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Status Updates posted by Soran

  1. Note to self: Don't take sleeping pills. Once I woke up I felt really sluggish, tired, exhausted, and I had a head ache. Darn pills...

  2. Oh how i love my brother's understanding of things, "Crab is from the smell fish family."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      Sounds like something my little brother would say.

      How old is he?

    3. Soran


      My little brother is 12, but he has autism.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  3. Outta curiosity how do you pronounce your name and character's name...?

    1. Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      Oh look, never saw this till now, sorry. The "P" is silent, so it is pronounced Tohlahmiauhs, if thats understandable :P And Ptolemic is just a previous form of that name, where the "P" is again silent.

  4. Pfft, who needs blogs when you got profile feeds? (Besides people who post pictures)

    1. Hexann



    2. BULiK


      uh, ok.


      I'm going to get premier membership mainly for the bold lettering and the rank icons

  5. Problem with daily comics is that you run out of good ideas fast, or when you do have a good idea for a story arc, you have no idea how to end it.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I've never done daily comics, but I know the problem =/

  6. Puns have invaded my comics again. Send help.

    1. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      I hope reinforcements will be pun-ctual.

  7. Recieved my iron man lego minifigure today....barely. Apparently the letter was damaged in shipping, so there was a hole in it. Well luckily the minifigure was in the corner away from the hole. If it wasn't then it would've fallen out during shipping. Fun...

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      Luckily. It would be terrible to lose an esclusive minifigure like that.

    2. Roablin


      Do you like the helmet?

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Awesomeness! You're lucky. Once I ordered a $70 Ultimate Optimus Prime. It was DESTROYED during shipment and I didn't get so much as a refund!

  8. released a Rayg styled kit featuring the villagers from Bionicle 2. Check it out.

  9. Rip Akino Feb 17, 2012- May 8th, 2015. You will be missed.

    1. Soran


      Just kidding.

  10. Rocking out in style right now.

  11. Roses are red, violets are blue, I really hate this poem, and so do you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      Roses are red, violets are blue, if that makes sense, please give me a clue.

      A flower called a Violet, is the color blue, to the person who named it, what's wrong with you?

    3. Soran


      Roses are red, violets are blue, I think TNT won this game, so please scootaloo.

    4. Hexann


      Roses are red, violets are blue, There shall scootalooing, for I call Chuck Norik to destroy you!


      BEAT THAT! XD.

  12. Senpai finally noticed me.

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      It's only been two days...

    2. Soran


      Waiting for Senpai felt like forever.

  13. Should be back in the swing of things near the end of January. For now updates will remain inconsistent until then.

  14. should i make a comic?

  15. So I just finished writing the entire plot for Soran's Comics. It's interesting seeing which characters are most important to the story. It may surprise you.

  16. So it's my birthday today.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vrokorta


      Happy Birthday!

    3. Ghidora131


      Hipy papy bthsdth


      I'll be sure to get you a present.

    4. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Happy birthday :D

  17. So many birthdays in late may-early june. Too many birthday comics to make...

    1. Hexann


      Being born in the summer is GREAT

    2. Soran


      It does have its advantages. It means we can get the new summer Lego Bricks on our birthdays. Everyone can get presents on christmas, but a summer birthday is where its at. Cue sunglasses.

    3. Hexann


      Yes it is

  18. So many things I write can be transformed into symbolism or analogies. For the most part it's normally unintentional. It's also weird.

  19. So uh... Whats the proper way to dispose of a Fruit-cake...? Anyone?

  20. So what's new?

    1. Ghidora131


      *watches WW3 devastate in the distance before closing curtains*


      What? something new?

  21. So, what's new with you?

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Well, I got a drawing computer pad. I've been making backgrounds for some comics.

    2. Soran


      What kind of drawing tablet is it? I'm interested in seeing how well the backgrounds look.

  22. so.... Pineapples.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      I actualy love cactus. I like to drink the juice so I can do funny stuff.

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Who lives in a pineapple under the sea...

    4. Zacian


      Spongebob Squarepants!!!

  23. Someone showed me the ladder to success but I think mine was missing a few steps.

    1. Ghidora131


      Rungs. They're called rungs.

    2. Soran


      It was a stepladder.

  24. Someone told me I accuse people too easily. Well I don't know who he is but he's a filthy liar.

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