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Everything posted by Dralcax

  1. Speaking really fast matoran has two advantages. Communication between units is much faster, which allows Vahki to give orders and coordinate maneuvers extremely quickly, and civilians can't understand them easily. This only has the latter advantage.
  2. Cordak Blasters because everybody loves more dakka.
  3. The mask is the torn-off face of The Fallen from the Transformers film series which got catapulted through dimensions when its owner (a multiversal singularity) got killed and wound up on Okoto where the LoSS uses its cybertronian powers to influence the mechanical portions of the Skull Spiders as well as anyone with a Skull Spider on his face My theory is that masks can represent things other than elements and therefore gain powers like Creation and Control, but these masks are legendary masks even above the elemental masks, tapping into an unknown force that can give unique and only Ekimu and Makuta know how to make them. The Mask of Skull Spiders was created specifically by Makuta so that he could take control over the horde in case the LoSS ever betrayed him, but Ekimu hit him really hard and he lost all three of his special masks (Control, Skull Spiders, and Ultimate Power).
  4. There were no images of the gore and the violent death of Tuyet was through a portal as opposed to somebody's sword or whatever. Yes, it's dark, but I think kids can handle it.
  5. I consider all characters to be ambidextrous because it simply wouldn't make sense for an artificial construct to be unable to use one of its hands with the same precision as the other, barring having a giant claw on one hand. That said, most of my MOCs tend to be righties, simple because I myself am right handed and don't put too much thought into it.
  6. I don't mind some alternate-universe thing that doesn't really affect the plot and maybe a couple of easter eggs, but I don't want the tangled continuity of G1 to drag G2 down. I think anything more than having a dimension hopper briefly land once in the G1 verse would be too much IMO.
  7. Jean Havoc has a big "Ehks" floating in the air besides him for some reason.
  8. I thought Prowl's BW incarnation was an owl, not a wolf?
  9. Here he is, the original Makuta Dralcax, in all his absolutely terrible glory And there was also an incomplete unposted fanfic consisting of little more than Makuta Dralcax randomly appearing on Spherus Magna and killing everybody. Oh god why did I name myself after this abomination from five years ago
  10. Not really interested. Of course, I'm as far removed as one can get from the target demographic, but it's hard to see this as anything more than "Friends with more guys and a 20-minute commercial". The parts could be interesting, and who knows, it could surprise us all, but I honestly don't expect too much out of this.
  11. Yeah, the Y-joint by far. Until the Agori showed up, it was pretty much impossible to do anything in constraction without it, and even today with CCBS it's still an incredibly useful part.
  12. We are talking about a species that can disassemble and reassemble themselves. Their idea of gore is different from ours. The Bohrok have lost their organic parts, so it's not considered gory or disgusting because they're just spare parts. It's not like wearing somebody's bones, more like borrowing somebody's jacket.
  13. Another question is the idea of teleportation. Supposedly, it takes you apart and puts you back together. Well, it would have to save everything about you while you teleport so it can put you back together. Second, it would have to move your molecules very quickly for it to be faster than just flying where you want to go. Third, the molecules need some way to get through all the other matter between you and your destination, say, the walls of your fortress, and without losing random molecules here and there, so you might need to add intangibility to that list (I suppose the Kualsi doesn't have this feature, so it's line-of-sight only). Finally, it has to put you back together exactly the way you were, with sufficient precision to avoid genetic damage or memory loss. So any idea how this all works?
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