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Everything posted by Dralcax

  1. The Axalara. The CG pictures made it look way better than it actually was. Lewa himself was pretty , but the vehicle was gappy and unstable in places, especially around Lewa's seat. There wasn't a good place to grab it and swoosh it, every place that was grabbable would bend from the weight of the vehicle. The handle they gave you didn't help at all, it was attached to one of the least stable parts of the ship and was therefore unable to support the vehicle. You also had to be careful where you grabbed it for fear of bending the air katanas on the sides. The extending claw gimmick was useless because they would stab Lewa in the back in their folded down position and the skyblasters could not be fired without setting down the vehicle because it was too big to hold and shoot at the same time, which really limited my play options. And the landing gear? Oh, those flimsy Bordahk staffs would bend because the ship was super heavy.
  2. Atticuss Rhodes with his Nightshroud mask and facial hair for some reason.
  3. Nuparu used tools made from the protodermis mined in Onu-Wahi and paint made from berries or minerals. Not everything is Bohrok parts, you know. Also, the Boxor thing might seem morbid from a human perspective, but to a species that can pretty much take themselves apart and put themselves back together again, the Bohrok pieces are just spare parts, regardless of origin. And the Bohrok don't even have organics other than the Krana, so they aren't even killing the Av-Matoran.
  4. That one theme with the ball-jointed action figures that had these gears that you turned so they could knock off each other's masks. That was pretty weird.
  5. Is anyone at the village? I swear, every time Venge goes somewhere all the action ends up somewhere else.
  6. IC: Venge Venge saw Raptor fly overhead back to the Academy, clearly injured. Man, seems like I'm the only one bored around here, he thought. He arrived at the remains of the village, and saw the destruction that the others had caused. He heard the sounds of combat deeper in the village, and followed the noise. OOC: Once again, open for interaction.
  7. IC: Venge Venge saw the other Rahkshi fly off to someone else. What was that all about? he wondered. He hesitated for a moment, looking over his shoulder at the other Rahkshi, before starting to cross the causeway.
  8. TIL this thing actually exists and has a name.
  9. IC: Venge Venge noticed Omega approaching him. "Not much." he replied, mentally noting the optimal combat maneuvers if this stranger were to attack him.
  10. IC: Venge Venge wordlessly departed, leaving the two to rest. Fang mentioned that he had limped over the causeway, meaning that whoever was powerful enough to put Fang in such condition was off-campus. So, there's someone pretty strong out there, he thought. Might as well go find out who this is. I do love a good challenge, after all. Venge headed for the causeway. OOC: Open for interaction
  11. IC: Venge "I came to see what was going on," he said. "Would you mind sharing your story?"
  12. Well, Venge is currently in the infirmary. Although he just walked up to Fang and Dodge, you could join in. I also happen to be looking for someone to talk to and start off.
  13. IC: Venge The crowd cleared a bit, and he found Fang and Dodge. He walked over, not sure who they were.
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