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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. OOC: Sorry for the late reply Still got a few more busy days...... IC: Having been recent, the words that the Abettor had spoken to me still echoed clearly within my mind. Though I truly doubt I'll ever be able to forget my encounter with the mechanical colossus any time soon, if at all. Immediately, I promised myself that from now on, whatever I told to Echelon, it'd be the barest minimum of what I could tell him. "The Abettor responded to my question of worth simply by saying: 'Whether or not the pursuit of this power is worthy, we cannot say. It is your decision.' " I looked over towards Ignitus and the other Toa, eerily conscious of how they'd been silent this whole time I had conversed with the Dark Toa in front of us. I wonder what they thought; did they approve of what I was doing, or did they believe that I was doing something wrong? In a normal situation like this, I knew what I'd be doing - biting my lip, giving a small laugh as though I knew I would mess up somehow, just to brush off the real failure when it happens. But this was no normal situation, and I couldn't do any kind of saving grace like that. "And it also stated that 'Those who used it did not possess it'. Keep that in mind before you unleash whatever is within....."
  2. Tengen Toppa Vezok? Considering his ability to take in powers, actually not that hard to imagine him escalating to godlike status.
  3. Have fun with that, JL. Considering that you're going against the Detective, you're on my suspect list. I'm not going against the Detective. You're insisting that you have other ways to kill me and nulled, rather than vote Blade. Both went against the advice of Pulse, the Detective. Oh. Sure, sure. Whatever.
  4. Have fun with that, JL. Considering that you're going against the Detective, you're on my suspect list. I'm not going against the Detective.
  5. IC: "Firstly, you'll ask about the location of this map and star chart. It is a set that brings us to where 'the Red Star points'. And second - I asked the Abettor of the worth....and ownership, of whatever is hidden within the Vault's doors. It ended in a useless riddle of an answer." OOC: Vaults remind me of Fallout 4 being confirmed.
  6. Switching from Tex to nobody for now. I don't need to vote to get him killed. There's still a previous suspect list........
  7. If that whatever turned into a solid 'a', then I'm sure someone would be interested.
  8. IC: I weighed my options. "Fine. We're looking for a set of maps and star charts. We don't know where they are, we just know their usage."
  9. Last I checked, I explained my rationale already some posts ago. In any case, though, you are right, I was a neutral role which was supposed to pick village or mafia after the Cryo was killed. I intended to choose village. But then the mafia killed me the first round. So now I've reactivated VDAMMA and am working with the Cryo to take my revenge on the mafia. I can't win, obviously, seeing as I am dead. But I will do my best to destroy the mafia as quickly as possible, so future mafias will reconsider killing me so quickly. I was hoping Southern Retribution would have made that point clear... They probably take that as a taunt.
  10. IC: I didn't let Echelon's schooling words affect me. "And why should I trust that the moment you learn what it is we need you'll start a fight?"
  11. IC: "Except the roles have been reversed. You are the one agreeing to my terms, not the other way around."
  12. IC: "Tell us if you'll follow the deal first." And I'm sure you already heard it.....
  13. But there is sensible logic. JL is my name....... :3
  14. Except the only flawed logic there was a misthought on the votes. Everything else was legitimus maximus, especially since you're now trying to kill me. Probably why there're 4 Null votes.
  15. Our redvantage will exist for ever.
  16. No. I'm going to have to say Tex. The continuous amounts of times that he's gone "I'll kill him first round for killing me first round" or "JL should learn his lesson" or some silly RWBY fanatic thing draws attention away since I'm actually doing it first. There's no way he would have killed me round one, since even if he said everything as a joke, he believes that somebody will vote him, either out of guessing, hope, or sheer stupidity at predicting. So he's voting me, predicting that nobody would vote him. I am innocent; I am also voting for Tex. ........ Lol It also increases the number of people who aren't gonna vote for the correct suspect. Also, by the time enough villagers have been lynched to the point where more than 1 Anti-town ends up on the suspect list, anti-town will probably win. *shrugs* (Also, guys, if I die, can I try to Lloydtime? It's an art I wish to practice.)
  17. OOC: Thrice. There was this one time in the forest of Le. Speaking of which, this is the first time JL has ever met Echelon outside the Le-Wahi topic! IC: I thought carefully about my words. Provided, for some reason, Echelon didn't set off being a traitorous to the deal, then I had to make sure there were absolutely no loopholes that he could use to bypass anything we did. "We tell you what we know, you will ask the Abettor for something we want, and it's locale. Then, you will help us find it, and then we shall bring it to a location of our choosing. Once that is complete, you will leave us, to a point where your power is too weak to reach us. If you attack us, or we attack you, the deal is over. You won't get your underlings to kill us, and we won't tell others of.....you." Are you sure this is a good idea? Making a deal with Echelon is never good for your health. Yeah, yeah, I got that part. I'm working on it. You should just punch him now. And kill him? No.......but I would punch him now. ....Not good for your health.
  18. Hey, people interacting with me. I've got exams for the next week and a bit more, so posting'll probably be a bit slow. It'll still happen! Just takes less priority now.
  19. I just realized the island charted at 1515, 1514, 1614 and 1615 leans towards Blue team.
  20. IC: "Fought him multiple times," I said in a semi-sarcastic cheerfulness in reply to Sucogu, "Still alive!" Then I turned towards Ignitus and Echelon. I really wanted to fight - a part of me wanted to burn up and smash Echelon's face into pieces against the wall of the caves, grinding it inwards, cracking the mask, the jaw, the nose, the eyes, the skull, and everything else before letting him be crushed then the cave comes down. But I wasn't trained in the arts of face-bashing, and I knew I'd probably elicit a negative reaction from Echelon. In the end, I just didn't want to fail in front of others. I looked towards Echelon in the eye, still a bit cautious from the way he'd burst out in laughter like a madman. "Lets....make a deal. Of the four of us here, you're the only one who stands alone, Echelon. And all three of us have ways of stopping your magnetism. I'm a Toa of Lightning, and I've seen what Merror does when he fights you, heating up his swords so your powers can't affect it. All you can do is throw stuff at us, and in such a tight space, we can distort your magnetism to the point where your control extends only to yourself." Part of what I said was real. Part of it, though, was a bluff. I had no idea if we could actually distort his magnetism to prevent him from utilizing those blades again. "So.....we'll talk to you. If you promise you give something we want back." And no, staying alive does not count, I thought silently.
  21. 1. No idea where you read that. 2. Holding more than one weapon doesn't suddenly pause your brain function. 3. Pretty much what KNI/Douglas says.
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