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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. How'd you get that swimming pose? *gasp* Are we going to get more chimoru poses?
  2. First Ultron was best. Mangled robots are freaking awesome.
  3. Akino isn't dead forever, right? He's been with Soran from the beginning!!
  4. Working on a Bionicle starbound mod. Pretty fun.

  5. Cement is for paving over a dead body of course.
  6. Lemony Lepid


    Glad I could help!
  7. Lemony Lepid


    Well... I use paint.net.... It's a bit different... But it's generally the same idea. I'll give you an example. I extracted Varova's arm from what you had, and sized it up only 2x. - First you need to cut the arm into segments, do this however you like. - Move the parts away from each other. This will make the process easier. - Create 2 new layers, or one for each segment, and put one segment in each one. Rotate and move them together. Now since this is only a 2x expansion, when you zoom in the picture it will look a bit fuzzy, but the bigger the size, the crisper the sprites will look. I hope this helped.
  8. Lemony Lepid


    Like I said, a bit more patience and with a bit of tricks and rotations, you can get a pretty sick fight scene. Rather than keeping the characters in one big block, you can separate them at the knees, elbows, hands, etc. and then rotate them to new cool positions. You can rotate things with the right click when on the selection tool. Also, next season, or wherever you are going with this, why don't you make the panels a bit bigger, maybe 4x? I know it seems like a lot, but it leaves room for detail and is easier on the eyes.
  9. I think this season is the season, to be honest. Seeing how cutie marks are what the season are centered on. It's going to be quite the episode when it happens, though. I don't like change, but I do like the thought of the kids finding their destiny. So who's excited for this weeks episode? "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" Is probably a discord episode, so John de Lancie hype.
  10. Why am I having another blue-piriod? I thought I chased it away with "Waiting for Hope."

  11. He lives... I like it.
  12. Poor Akino! We <3 you Akino. Don't feel bad.
  13. Ah, comic incentive! Just the thing I need!
  14. Doesn't Bulik have a pet cat? Where did I hear that?
  15. I'll try to get on that. Also, great job on that mask, Liuth.
  16. He feels his dark energy surrounding the being, an aura of dread. It silences the aquatic creature, chilling him to the bone. He dare not speak, for he fears his undoing. Nothing shall break his silence.
  17. Aww... I've been bested. By the greatest of course, but bested none the less. Good show old boy, good form.
  18. I tell my substitute teachers that my name is John Lennon, and point to my friends saying "and this is Paul, George, and Ringo." They either laugh or get really confused. Very amusing either way.
  19. Hey cool, a talking dog. Neat.
  20. Anytime. I can be a bit culturally insensitive at times. I hope I didn't offend anyone. And to the comic: True story? Wow. Someone has something against fun at a Walmart near you. To be honest, though, it really bugs me when people say "It's a free country." Because what the US means is that it doesn't (or tries hard) not to have slavery. Not that it's rule less. But let's not get into my personal pet-peeves. You did very well on the graphic work here. How in the world did you get an empty Walmart picture?
  21. Lego conventions are always fun... From what I hear at least.
  22. My apologies. To those who were offended by my comment, I am sorry. The post will have that part removed. Thank you Gavla for pointing that out.
  23. How have I never noticed this before. My life is a lie. That was funny. Now I wish I included it in the comic. An aquatic one. ~Soran @Quote#1: Hah, why thank you. @Quote#2: Well that narrows it down immensely. -Content removed-
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