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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. Depends on what Firepower means.TPBM is male.
  2. In soviet russia you aren't in soviet russia.I was American and I were in the same timezone.
  3. Win. Just.... win. Wouldn't that have turned into the current BZRPG?
  4. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Actually, couldn't we have like some kind of Main Villain from each comedy to be part of it? Then, each comedy land would be RPed just as much, as long as each comedyland has enough connections to the enemies of their own comedy, which would be vital to taking down the entire order.Next, instead of having just 1 "Main" Enemy, have more smaller "Subset" enemies with "sub quests" and bosses, along with standalone bosses (E.g. Some dragon guarding a hoard in a mountain, for anyone to set foot in to fight, but with no storyline)For a subset enemy/subset storyline idea, you say that one of the subset storylines is a Jewel Hunt inspired by IAMH except perhaps you need to find clues instead of a magical Gem-Detector-3000.
  5. No, not Icarax.Makutatron.And I loved Nihiscream being picked on. If I hadn't had a half-split personality, I would have laughed so hard my stomach muscles would turn into a 6-pack.
  6. Granted, but then you try to experiment on it so much to find new things you become vile and selfish, trapping all those nice people in cages, and when they finally break out with help of some random hero, they poop on you.I wish I was in america.
  7. OOC: I'll just say that Argentum is currently in the most tight and tied up security... ever, with no means of escape (Except for exterior help) and massive binds. Also, Venen should help in this! If 1 person had to be taken down by around 4 people (Plus lots of Timezone lag) what can 2 people do?Apart from the fact that we don't know where Macku is (Removed from game temporarily)..... something.IC: ArgentumArgentum woke up, dazed. He sat on a chair, his arms twisted behind him. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't move at all. Weird. He moved his hands, and realized what it was.Binds made of stone, wood and vines, very thick and very powerful, circled his arms. What better way to stop him from magnetically leaving - any time he tries and and he'll pop his own hands off. While he couldn't see his legs, he decided that they were the same. He looked around, seeing the Turaga behind some kind of desk. He tried to move, and realized he was significantly weakened. His mask.He looked around the hut, and couldn't find it. Fustrated, he tried to turn around, and instead made a small weird noise. Not caring now, he used his magnetism to turn him around.WHUMP!He fell face first onto the lily pad just outside of the hut, his mask visible but under very tight security from these so-called marines, who were holding spears and daggers right at him. Of course, they wouldn't harm him, but why not lower their sense of security?Argentum: At least I can see my mask, now, *Something Muffled*....As Argentum started to make jumping motions to push himself back into the hut, one of the matoran kicked him. He smashed backwards, and landed with his feet sticking upwards the air.Darn. Now he couldn't move without using his magnetism. And he wasn't really keen on that.
  8. OOC: Do Toa and Matoran even EAT Food? Anyways, quoting this: "Be sure to keep him hopped up," Tarotix said with caution. "And don't tell him where we went. The guard doesn't need a repeat of our little battle royale."He knows. He's just unconscious. Until now; They're waking up. I hope the medical stuff ends soon, anyways. Trip to the Turaga never hurts.IC: JL The Toa of Lightning started to wake up. His eyes were blurry, and he could make out a Le-Matoran walking around him. He felt slightly better, and he could actually feel the tingling sensation of his energy recharging thanks to the massive waste. But as he tried to sit up, to test it out, he realized that the drug was also a muscle relaxant.He couldn't move.IC: CyraxCyrax opened her eyes. She felt a bit better, at least better than when she was out. She tried to turn... and realized that she still couldn't move. However, as her thoughts wandered, small crystals began to form in the air. She destroyed them.
  9. IC: JLJL woke up groggily to face a big fat cup and its contents spewing into his mouth. Knowing it was something about the medical procedure and whatever, he drank it all. *Blub Blub Blub*As he felt a numbing effect, JL realized it was a sleep-inducer, and as he tried to ask how long it would be, all that came out of his mouth was "Huh Bluhblahbluh!"What he didn't realize was that he would feel like puking, and for approximately the next hour and a half, he would be having dreams of vomiting in Makutas face.IC: CyraxCyrax looked around, and all she managed to see was the matoran who had promised her a talk with the Turaga talking with Virthee.She slumped back into unconsciousness.
  10. Yay. Penguins are awesome! Anyways, the party started and Kurakhzon is a coward. Thats new.
  11. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Ok, for the "Different Villains" Vote, why not just have some kind of "Brotherhood of Comedic Villains", in which the "main" villain of a comedy involced is in this rag-tag team of evils and ebils. Quote: iBrow: ...they seriously ditched us while we were on that Zehvor mission? (explained when A2 on BZP launches) A2 on BZP launched. Another Re-Nice chapter. And a nice PB part. Ninja move by, uhhh, PB. Drones! Hahahaha!
  12. IC: Cyrax + JL Both Toa started to wake up, oblivious to the fact they were in Virthee's med ward. Still, JL felt a massive ache in his head. He turned around, and started screaming out insults at Cyrax, who turned and did the same. JL: Why the karz are you here?Cyrax: No, why are you here?JL: Why are you here, then?Cyrax: No, I was here first! Why are you here!JL: To glean information about the Makuta.Cyrax: Well, then we're doing the same thing. A awkward silence befell them. Cyrax: I'm going first-JL: I'm going with you. The Turaga first, and then the captain of the guard, and finally anyone else related.Cyrax: I was here first! I helped in a big fight, and I should be honored!JL: Oh yeah? And where were you when Tamaru was being assassinated? Throwing your little shiny things while I was getting beaten up repeatedly!Cyrax: Then you were weak!JL: No, and you know it! I defeated you once!Cyrax: I defeated you twice!JL: That one time where you pushed me into a pond in Ko-Koro is NOT defeating me, mischief queen.Cyrax: Oh, yeah?JL: Oh, yeah. Both of them slumepd back into their beds, tired. ... ... JL: I'm coming with you.Cyrax: The karz with that.
  13. OOC: This. Is why I hate being chinese. Just, type one thing, then boom! Before you even have a chance to counter-attack, everyone had ganged up upon you. Then, you're back, and for some reason everyone who types things will be asleep.... until I am asleep! Ayaah. Can't wait for Focus week to end so I can use my mac at 8 AM - where everyone posts. So I guess I'll do this. BLAME IT ON DEH LAG (Timezone lag) Also, @Tucky... I reserve the right to say "I was being a good RP-er" at your remark about not acknowledging Kalama. IC: Argentum Argentum looked at the knife. He then realized that the "Son" of Nokama was still on his back, and as he spun, trying to mess up Magnetism to force him to let go and threaten to pull him apart, a few arrows hurtled towards him. He managed to warp them, just enough to stop him from being impaled by the elemental energy inside them-but not enough to stop him from hurtling into the ground. As he fell, he was drenched. *SPLASH* Spluttering, Argentum fiddled with his mask, nodding his head like crazy... until landing right in front of a punching Tarakava. *WHUMP* Argentum flew backwards, his mask a few feet away. As he started to fade from unconsciousness, all he could say of was - "If you take me, at least put my mask where I can see it." And with that, he slumped to the ground. It felt good to slip into unconsciousness - it had been a fun fight, at least challenging. Unlike the years before where his enemies had been the wood he was chopping and the axe he was using to chop the wood. Still, as he started getting dragged, his mind started to wander, and he started to spin around and up and down like a rag-doll thanks to his magnetism, annoying all the matoran and Toa who were dragging him towards the Turaga's hut.
  14. OOC: Argentum is..... quite a bit levitating ATM.... so how you managed to rake me, I dunno. Argentum looked at the swipe. It came closer... closer.... It dropped like a stone, and then faster than a stone, like whatever it is that the mask of gravity had made the guy weigh. *PLOP*
  15. IC: JL JL started sitting up again, only to be felled by the might hammer. *WHUMP* The Toa of Lightning slumped back to sleep.
  16. OOC: Most of the weapons I don't worry about. I have meatshields! (Anyone in my way)---IC: Argentum Argentum stood in the center of the village, and looked at the Matoran around him. And he smiled. It had been a great time in this fight..... and while he had been a selt-pitying person, he couldn't give up on fun such as this. Taking hold of his spear, he caused everyone's gravity to be heightened with his mask, and as they started to sink, he started to rise by creating a magnetic wave to push him up. He turned around, and shrugged. Grabbing hold of one weapon with his magnets, It started to... create inactive magnetic rings all around it. Deciding to aim it, and then fire the small little spear, Argentum looked for a new target. Little did he know of Kalama - stuck to him.
  17. IC: Cyrax + JL Both of them sputtered awake at the same time, and managed to find them on a bed. As they started to fidget, they saw each other and started bickering again. Both of them sat back into their beds soon, and all JL slipped back into unconsciousness.
  18. (Im pretty sure its) Chapter 21: A new fight - this time, a long one. Mebiox, Titan of Space, walked into the apartment. Not one person living there stopped him. He examined Zaktan trying to peel a banana. He watched as Brutaka slipped on the banana. And he watched as Zaktan and Brutaka starting fighting, destroying the banana.What he came for would be cake. Easy to slice, easy to destroy. But destroy? As the first step against the Titan war, he would ravage their city. Destroy it? Yes. Change it, morph it, everything. Space can do that. Change all that space.As he walked through the corridor, he watched as Tahu and Tahu Nuva starting to sword fight in the middle. Not caring for the damage, he walked right in between them; The red hot fires did nothing to the armored calves of Mebiox, and both Toa of Fire suddenly had their great "What The" That they would ponder for the rest of their lives. But for now, the invisible Titan headed over towards the living room; and therefore, the Toilet. The massive, 3 foot tall Titan stepped in. While he would have been massive to the Toa and Matoran, he was not large at all with the other 11 Titans. In fact, he was the second youngest-the youngest, and also the leader, was his brother, the Titan of time. Still, powerful as they were, they still had laws to follow, in order to not destroy the balance between order and chaos. Who would want that? War forever, death forever, and nothing to rule. Ruling. Yeah, that was what the titans wanted. To rule. Mebiox stepped into the city, made of lego bricks, plastic and aluminum. Mebiox tried to think back to the rules. The ancient rules of Chaos and Order. What were they? He managed to remember 1. Just a 1 - pretty good for being dead AND trapped while dead. Having been defeated once by heroes, he had hated being chained with his annoying brothers while his cousins, The controllers, Fate and Destiny, had stood by eating the greatest food produced in that time age. The rule he remembered was this: Nobody not in the fight were not to be harmed unless they were in the way of the fight. And with that, Mebiox moved the space of all the citizens of the city into a house in the US, scaring a bunch of people out of a house, and scaring the few hundred Matoran, Toa, Vahki and whatever else was in the city into unconsciousness. Or was that from the nausea? Hmmm. Mebiox wondered. He closed the teleporters, and closed the hole in front of his eyes so he wouldn't be seeing the house. He looked at the city, held out his hands, and in front of him were a criss-cross of flames. Mebiox turned around, enveiling himself, to stare at the two Toa of Fire he had just pushed around. Tahu widened his eyes. Several others in the room dropped their candy and teddy bears. Stormer 3.0 dropped his NDS, and a splinter flew towards Mebiox.A portal opened in the trajectory of the shard and another behind Stormer. There was a loud smack as Stormer 3.0 was impaled by his own NDS. Stormer 3.0: Argh! Mutilated by my own gaming device! Mebiox stared around him. Warriors of the UBA. Focusing half his energy of transformation, he turned to fight them. And fight them he did. Cake, Satay sauce and chocolate chip cookies were thrown at Mebiox, whose portals made everyone hit themselves. Mebiox looked at all the unconscious plastic beings, and then took a look at himself. He was plastic too, at least in this world. In the other world he was going to right now, he would turn back into a warrior. He finished creating the portal, and leaped in. The only person who followed was JL, who had just come in holding donuts. JL looked around, looked at the portal, and realized at once what was happening. ======== The present. JL looked around him, on the island of Mata Nui. He looked down on the floor, and saw the massive hole shaped just like his armor. He scratched his body. It hadn't felt right, that fight. Just getting hurled around different dimensions. He looked around the mountain, which he had called Mata Nui in honor of not being original and having brainless plastic beings for associates in the council. Course, he couldn't talk about that while in the human world. But in this world, everything was just as it was - steel, epic steel, awesome steel. He looked around the island of Mata Nui. It wasn't exactly that. It was just a carbon copy of the land, taken from video games and maps; everything else not natural such as the Onu-Wahi caves and all the villages were just being constructed - originally - by the matoran. All of this had been happening after their original city stretching across several apartments had been warped. Everything in it had been changed, originally becoming just destruction. The toa of lightning had just in the knick of time convinced the Titan to stop. How, he didn't know. But he was pretty sure his donut bribe had helped. Still, the Titan was still an enemy, and he had managed to glean from the future that creating the island AND the sea.... would lead to great pain for everyone in the apartment. That, though, he knew might be true. As matoran re-relocated to the city, JL watched as they walked around. Carnifex. Guardians, fighters. Usually don't talk much, but fight really well. JL knew that if he fought several of them, he just might become overpowered. Of course, they stood no chance against the Titans, but they would do well. Thanking the UBN for the Black Carnifex, The council has decided to rebuild life. Of course having not really effected them, as they still lived in the human environment, they had managed to create a customs area at the place where the Teleporter ended-the islands to the south of the bigger one. ======= Zaktan turned around, annoyed. He couldn't believe it.The Barraki had done it first. All 12 of them stared at both their cars. The Barraki had a american one while the Piraka had a japanese one. Both of them had decided to modify the cars to suit them-machine guns, rockets, Elemental Energy blasters, etc. And the Barraki had somehow finished first. How? Meanwhile, Pridak and his allies were talking. Pridak: You think they'd start to call us?Carapar:Uhhh.... Methinks they know not.Mantax: Yep. They actually think we completed it! Those cool dudes!Ehlek: Being able to just put on plating does help, yep.Pridak: Well, what prevented them from looking inside and finding lots and lots of sticks?Carapar: Uhhh.... Methinks nothing.Pridak: .... We know, Carapar. You have no fear. You know no danger.Carapar: Meknows nothing!Pridak: *Sigh* I think... we need to treat him.Ehlek: But we know the doctor! He's an cool dude! Hey.. where's Kalmah?Pridak: Oh. I'm made him create the super engine. Y'know, the one powered with nuclear fusion.Ehlek: Whats that?Pridak: I have no idea. Kalmah, standing on a brick, screaming at the Piraka, with Reidak and Avak next to them.... Kalmah: Yeah! You guys suck! You guys suck so badly, that you don't even know you suck!Reidak: Hey! Avak! What's happening?Avak: He's been insulting us since we started creating our cars. So, what did you do?Reidak: I created a nuclear-fusion engine which we can use to power our car.Avak: Nice one. Hey, Nuclear fusion? I can use that to make a bomb. What is that, by the way?Reidak: I have no idea.Kalmah: You guys suck! What are you guys standing over there doing? Oh yeah, thinking about how much you suck! Suck it up, Piraka! You guys suck!Reidak: Is he annoying?Avak: No.Kalmah: You suck so bad, you can suck noodles faster than a professional noodle eater!Avak: Is he being racist?Reidak: Uhhh..... No. I think he's being stereotypical. S-T-E-Avak: I know.Thok: (Walks up) Hey guys. What's up?Kalmah: Hey! White guy! You suck so much, you're white!Avak: NOW he's being racist.Reidak: Its R-A-C-Avak: I know!Thok:..... I'm taking the engine and I'm making a bomb. Pridak walks up to the brick Kalmah is on. Pridak: What are you doing?Kalmah: Oh, I'm saying these people suck, so that they create a bomb out of their engine and give it to us.Pridak: And you think that will work?Kalmah: Why not?Pridak: Good idea! Why not? Now, I leave that to you. Good work, Barraki.Kalmah: Yeah, you SUCK! ----Reidak: Uhm... What are you doing?Thok: I'm taking our engine. Its nuclear fusion powered- I can just add a few switches, twist a few thingies and use some techno-super powers and... done! Its a bomb!Reidak: Are you seriously going to give it to them?Thok: They were racist to me. They must taste the power of whiteness!Reidak: So.... You added bleach to the bomb?Thok: Yeah.Reidak: Ok. Whatever. As long as we finish before them.----Thok: *Tosses engine over to Pridak* Here ya go! ... Pridak: Alright. Kalmah?Kalmah: Alright. Now, all we need is to snip these wires, using techno-super powers and buttons and it will be a car engine again. And...... why is it making this annoying beeping noise?Bomb: Beep! Beep! Beep!Kalmah: Uhm......Ehlek: Its armed, isn't it.Kalmah: I think I forgot that in my equation....Ehlek: Run! Before it becomes a catastrophe!Carapar: Uhhh.... Methinks we need to-Ehlek: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!Bomb: Shutting Up...... Shut up complete.Pridak:.....Ehlek: Haha! Who would put their stupid passcode as shut up?Bomb: Re-activating pass-code... time to explosion - 1 minute.Ehlek:.... What? Alright, everyone stay calm.. hey Piraka!!! .... (No one there)Ehlek: Alright, darn. So I guess we're on our own. Just make sure it doesn't lock, okay?Bomb: Not locking order given.....Bomb: Today is opposite day. Locking.Ehlek: WHAAAT??Carapar: Uhhhh... As I said, Methinks we need to do opposite everything.Ehlek: Why didn't you say so earlier! Pridak, what about....Pridak: *Gone*Ehlek: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! RUN FOR YOUR *Boom* Ehlek screams: I"M WHIIIIIIIIIIIITE! NOOOOOO! MY BEAUTIFUL GREEN COLORS! ALL, TURNED INTO SOMETHING PLAIN AND DUSTY! PLAIN!!! PLAIIIIIIIINNNNNN! !!!!Carapar: Uhhhh.... Methinks I am iceman. My thinks eyes hurt. Mesad. ======JL: So, yeah. For now, you guys are the leaders of this... village thingy. Think of the first few years of Bionicle, and lead like that.Turaga Vakama: So.... we have to act old?Tahu: Sorry. Its in the job description.Turaga Matau: As long I can have Burger-fries!Tahu Nuva: Sorry. You don't get to visit the human world.Turaga Matau:.......Turaga Onewa: OBJECTION!Tahu Nuva: And you aren't judges. You're an old man.Turaga Vakama: So how do the matoran and stuff, how do they work with this?JL: The Titan, he is Mebiox. The first born. He strives for total domination, but he also feeds of torment. He loves it, just like all the other Titans. And this - this island - is going to fall under torment.Turaga Vakama:...... We aren't such bad leaders.JL: Not you. Ayaaah. Anyways, we have to leave now. The apartment won't keep itself clean and white, ya-know. We need cleaners and we need people to command cleaners.Tahu: Maids.JL: Whatever. I don't even get it. Why get Toa of Water to be maids?Tahu: Water.JL: Water and soap are two different things.Tahu: Yeah, well, You mix it!JL: YOU mix it!======Later that day....Tahu: Why! !!!! Its soo.... horrible! Tahu, dancing in a large bucket, swiveling his hips to mix the soap. JL: Serves you right, moron.Tahu: When did you get to call ME a moron?JL: When I saved your life from getting run over by field trip kiddies. By the way, why is the entire road and our private parking location white?......Tahu Nuva: Gosh Darnit. 2011 words! Har har!
  19. I dont get it. I seriously dont. Too random, and for the story, All I know is Proditor wants to kill Pirok, Raccoon wants to do something, and the world just got messed up.
  20. - JL -

    Road Trip 2

    Apple festival... you mean their selling apples? Or their selling apple products? Soo... Fennrahk is some kind of living car?
  21. Yay RPG. Yah. Purple Bouncy WAS the resistance leader. Until Mesonaks Evil Twin came. Then before anything could happen somebody got tossed out the window or something, superpowerful machines captured everyone and a sword glowed. mmmm.
  22. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Is the guy who Fire Lord threatened the guy who gives Pridak his Rocket Lawnchair? Or is it his supplier? I forgot lol. Another good chappy... again. And nice bonus scene. Gorgnak probably doesn't spell as bad as blackout. He probably spells worse. EDIT: PB AND MESONAK!!! YEHHH!!! Mesonak is a new character, though. How does that sound?And PB WAS a new character; until the Purple Parts came out and he became a cool character. Doesn't this mean there are sides? I mean, PB is fighting the Center, while JL is inadvertadly and indirectly the Center's key. What is the key, anyways? Is it a glowing light? JL's arm? DNA code? Do Toa have DNA?How do Matoran Reproduce?Do they reproduce? Great questions. Why am I even talking like this its so weird and stupeed.
  23. Gamma once was the lord guy who created Vultraz to stop him if he went crazy. He went crazy, changed his name, and Boom! He's All ALMIGHTY. He then got messed into another world where bionicles were toys, i think? Then, im not sure, but his army was temporarily defeated while he was there trying to gain control? It this theory correct?
  24. Comedy writing contest? Having more explained would be nice. E.g. Having us write our own GS stories, that is pretty cool. Best few gets to become GS; No more "Unfair he lives in different timezone" stuff. Us writing about the sets, though, it muchos harder.
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