coloration is rather dull, being mostly shades of gray with black highlights as well as black runes and markings on his body. His armor is smooth, as opposed to the rough contours of normal Rahkshi armor. Personality: Venge speaks seldomly, but when he does, his words have great impact. He prefers to use a stealthier style of combat, focused around taking advantage of an opponent's blind spots and weak points. He devotes a good deal of his time to research, believing that learning good techniques are the key to victory. Bio: In his few weeks at the academy, Venge has not made much of a name for himself, which he prefers. He tends to fade into the background quite a bit, staying out of social circles but nevertheless remaining informed on everything going on.
  14. All of the original 6 Kanohi. And it is mildly annoying how the transforming nuva smileys aren't in sync.
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