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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. OOC: Mangaia is a massive network of tunnels, and does have its fair share of larger caverns within this maze. However, the 'Dark Walk's themselves are much larger tunnels leading from each Koro (Or somewhere close to it) to Mangaia itself. Depending on where Syvra was in the Le-Wahi Dark Walk, it could be a very long distance or close to none at all. IC: The familiar sensation of Reyna overlapping her mind over mine to communicate rushed over me once more. Movement detected! There's another entity, a Toa by the looks of it. Where? Farther into the tunnel, behind that pillar. I made no motion to look over. I didn't need to. Nor did I want to alert this presence that I knew it was there. And if I remembered correctly, I wasn't the only one here with the power to detect. That Villain, Echelon....his control over a magnetic field far exceeded my own capabilities. Simple metal detection was nothing to him. Not fair.
  2. IC: Echelon walked right past us, not even giving us an obligatory hateful glance. That annoyed me. His stance, stride, attitude and silence. That annoyed me. Maybe I overstepped some boundaries. Maybe I was tempting fate. But something inside me snapped, and I refused to be left unacknowledged, even by the likes of Echelon. Yes, this was a guy who wanted all the power in the world, his sick and pathetic mind set and bent on ruling over all others just for the sake of it. But all the more reason why it annoyed me; he didn't even bother to honor the deal we made just minutes ago. He didn't even care to step on us, and call us out as Rahi Dung. "HEY!" I shouted, taking two steps to follow the Toa of Magnetism before he got too far. "What about our deal?" As I finished my question the familiar blue glow of my sword emanated once again, lighting up the dark walls, waves of blue mixing against the crimson toned ambient light that already existed.
  3. IC: "What happens if we slap the face.....the other way? Do you get......more drunk?" Floria muttered with a widening grin as she leaned over the table with the other hand out, poised to test her theory.
  4. Quoting Toarobot: From here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11532&page=13
  5. Conclusion on how to win in Mafia: Think like a fish. That said, this: Is gibberish, not fish. Yes, RG. People die when they are killed, and when killed to death they die. I think Canis might've been a bit....sarcastic......when writing that post.
  6. IC: "Slap me." Partly because he asked for it, and partly because of the stupid grin plastered upon his face, Floria obliged, swinging her arm with her palm held out as hard as she could towards the side of Lohkar's face. Drunkenly, she herself unwittingly let a grin form on her face as she hoped and prayed for a loud and satisfying slapping sound as the consequence of such a dumb request.
  7. That's correct, but (okay, correct ME if I'm wrong here) how do we know that Dasaka speak with a japanese accent? Still, though, horrible pun. In it's years of service I don't think once it's been oiled.
  8. For the killer of ShaddieVezon, I'll abstain. But I doubt it's Xaerez, because Xaerez does not 'look' for people. Xaerez simply does what he does. For the killer of Lhikkievikkie I vote Man of Miracles. 'the whistle in the branches, the rustle of stars'? Sounds pretty....'miraculous' to me.
  9. No you. You are the one who is late.
  10. OOC: Whoops. Sorry I was a bit late for this. IC: "A trick?" Floria mused with a smile. This sounded like a trap. This sounded like a magnificent plan. This sounded like Lohkar was being dumb, stupid, drunk. This sounded like Lohkar was going to get more rum. "Do show, Captain Lohkar, this amazing trick of yours. Let all who fear the pirates of the Infernavika know of the power of their captain, and his cursed Trick."
  11. IC: Some moments passed before Echelon finally appeared again at the mouth of the gaping hole. As he levitated down, I began to channel my electricity through my sword again. "Well?" I asked the Toa of Magnetism, "What did he say?" I didn't expect an answer. I expected being hurled face first into Ignitus or the other Toa through a magnetic push that I had no control over. But not just because I already knew of Echelon, and knew of what he could and would do to people like me. I had a nagging feeling that Echelon's talk with the Abettor had been short - much shorter than my talk with it. Either he didn't ask what we wanted.......or something else caused him to leave the chamber quickly. And if it was the latter..... Echelon's probably a bit annoyed.
  12. IC: "You have no control over what I drink!" Floria said in response to Edubard, slightly annoyed by his accusation. Holes in the ship? She never made any holes. There was a pause as everyone else spoke up. Lasinia was being herself, Tellus was speaking Rahi, Edubard was being picky, and Lohkar was a fish. Today was a good day. "Anyways, could somebody please tell me when we're leaving port? I'd like to get moving again. I didn't leave this Koro to just come right back to it, I'll have you know." Floria agreed. "Yeah, why are we here? Why are we....drunk?"
  13. It was an accident. And swords don't rip people's heads off. I'll Null for now.
  14. IC: "You're drunk." Came the reply to Lohkar, followed by a quick swig as Floria drank more of the warm liquid herself. Eyeing the captain, she wondered how long it would be before he boasted about how being a Lesterin, he could 'never get drunk'.
  15. IC: As the Toa of Magnetism levitated upwards in a god-like manner, I stood back, cutting the flow of elemental energy that I had been channeling through my sword. I didn't want the Abettor thinking that I was attacking it, though it wasn't even me who had headed over to converse with it. I turned towards Ignitus as my hands dropped down to my sides. My eyes told the story; the situation was helpless. To save ourselves, we'd just dug ourselves downwards into a hole, and we had to make sure that it didn't turn into our grave. Otherwise, Echelon would be the first to the finish line, and that would suck for the whole island. We now held a responsibility to prevent that tragic event from ever happening.
  16. Sounds like the internet. Not THAT crazy.
  17. Well then......very interesting indeed.
  18. Personally, I see armor as the 'perfect' supplements that you can place upon your body, and I don't really care how it straps on. Originally I'd thought of them just like 'extra' pieces that you place onto a set in real toys, (Unless the arms and legs are pretty much armored already, like Inika's lower leg), but since the art I've seen of the Maru, as well as other Toa, I've since come to think of them as more form-fitting to the characters themselves, are 'latched' on by physical or whatever means, and are simply perfect to the point of them pretty much 'melding' in with the body of the Toa, though it still is a separate piece. If you've seen Pacific Rim, it's kinda like that - the arms of the robots are mechanical, metal and pretty functional as armor themselves but the REAL armor is the plating that is placed on and is simply perfect for the robot. Pretty much EXACTLY what I thought. Did you lose it? While writing this post, and in particular thinking about Skyra Daring, I'm fairly certain no other character has seen such significant change as her since the start of their lifetime.
  19. And we can also probably rule out people that are cannons, yes. In any case, hopefully we'll be able to learn more of this mysterious Toa of Fire soon.
  20. A legendary Toa of Fire.....? Catch rate must be low. Any guesses as to who it could be?
  21. I shall take 14 then. Hopefully I won't end up confused all over the place cuz of timezones leading to 3 pages when I'm asleep and 0 posts when I'm awake.
  22. Audio....drama?? yesyesyes And then we should totally start animating stuff to follow up Merror is David Tennant. Though he's not my character. Anxilia gets lonely. The other two simply follows rules of common sense - the Mask, having no Toa to act as an energy source, cannot be used. The Bearer, with no mask, ends up like a Toa with no mask. But lonelier.
  23. The guy who schooled me, slapped me in the face and gave me a wake-up call. "We're not gonna follow canon because we're not Greg!" Immediately my eyes were drawn to a word that certainly is not for a kids site. At the very least a disclaimer?
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