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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. Mmmmm. A V-3ry happy halloween indeed. I'll be watching this. Junkyard has the best costume out of all of you. Until it falls apart because Junkyard forgot the "Made in China" logo. Mmm. If its there, that is.I'm not racist.To myself.
  2. ... If only I had all those sets to use for stopmotion. Now I lack pieces for cool MOCS and only have a very nice stopmotion creator.
  3. OOC: Anyone can Auto-hit me at seizing me, since that would work pretty well for me. Unless you disrupt me or something in which case we all take a swim. Now, Muahahahahha! Time to have some fun! Magnetic currents FTW! IC: Argentum Argentum realized immediately his cover had been broken, and stared down at the tablet. He only managed to catch that someone in Le-Koro had been killed. Part of the Chronicler's Company. Argentum looked at the turaga, looked at the Toa around him, and looked at the matoran on, and looked down in regret. Argentum:.... I'm sorry. If anything, know that if there is a fight, it will not harm your village. But there will be a fight, unless you let me kill Macku. Just as suddenly as he was in sadness and self-pity, he turned into rage, as his duty overcame his self-pity of joining the shadow. Creating a magnetic current, The assassin plowed through the exit of the hut with much more powerful alarming force, and as he ran over to the center of the village, he turned around, staring at the forces who had chased him. For some apparent reason, his emotional self-pity version of himself managed to pop-up again, and he could just imagine is Makuta-sided self screaming to his "main" self the words 'Not good! Be evil! Be veeery evil!' Argentum: Alright. Finally having a fun fight, even though it hasn't started. However, I'm not a cold hearted freak like all of my.... friends... are. If we are to fight, we do it outside. If we aren't to fight, well, I'll take Macku and murder her somewhere else. And, as I said, tell everyone I'm sorry. Alright, there, I said it. I'm a self-pitying cool dude, okay? But you see, I still have a job to do, and if I fail this time, at least you will know what happens when it works. And with that, he created a massive magnetic current spinning around him, like planets orbiting a sun. Toa, Matoran, weapons all spun around him, free to move their bodies but unable to move away. Argentum wondered what he would do now. Attack them? Throw them away? He would look for their reaction first. Argentum: Now... talk. What do you all know about the Temple? Of the Chronicler's Company? And what will you do to me... now? With that word, he stepped into the center of the village lily pads, matoran and toa spinning around him, and using more magnetic fields, he pulled away all their weapons. He realized that this was starting to be annoying - not hard, but annoying, like having to turn around and say "Work like this!" while going the other way and saying " WORK!!!!". However, all was fine soon as he managed to keep the magnetic waves working with each other, not against each other..... and weapons were held facing their opponent. One move saying elemental powers were being used, and he would try to slap the weapon on their hands.
  4. IC: JL After a few minutes of getting stepped on, JL got himself up heavily, and to some shock to the villagers who had been standing right on him thinking he was just stone thanks to all the dust on him. JL looked around, and saw that it was night. He asked one of the Ta-Matoran where the closest medic was, and soon headed to that direction. After a few moments of finding a locating the store, he headed over. And immediately, he saw a horrid sight. He ran over to punch the female standing in the way, and forgot that he was heavily tired. IC: Cyrax Cyrax had been watching the 2 talk to each other, and she could already see that the Toa of Fire was slightly messing with his friend. Still, being weak and all, she wondered how long they would take. But she wasn't at all feeling weak when the punching sound came, as her adrenaline came in and her rival threw a punch at her. Immediately, a crystal wall stood up between them, and Cyrax saw JL punch right into it. JL fell, extremely tired from wasting too much energy and taking the few hits at the Le-Koro fight.Cyrax fell, exhausted from the Ta-Koro fight, wasting too much energy hurling crystals. Both of them sprawled on the ground, the crystal wall broke, Cyrax having made it just milliseconds ago, and both Toa started taking a nap, kicking each other unconsciously. OOC: Katuko, you might find me Cyrax and JL on the ground, in front of Virthee's medical thingy. I wonder what they would do now. Biobeast/TDC has right to auto-hit both of my characters a lot. You can always drag them in or something, then go back to sleep. Cyrax is also probs gonna be looking at Turaga Vakama soon, and JL just might be her unwilling... associate.
  5. OOC: Since you guys pretty much left hours before me, I'll take it I enter hours after you. Thats the reason I hate timezones. Pretty annoying. Also, find JL slumped on the ground.---IC: Cyrax Cyrax looked at Virthee and sleepy Miha, wondering if they can really handle the night shift. Cyrax: I can come back in the daylight if you want, but it would be convenient if I had a checkup or something and I was ready to move by tomorrow. Might have to fight again. And also, I need to find a certain matoran who can bring me to Vakama.---IC: JL from Le-Koro JL walked into the forests of Ta-Wahi, and by that time, thanks to the night time light, he was able to find the location of Ta-Wahi. And his muscles burned like they were being roasted. He felt like all his muscles burned, even after what had happened. After a long time's walk, he managed to find Ta-Koro.... and he slumped to the ground.
  6. OOC: Since you guys left so long before me I take it I can walk there in time. JL to Ta-Wahi for real.
  7. OOC: Hey, guys, since such a long time has passed, I'm guessing that right now its about somewhere at the start of the night time. Please? Because Virthee's med-ward probably won't be open at this time, and plus, it fits with othar characters. IC: Cyrax Cyrax woke up from her little nap. She tried to get up, and pain ached through all her biological parts. Bad. She moved her arms and legs - each of the muscles burnt, and she could still feel her powers drained. Looking out the window and seeing a bunch of stars and matoran still walking around, she decided it must be just a little bit into the night. She headed out, and after a short walk, found where she wanted to be. Virthee's Medical Ward. Virthee's hospital. Whatever he called it. She knocked on the door, and heard a loud moaning sound. Cyrax: I need... a check up? Hello? Is there a healer in there? Or at least someone.. who knows that they are doing?
  8. OOC: Looks like a team is forming! IC: JL JL watched as the others headed down the hut, conversing. He listened, and decided to talk to the one who had spoken about that he had heard in the tree-hut. JL: (Whisper) Hey, uh, I'm really sorry about this, but as I was using my Arthron to spy on the ones who killed Tamaru, while I managed to glean that they had managed to reanimate the Toa of Air who had died in the fight, I also managed to hear what you said... about Kopeke and the others. I swear, it wasn't meant to be. Although JL HAD been curious. Still, he decided that this would be the best way. JL: Since we are all heading to Ta-Koro, I guess I'll just head on out with you guys. After all, Tamaru's killers were ones who I fought. I was responsible for his death, and it shall by myself who will gain redemption. And if you will accept me as a fellow member of this team, I guess unity must be formed. He stared at the others. JL: I knew Merror, Pirok and you (LoJak) from around 1 day ago. Everyone else (Snelly and friends(Why is it that when I think Snelly, I think Smelly? No offense, but its just too similar.)) I have just met while mourning for a matoran. I guess if we are to fight well as a team, we must know each other. And with that, JL told them of his story, of his skills, of his weaknesses, and finally, the 1 thing that he knew required - to ask for trust. To be able to trust the others and to be able to be trusted.
  9. OOC: @Toa Onarax, I am there at the top of the line. Nokama's son is there forced to be at the end of the line. We lined up before you (Although he is behind you), so unless you could teleport and cheat, NO U! IC: Argentum Argentum: Uhhh, Turaga? I know it must have been stressful, but could you give me hints on the Chronicler's company... and the secrets they hide? There are rumors of temples and some kind of virtue of each Temple. It would be useful to know of these information; I would really benefit in helping my....friend from this.
  10. IC: JL While not completely meaning to, JL had inadvertently heard everything they were had said in the hut... with some complications. It wasn't every day when you were trapped in sound waves! However, as he sat just outside the hut, he realized that if this information let slip, Kopeke WOULD die. JL wanted to die.
  11. IC: Argentum Finally getting a chance to proceed, Argentum hurtled himself to the start of the line. Argentum: Turaga, apparently, there's a large.. chill on the island. People are speaking things. And the majority of this stems from the chroniclers company giving hints. He timed a pause for effect and managed to create a awkward silence. Argentum: Is Macku here? I wanna talk.
  12. - JL -

    Zaktan's Tale

    WHERE DID MY POST GO????? Oh, thats right! It tripped on a pebble and died. Period. Anyways, this would have been slightly better with more, uhm, screaming.
  13. OOC: Imagine Merror saying " I don't want to go." 10th Doctor Final Sentence style. IC: JL As JL heard the sounds of a lot of different things, one thing in particular troubled him. It seemed that he was right, and the necromancer had survived. As he tried to find where the laugh had originated from, he found that it was at the location where he had blasted the ground with a lightning bolt to create Proditor's grave. Proditor's dead body. If JL's suspicion was true, then- JL: Pirok, I think Proditor's being re-animated. And he realized that if there were any combat situations between the two, something bad might happen.
  14. Thankyou, JL. .....In the time I wrote 4/5 did 20 posts suddenly pop up? I was directing that to a fellow Toa Zehvor. Hmm. Weird. Anyways, yeah, 4/5. Again. Punt the Vehicular Matrix.
  15. OOC: That seemed like a lot of auto-hitting. And as for this "preventing not only necessary damage" When was it necessary? Also, if you're busy, assign another person to do all of these NPCRP-ing. Or something. Like Emzee with Tamaru, Dieing a good death. IC: Cyrax As she lay on the bed, she remembered what exactly she was here for. First, a talk with Turaga Vakama. Then, a talk with the fire matoran who had been in the Chroniclers company. Finally, a talk with Jaller. She wondered what to do first. As the night began to sink in, Cyrax also started feeling sleepy and tired. The first thing to do, she decided, would be to visit a medic.
  16. 4/5 Know you, but not well.
  17. IC: JL JL listened intently with his Arthron, happy that his mask could help him listen, albeit make several echoes. They didn't speak, though. OOC: You don't know this, so you better not run away.
  18. IMO, some of the masks can be done a bit better, and Tahu's head seemed to be a bit jutting forwards. Im an cool dude. How do people make comics with these??
  19. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Probably the CWE. Anyways, nice way of using a quiz which basically lost its use once your birthday was over. It was a birthday present from PB, and the last question basically made it a 1 day celebratory usage. Anyways, another nice chappy. Oh! Hey! Bonus scene is linking itself all the way towards The Void?? Heh.
  20. Finally hauled myself to write. I HATE MYSELF! I just hate staying awake at 4 AM and not being able to fall asleep.... fully knowing tmrw is going to be the start of Focus Week, kinda like a field trip, except Its a week long for me. I wish I was at Canada with my mac and internet. Then, I can talk to you guys without having to stay awake so much. Not like I want to, it just happens! I drank too much coke! And tomorrow I will need more, but then I'd stay awake again! Whats with me! I'll stay midget for life! Halloween Special: A V3ry H4ppy H4110w33n! Its the night of Oct 31, and everyone is staying up. Inside the city, Matoran prank each other while giving each other candy, and as the Bionicles living in the apartment head out for trick or treating with humanity, Pridak decided to trick everyone. He lay on a bed, with a bedsheet of spider webs, and with moans of pain. Tahu Nuva walks past, and as you can all guess.... its not a good day for them both. Pridak: Ohhhh! Uhhh, the pain!Tahu Nuva: What pain. And get off that stupid bed.Pridak: Great pain! I can't move! And these cobwebs-Tahu Nuva: No. Tissue with tape on them. Not webs. We aren't stupid, Pridak.Pridak: Oh, the Irony.Tahu Nuva: Feeling well, are we?Pridak: UhhH! Ahhh! The pain! Plastic cancer!Tahu Nuva:... What?Pridak: I can just see it all, blacking out! The pain!Tahu Nuva: You don't have pain, and its blacking out because the sun is going down.Pridak: No! You must save me! The pain! It hurts!Tahu Nuva: I'll save you when I get the cure. As Tahu Nuva walks out into the living room, he finds several Barraki reading a sheet of paper. Kalmah: Dear Pridak. My name is Dr. Kadirp.Tahu Nuva: *Facepalm*Kalmah: We here at Ikarrab medical division have found a cure for plastic cancer. However, we are not sure if it will work fine and we need a very nice, dashing test subject.Tahu Nuva: *Facepalm* What a disgrace.Carapar: Uhhhhhh...... first time mail got Pridak?Nocturn: First time Pridak got mail. About cancer, wow! I wonder why. Our great leader must be a hero, having helped create this!Kalmah: We would like you to inject yourself with this serum. However, to make it work, you need a massive amount of tiny living organisms named kcubs-Tahu Nuva: Do any of you see the stupidity of this? Living organisms of Bucks? Does he really want money?Kalmah: Be quiet. *Ahem* These organisms live only on one thing: Money. You will have to take all your money, and inject it into yourself.Nocturn: Huuuuuh! We must help our great leader! Please, Tahu, give us all your money?Tahu Nuva: I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. --- Tahu: So, what are we gonna do when we the sun comes down?JL: Trick or treat.Tahu: And how do we do that? We live in an apartment - we have to go up and knock, and then we'd just stand there.JL: Do you not know of the myth?Tahu: What?JL: My god. You don't know!Tahu: So?JL: You're stupid!Tahu: .....JL: No offence.Tahu: What about this myth.JL: Here, a scroll. A scroll, carried by 2 Vahki, is dragged out of nowhere. "" Legend of the Master of Halloween.Hundreds of years ago, a king of "" JL: Wait a second. Why are we even doing this?Tahu: Doing what?JL: This! Celebrating halloween! Its just ..... boring!Tahu: What did you say???JL: Its boring. Plus, their sweets. Sweets! Who on earth enjoys sweets? They never sell any good ones in this human city. All the people who work at 7-11 are cool dudes! *FLASHBACK*Toa Vakama Hordika: Welcome to 7-11 how may I help you?*FLASHBACK ENDS*Tahu: But its halloween! We have to?JL: Who said? Its boring! Its annoying! Its so.... friggin sleepy. *Dozes off while standing with his eyes open* He was slapped awake by a Vahki. JL: Hm? Tandoori Curry Chicken? Huh? Oh.... Hey, Tahu. What happened to when you died?Tahu: What?JL: Y'know, *yawn* When you were impaled by a tree branch and then smashed into by a car, and then held hostage by a policemen even though you were dead.Tahu:............. --- Tahu Nuva: Why.... do I have to do this. The Toa of fire turned around to look at the claws and swords of each Barraki present. Tahu Nuva: *Sigh* Pridak! You got mail! He walks into the bedroom, and shut the door. He tossed onto the bunch of tissues a piece of letter. Pridak: What? Oh, the pain! *Reads letter in 2 seconds* Oh, yes! A cure! (Jumps out of bed) Please, give me the money! I really need it!Tahu Nuva: Not much pain now, eh?Pridak: Ahhhh!! Im dying! I'm so dying! I'm so drunk!Tahu Nuva: How do you get dru- wait, so you're the one who stole my 6-pack beer?...........................Pridak:... Uh oh. 20 seconds later, Pridak is sprinting away from a bunch of C4, his bottom on fire.Tahu Nuva: NO PAIN NOW, EH!Pridak: IT WAS JUST A TRICK OR TREAT!Tahu Nuva: YOU WERE GONNA TAKE MY MONEY! --- Tahu: You mean you had a 3 hour dream while all you were asleep for a second?JL: No, I mean I saw you die.Tahu: I can't die.JL: Really? How, some miraculous god is going to save you from death after you are impaled from the back by a very long and sharp stick?Tahu: No....JL: Yeah. Also, Lewa's making a move on Gali, apparently.Tahu: WHAT? That guy better not do anything, or he's gonna get his butt kicked so hard he'll land in an alternate dimension. (Runs Away)JL:.... Trick or treat! Hmmm.... That's weird.Takanuva: (Walks over) What's weird?JL: Halloween. When has it ever been about tricking or treating? That was just because a bunch of sadistic kids decided to do big-people stuff and get candy. If it were me, I'd beat them up.Takanuva: So? We get to prank people!JL: I know! Remember when we hosed on the Rahaga?Takanuva: You mean a few minutes ago?JL: Yeah! Its fun! Enjoyable! Not like the very scary feeling you should be getting when its halloween!Takanuva: You could always go to those scary places, y'know, kinda like a house which people walk through, and then they are scared with chainsaw killers and jars of eyeballs.JL: Yeah, but its not about this. Its about fear! Death! Killing people and roasting them for dinner! -- Antroz was not keen on this. Here he was, sitting in his newly bought car, which he had bought with the stolen money. Of course, that was the perfect plan. Until he realized he couldn't drive. Not that he couldn't push the pedals.Shadows could push them. Problem was, he didn't know how to drive around. He had resorted to finding a booklet to teach him, and he had drove the car to the shop. Apparently, he was now a Halloween haunted car, having destroyed property. Lots of it. So he had called over Vamprah to teach him how to drive. Vamprah, however, probably didn't know how to drive herself. Vamprah: Alright, I flew here as fast as I could because you promised me the Steak dinner. Now, why do you need me?Antroz: I don't know how to drive.Vamprah:....Antroz: What?Vamprah: What evil villain doesn't know how to drive? Apart from that one, of course. ==Fire Lord: I am not a NUB!!!== Antroz: But I was never taught!Vamprah: Oh, you sissy. You don't need to teach. Here, I'll teach you. You got the pedals and stuff?Antroz: Yeah.Vamprah: Alright. Drive that way. They headed out onto the road. Vamprah: Why are you slowing down?Antroz: Theres a stop sign.Vamprah: Don't worry. Stop sign, just a suggestion. No one will hit you. Antroz gunned the engine, right past the stop sign. A car beside him suddenly swerved, screaming out a cuss word at the "Prankers" as he crashed. Vamprah: See? No one hit you. Ahh. Why did that guy go so slow? Alright, honk the horn.Antroz: I'm pretty sure we're in a school zone. We shouldn't go fast.Vamprah: Its ok. Children run fast. They approached a car which had stopped in front of a kids passing. Vamprah: Go around. Go around! Antroz blasted right past, where a kid wearing a haunted halloween mickey mouse costume screamed like a sissy, and was tossed up high in the air. He landed very painfully, scaring another 10 kids. Vamprah: Alright. Get on the highway.Antroz: Thats an off-ramp.Vamprah: Its a shortcut! Now, get on before someone gets off! The car drove up the off ramp, causing one car to swerve and stop, which caused another car to crash into it. Both exploded, creating a Skullface of flames. People honked, mad at the horrible drivers.Vamprah leaned out the window, and shouted backwards. Vamprah: Wow, you guys blind? Drive carefully! We don't want any deaths! Fool! Alright. Slow down.Antroz: But I'm under the speed limit!Vamprah: Everyone on the highway drives fast. So you must be very careful. Antroz slowed down, and 2 cars behind him kept on honking at the Halloween pranker. Behind them, a car swerved to avoid impact... and another car crashed into it, going up in flames of fury. Vamprah: Alright, change the lane. Change the lane. Antroz peered out the window, at the rear-view mirror. Vamprah: Why are you peering out of the window?Antroz: I'm shoulder checking!Vamprah: Don't worry. Keep your eye on the road. Antroz changed lane, pushing a car to the other side of the freeway, which caused another car to fly off the road... into the ocean. Vamprah: Take a left.Antroz: I can't! Its a one way street.Vamprah: Its ok, we are going one way! Antroz turned left, and all the cars heading to the right swerved and crashed. More victims to a Halloween night. Death and pain. Vamprah: Alright. Park the car. Antroz drove the car into a parking space, taking up 2. He shifted it to reverse. Another car honked at him and drove away. Antroz: Alright. Lemme straighten out-Vamprah: No. You take up 2 spaces and nobody can scratch your car!Antroz: Alright, Vamprah. Thanks for teaching me how to drive.Vamprah: You're very lucky! You see all those accidents just now? Just stupid people!...... Now, for my steak dinner. Antroz tossed Vamprah a frozen piece of meat which he had stolen from the meat-cutter. Antroz: Fry it yourself. (Walks into Apartment.)Vamprah: You don't fry steak, stupid! You owe me, spike-face! ---- JL watched the TV, showing around 6 accidents with explosions and fires. JL: Yes! Death! Fear! Its happening! Its happening! Halloween! Its here!Kopaka: No.JL: Huh? Tell me why no.Kopaka:... No.JL: Yeah, well, that means I'm correct. Real Halloween!Kopaka: ..No.JL:... I bet you can't say anything other than no, thanks to some psychological problem. Am I right?Kopaka: No.JL: Well, can you tell me why are you saying no so many times?Kopaka: No.JL: Are you trying to be repetitively repetitive?Kopaka: No....JL: Or make me mad? Really mad? Because I'm about to kick you right now.Kopaka: Nope.JL: I kick you! JL kicked Kopaka. ---Tahu Nuva is on fire. Literally. And his sword is on Pridaks neck, who was being pushed into a wall with a bladed choke. Tahu Nuva: REALLY? AND YOU STOLE ALL THE MONEY ALREADY? You expect me to give you money... which we don't HAVE? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?Pridak: No! It wasn't me who stole the money! It wasn't! Please, believe me!!!!Tahu Nuva: And my 6 pack? You stole my 6 pack!Carapar:.... Uhhhh.... Methinks you have no abs.Tahu Nuva: No, my 6 pack beer! This cool dude got himself drunk just to make it look like he got cancer! It doesn't even look like cancer!Pridak: No! I didn't steal anything! He did (Points at the guy who enters through the door, AKA Antroz)Tahu Nuva:... YOU STOLE ALL MY MONEY?Antroz: Oh darn! How'd you find me? (Runs out of door)Tahu Nuva: Come back!!!.....Pridak: I can't believe that worked out so well.Mantax:... Yeah. But we don't have money.Pridak: Oh, we'll find another plan. We always do.Ehlek: May I remind you that we find another plan because our old ones always fail?All: Shut up, Ehlek!
  21. *Sigh* Are there any evil people in Ga-Koro? Also, if we want Tucky to take control of a NPC for interaction, do we just... wait? Or do we PM?
  22. OOC: Go on. I just hope nothing happens to the Chroniclers Company...... No, really. IC: JL JL watched as they walked off. JL: If I can, please let me come. But if you would rather not have me, that is fine. Curiosity won out. And he realized that as all this was speaking, he had forgot to do one thing. Maybe THAT was why he was so tired, although he wasn't actually focusing on it.
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