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Everything posted by Dralcax

  1. Presumably taking off and reattaching a limb is like dismantling and reassembling a car engine, if you don't know what you're doing then it's not going to work when it comes back together. And unless you can precisely manuever a tiny screwdriver on your own shoulder at ludicrous speeds, detaching your own limbs is the worst combat tactic ever.
  2. The gold and silver is a little annoying, but my biggest gripe is how excessively wide his shoulders are. They're much wider than the Hulk chestplate, and it just looks ridiculous. Also, the claws look kinda derpy, yeah they make a hammer, but I would prefer them to look more like claws and not flipped-over shovels.
  3. Tahu. He's just generic fiery leader guy. And not even that great of a leader.
  4. Give it an actual cohesive plot and not just the random fantasies of a child in cartoon form. Change the story around quite a bit to give civilians some screen time and make them more than just something for the Heroes to save. In fact, make the Heroes normal robots who volunteered to have a core implanted, having Heroes all be factory-made and completely perfect is boring and doesn't send a good message to children. Rotate out the characters a bit, Furno and Stormer get boring after a while. The characters also deserve more interesting and unique personalities, and far fewer plot holes.
  5. Mask packs. Having all those different shapes and color are great for MOCing.
  6. Making it EXACTLY like Hero Factory with the Bionicle name slapped on it.
  7. My OCD tells me it should be Kopeke because Ice, but realistically, Takanuva would be the one to join them. In the end, however, that empty spot on the team should be left unoccupied to honor Matoro. It would be kind of mean to just replace him like that.
  8. The regular Nuva hand. The Glatorian/HF hands just look awkward on anything that isn't an armored HF limb, especially in the wrist region, because the ball joint is the actual "wrist" with the HF system but the lower palm on most Bionicle limbs. The Nuva hand is just an incredibly versatile part in general, being able to easily connect ball joints to any Technic part, as well as resembling a hand in the simplest way possible.
  9. For one of my courses my group had to select a movie and find a "knowledge question" in it. I picked Web of Shadows. Getting ready to introduce my partners to Bionicle.
  10. Well, Microsoft isn't going to immediately start making drastic changes, because if they fail, the company's reputation will be pretty much ruined. They'll probably let the devs continue on their own for a while to get a feel for the game and the community and so on before they actually do anything.
  11. All of the 1.0 Heroes, as soon as they came out. I actually built Bulk first, because I thought his gun arm was a cool new articulated piece. I was so disappointed.
  12. Either they moved April Fool's Day to September, or they finally brought it back. All aboard the hype train!
  13. It was just a picture of Krakua, back when my name was krakua91.
  14. Yes, block models were always able to be 3D. You couldn't change them until 1.8 though.
  15. Guys, it's Click. It's definitely Click.
  16. It's going to be really difficult to pick up where the story left off. Especially near when it abruptly stopped, the story had loads of characters running around doing their own thing and these seperate quests had little to do with each other. There are too many characters to keep track of if the storyline was to be unified, but ignoring all the random sidequests would make it feel unfinished. Personally, the way I would approach it is quickly wrapping up a lot of these unneccessary storylines, timeskip ahead a few millenia, and start anew with a new Toa team, a few old characters, and references to old events.
  17. I would have preferred it to improve rather than leaving me, but I haven't paid that much attention to it lately. I agree with the others, it used to be good, with plenty of comics and instructions and other content, now, it's just ads for sets.
  18. Once I was casually taking a shower when suddenly HOLY POOP THERE'S A HUGE CENTIPIDE CRAWLING UP THE SHOWER CURTAIN
  19. HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED... oh wait, wrong game. Seriously, though, this is awesome. Mega Groudon and Kyogre look amazing and Hoenn was always my favorite region.
  20. The Zamor launchers because you can attach a ton of ammo clips and shoot off a lot. Also the mechanism is easier to build into a MOC to fire multiple spheres at once, unlike the Midaks, which pretty much require your finger on the trigger.
  21. Now BUD switches and clocks can be simplified down to three blocks. I should probably clean up some of my redstone now that we have this.
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