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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. IC: JL+CyraxJL turned back to the door. Was the turaga in there? Cyrax turned. Both of them knocked, this time louder.JL: Turaga Vakama?
  2. Hey guys. Have you guys had any problems where the tubes (Mahri tubes, the thing Stormer 2.0 has, and stuff) get really sticky/oily/wet? Because, for some reason, my current ones seem a bit sticky, and whenever I touch them there's a very weird feeling. So, do you guys have this problem, and is there any "Cure"?Also, I've washed the tubes once AFTER I found them sticky and icky. They got slightly better, but their still icky.
  3. Yay! The current top 2 headlines of the Mata Nui Daily, official newsletter of the Mata Nui island in the BZPRPG, is directly related and caused by one of my characters. Hot Butter Baby!
  4. IC: ArgentumArgentum suddenly had a great idea. An idea so sweet, so satisfying to just think of, his heart missed a beat when he thought of hit. And he could execute it now! Simple. Have a talk, to the matoran, and if they agreed, perhaps it would work. Plus, he shadow-infected mask was nowhere to be seen, meaning that for now, the shadows were NOT listening. So, he could do it, couldn't he? The correct wording, the correct person, and he'd be free. Free.Free from Makuta. Ditch him. If he was ditched, his new image would be cripped, right? And plus, it was Argentum's mask which was full of shadows, so if he left it, Makuta can't see him. Isn't that right? So ditch him! Leave him! Be a hero and fight the one who gave you...... Who gave you this massive pain intolerance.How sweet. How nice. How bliss. He looked down, and stared at the matoran, or at least, where his last footsteps were heard. He smiled.Argentum: You have given me ..... unfeeling pain. And yet, its still pain. But what if..... Lets not talk in riddles now. You people are a bit to dumb for that. Lets say I give you all the knowledge I have... in exchange for a chat. With your turaga. No, no. Rather, lets all have a chat with the turaga. I say all the information to your arrogant military leader and your turaga. Then, you cut my bonds on the turaga's notice. Then, I have a chat with her myself, while you all wait for her to come back out.He smiled; This time, he was genuinely happy.Argentum: This is a one time deal. You can continue torturing me while I feel nearly nothing, or you can let me talk.... in exchange for my light coming back.
  5. The only misprint I have ever saw (Saw, not had) was a Vahi which was red.
  6. I washed my entire moc with hot water and nothing bad happened. The only 2 things are 1. I found out that I had put glue inside his brain and 2. His shoulder got a bit more lubricated.
  7. I actually don't have a Holy Grail, seeing as most of the time after I build something, I break them apart for MOC-ing or building new things. However, if I could, I would buy all the T-Series vehicles, along with all the Nuva and Mata sets.
  8. Yes, because not being able to read it because the book store doesn't have it and you can't find it anywhere else sux.
  9. 1. At school, I found Balta sitting on the shelf.2. In Hong Kong, there is a street called 女人街. Literally translated into english, it is "Woman Street". So when my mom took me there, I was pretty surprised to find Vezon standing on a stall.
  10. I would rather have-Small: 3 Turaga, 3 Agori.Canisters: The current ones, except I don't like how they are basically Agori forms. I would have liked it better if they had something better such as something similar to the Hero Factory 2.0 onwards, or stuff like the Toa Metru.Titans: 3, 1 of them a Vehicle+Toa (Helryx?) 1 of them a Vehicle+Glatorian (Ackar?Kiina?) and 1 of them a big Boss fight of the Mata Nui Robot VS Makuta Robot; 2 different bodies, 1 larger than the other.
  11. Pahrak-Kal. Oh, how I wish I was cleverer and had gotten Tahu Nuva. But no, I was stupid.
  12. Thats basically a Inika shoulder put onto the Hero Factory ball joint long pieces. So, there is still a balljoint not being used in the middle. Snap a small piece in if it fits and you're done!
  13. This. Is Awesome.The fingers are a bit skinny, and the legs seem a bit weird if you bend them (Too much black stuff)But this is great! Overall, 9.5/10. Next thin you know, you'll have one which can fit a Toa inside.
  14. They were supposed to blast out and land on/around the island of Mata Nui to get to Metru Nui through Kini Nui. However, while they slept in the codrex, it was fine. However, the great cataclysm, while putting Mata Nui to sleep and activating the Toa Mata, their Toa Canisters malfunctioned, making them simply drift around without any movement. The Toa then slept without their "Life" support systems, making them break apart and lose their memory.Takua then used the Toa Stones created by the Toa Metru to summon them (GG Destiny) so they came.As for other Toa Canisters, they can hold weapons, tools, masks, and have life support hibernation systems (Those freezing things) for long journeys. These should, however, only last for less than a year, so when the Mata slept WITHOUT these systems for over 999 years, they lost their memories.
  15. I like how the 2001 Turaga actually look wiser.
  16. my 2003 Bohrok-Kal one is still here and still stretching.
  17. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Guys, have you ever noticed that when MT makes a falling joke, the victim of the fallHas a ability to fly, and therefore shouldn't be able to fall unless brain damaged?
  18. OOC: Their fine in that they aren't OFF or broken beyond fixing. And for his pain, he's "used" to torture, although he would still feel it. Now, though, he's numbed, so not feeling anything would probably be the reason.Plus, plantlife healing numbs you a lot.IC: ArgentumArgentum snored out loud. As he slept, upside down with broken fingers, he dreamed of shadows. And soon, he woke up, screaming like a fool.Argentum: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  19. OOC: Onarax is right. What point is killing 1 evil if after you kill it you have a few hundred more evils?====IC: ArgentumArgentum looked down at the marines. They seemed to be wanting for his death. He hoped it was given. He wondered if he made a break for it now, could he run away from BOTH Makuta and these fools calling themselves marines. Still, he was bound, so he would need help. And he felt seriously tired.So tired.ZZZZZZZZZ.......
  20. IC: ArgentumArgentum, while not being able to see anything, smiled at what he heard. Toa talking about their code. Hah! And now, here they were, killing everyone they thought were evil. So what, should they kill themselves for being their so called evil? For killing others? Fools. He turned back the the marine.Argentum: Nobody hit on Macku, and I wasn't called to assassinate her, and I wasn't employed. Makuta wants her gone, her secrets told to no-one. But, bear in mind, Makuta wanted her gone. Not dead. She is out of here, her trail gone, thanks to a mission by the Marines. And while you marines are the most horrible group of matoran to ever fight; Let me correct that. To ever risk your lives on something you could just watch; I do hope that you can keep her away. This way, the secrets will never be told unless a minion of Makuta turned to the light.He stared.Argentum: I used to think that was a good idea. I tried. At the end of the try, I am resistant to pain. Like what you are doing with my fingers. Oh, their fine, by the way. Anyways, Makuta wanted her gone from the picture so none of her secrets are told. Same with the others. Tamaru was successfully killed; Gone from the picture permanently. There are just some..... loose ends. Macku, here, is also gone. And if she returns, we'll be back.
  21. OOC: Called latin?IC: ArgentumArgentum looked at the newcomer, or rather, heard him, seeing as he was still in the dark side of the hut. Still, he laughed.Argentum: Again! Proof that you are the worst form of military on the island. And yes, Tamaru was killed by one of my..... associates. 2 of them. A few Toa tried to fight them, and they were tossed around by ragdolls. In the end, he still survived a 4-man onslaught.He turned back to the marines.Argentum: And by the way, no one has hit on Macku, no one will hit on Macku, and no one will even think about it. Y'know why? Because she's Macku. Haha.
  22. IC: ArgentumArgentum watched as, upside down, his fingers were snapped. And he smiled.He. Felt. No. Pain.When he left, all he had to do was use some magnetism, and it would bend back. But for now, he'd be stuck with weird looking fingers. He watched as the matoran struggled with his fingers, trying to break another one. He almost laughed at their vain attempt. How stupid was this? A torturer struggling to break someones fingers. Hah! Finally, he was done, and another marine headed over.Marine: Who put the hit on Macku?Argentum: As the worst form of military of the island, I would have thought that you would THINK you know everything. But nope. Nobody hit Macku; Your black ops people, though, were holding her hands.
  23. I have a Takadox, and I ripped him apart. Other than that, I would like glow in the dark Toa eyes and a glow in the dark Zamor sphere.
  24. This was actually great. You have the same thought as me - that Jaller is the real herald, and he was the one meant to bring the mask to Takua. And Takua was not the herald.
  25. Subsitute MLP for girls.Whats wrong with liking girls? Nothing.Same thing - whats wrong with liking MLP? Nothing. Males watching it watch it because they enjoy it, even if their doing it for "I like messing around".I don't see the problem with it, how you are sickened by people liking it is just past me.
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