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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. - JL -


    Best Film - Frozen Best Animated Film - Frozen Best Short Film - Get a Horse! Best Actor - Martin Freeman (Hobbit 2) Best Actress - Kristen Bell (Frozen, Repeat) Best Supporting Actor - Richard Armitage (Hobbit 2) Best Supporting Actress - Idina Menzel (Frozen, and sang Let it go. Durr) Best Director - Peter Jackson Best Soundtrack/Score - Frozen OST (Christophe Beck, Repeat) Best Original Song - Let it Go (Penned by Robert Lopez and Kristen-Anderson Lopez, Repeat) Best Writing ------
  2. Because it makes people think that he would never re-use alibis for guilty people, thus inciting a game of thinking about alibis.
  3. It sounds like people now have health? Hmm. Dunno how I feel about that. As for Bionicle Mafia, that sounds awesome. Reminds me a lot of TTT. Due to timezones, I may not be able to post immediately in the topic so if there's a 'waiting' list for the signups, please put me on.
  4. The detective can do things to maybe not die?
  5. OOC: Instantly melting metal to slag using an Elemental power would take a lot of energy and concentration. It'll probably cause a bit of tiredness afterwards, not to mention that the Rahkshi will most probably be able to blast you with energy before it full happens. IC: With the Rahkshi gone, my stance slacked.
  6. I bet that somewhere in the close future you'll have ruined it for yourself. It's only a matter of time -_-"
  7. IC: Echoing throughout the caverns, the scream was a piercing sound, loud and....while not out of place, definitely not something I had wanted to hear when I came down. Ignitus kicked off, and immediately I followed, even as Reyna began to focus on the Arthron's powers to try and figure out the quickest route, and the source of the scream. However, that wasn't needed. We turned a corner and in front of us was a blue Matoran, a Toa whose armor reflected a sickening green within the dark crimson ambient lighting of the walls, and, overarching both of them in size, a black and red Rahkshi that let off a fear-inducing hiss as it leapt away from a set of unnatural vines that grew out from the floors. The thought that the Toa in front of us was a Toa of Plantlife settled itself into the side of my mind as I run to the other side of the Rahkshi, sword glowing blue in my hands, to trap it in between me, Ignitus and the other Toa. This was now a three on one. I hoped the numbers didn't change to our disadvantage. Careful! There's something else! *Shing!* Vulcan sliced clean through the armor of the Rahkshi, and I could hear the disgusting sounds of the Kraata's final cries within as it was de-bodied. Woop. Too late. Luck is never on our side, is it? What? "Sssssssss!" Too late. I turned around, and as Reyna had said, 2 of them dropped out from the shadows. I stepped back, ready to move when I had to.
  8. Yeah......even if you decide to close voting, at the very least try to make sure everybody has had a chance to vote on whether or not to close voting, or vote prior to that.
  9. No it wouldnt... AND ITS NOT EVEN NINE-WAY! Anyways, I'll vote Otter and RG.
  10. If I can have any of the last 2 spots? that'd be great
  11. IC: "Yeah..." I replied, watching as the other Toa turned and left as well. "Lets go....."
  12. I vote Shadowhawk, because I know it's not me.
  13. And we're straying a bit off topic. Zakata is their Makuta, but one that they respect...... I wonder if Zakata ever made an attempt to create a bunch of their-Rahkshi and control their-Rahi to invade their islands.
  14. IC: "Yer' no fun," Floria grumbled out loud, before proceeding to turn around and drink some more.
  15. yay we got 1 but 1 of us died in the process
  16. Well, it's probably a different case for each character. If you're simply creating a character in a guard, the situation is different than if you had a character already made who may need IC approval due to his/her status.
  17. That's chrome. You don't even need paint/photoshop/gfx editing to fake a PM on chrome.
  18. >_< All this talk about claiming about being a person who knows another person in this networking of personas is making my skills of linking people to knowing other people because they say they know other people and then comparing that with facts and cross referencing with other people knowing other people and seeing what are claims and what are facts and what are boasts about knowing people in a PM is going into overdrive and breaking down. I vote for Sinclair and Kranan.
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