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Mare Tranquillitatis

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Everything posted by Mare Tranquillitatis

  1. Amazing. I don't like the back, but the rest is awesome. I love the use of tubes in MOCs and here they're well done. Love the gun and mask, also. By the way, where did you get that particular coloration of the Hau?I really like how you made the hands and the simplicity, yet greatness that you've put into building this. I mean, the design is simple, but, looking closer, one gets thrilled by the amount of details. In my opinion.The other thing I don't like, but this is minor, is that yellow hand on the foot that works as torso.Very creative job with the feet, too. A really good job! 8.5/10
  2. Tried to do a new sig with GIMP. 17,8 MB. Heck.

  3. Hmm, I'd say pretty much everyone. If I had to restrict the field, however, I'd pick the staffies and the people that have come the most in contact with me: Lord Darkon, Taka Nuvia, Boromir, Vataki ( also 'coz he listens to AC/DC ), Hidron Nuva, Alterego and many others I can't remember of. Oh, and of course GregF!
  4. It's a person with a helmet. Race car helmet or army helmet? Vroom-vroom or PEW PEW PEW?
  5. I think he uses them very wisely, but I don't see how this would be annoying only for him. How could, let's say Jaller, recharge his without having to put down his sword?Besides that, I don't think there'll be an answer. I'd go with putting one down and reloading the other.
  6. I really like this one. The only thing I don't like are those two green barrel-like pieces on the back of this simple MOC. They kinda ruin it, in my opinion.The rest is amazing. Since I love black, the color scheme has no flaws. The feet have an amazing design and the arms are awesome. The overall is very well done. Great design is great.
  7. Ah, those military collections are impressive. And that Grunt is amazing.There are also some good MOCs. I love the Flash Fire collection. Oh, I wish there were more photos of that Balrog. I suppose he wasn't allowed to pass.
  8. Pretty much this. There's no rules when MOCing and few tips could be given to a MOCer until he or she starts posting some samples. Your creativity is the only limit. Hard work should be put in the production of them, as well as you shoul find your own style of building MOCs. Try starting with something simple yet impressive, then build your eputation by enhancing the challenge. Make your brain work hard and make treasure of the criticism of the reviewers.You can't be sure until you start. The longest work is the one you never start. Start your MOCing experience and, if results aren't as good as you expected them to be, don't fall down: go on and find out how to improve your skills, keeping in mind to follow both your style and taste and the desires of the public. Hope this was heplful!
  9. Wooo, perhaps I've found the cheapest way to get Halo 4! YAY!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Yep. That's what makes me soooo happy face. I might give back Homefront and get Halo 4. Such an unfair deal, but whatever.

    3. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      Who is offering that?

    4. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      A technology megastore.

  10. Uh, let me see... I think I am not.TPBM can play chess.
  11. Isn't this topic a "post it here" one that doesn't follow the rules above?I'd say "yes". This kind of topic isn't allowed. Not all could be named, due to having forums or, at least, being that capable of advertising them. Whatever, this is a "Post It Here" Topic.I'd recommend you to carefully read the BZP Reference Desk, maxthetrax, or the rules of the specifical subforum the next time you're going to post a topic. Even experienced members do have doubts about BZP'S rules.
  12. "I heard in those places they kill you. Then they eat you ALIVE."

    1. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      "A silly suggestion?"

      "Left a bad impression."

      "Just mental congestion."

      "Sad facial expression."

    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      "There aren't four tenses, Chief - not unless perhaps you're Doctor Who."

      "Pasta, presents, the future and a little bits later."

  13. Do your move, White.

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      Dang!! Second pawn on the left


      (EEEWW!!! I keep speaking Elvish when I do latin, thinking that what I'm reading is Elvish. >:( )

    3. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis


      (h, that's a good thing, I should try it)

    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      Other tower.



      (Haha, my mom kept giving me wierd looks XD)

  14. This. This is very nice. Love that Brock!
  15. Work it harder / Make it better / Do it faster / Makes us stronger

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD
    3. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis


      More than ever / Hour after / Our work is / Never over

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      happy slappy

      chappy cappy

  16. Insanity everywhere... It's spreading through the entire world... And we can't do anything but waiting for it to end... What we'll see next?
  17. 39 years ago J.R.R. Tolkien died. Have a great existence in Aman, Master of all Fantasy Writers.

  18. Pffffffffffffff....Hahahahaha, that was a funny joke, Sumiki! :PSay, who are the Harlem Globetrotters?
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