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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. I burnt half of my hand with grease. The pain is oww.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      It is the worst. I filter the deep fryers occasionally where I work, and even with heat resistant gloves I'm grabbing the hose with like 4 rags between it and my hand.

    2. Arzaki


      Ever burned yourself with a soldering iron? That stuff hurts.

  2. My current projects are all related to BZP, the comics forums, and bringing back the old stuff. Of course my comics are also back. A lot of people haven't really been on the comic forums much lately, so it hasn't had many response comments. Although I'm hoping for some more recognition after summer is over. Speaking of after summer, if you guys don't know, I'm actually going to go to Utah for the entire school year. So when I return to Virginia, I'll be a senior in High School. But this won't effect my comics in any way, I hope. I'll be bringing my files over from this computer over to theirs (The people I'm staying with). On another note, I might enter the BZPower Youtube contest, and if my friend and I don't get in, we're probably going to start a Youtube channel of our own. And lastly, I am working on making a Chimoru R version of the BZ-Guard armor and I may revamp their weapons. That must be a blast from the past, huh? BZ-Nui will finally have it's military, police, and armored guards back. Anyway, until next time.
  3. I'm afraid you're doomed to rise forever. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2427833/mlp-fim-pinkie-pie-forever-o.gif FOREVER!!! Edit: Please link images over 750 kB! GIF linked. -Wind-
  4. Happy birthday, my favorite site on the interwebs.

  5. Oh why thak y-- Oh. Nope. Sorry. TPBM Visits the BZPower comic section often.
  6. Drome Racers om PC. Had to get a CD crack because I lost the disk. Was a pain in the patootie.
  7. Granted, you were so popular that people stopped playing because they were getting no attention. I wish that I had a functioning Olmak that I can wear on my face. So I can have big cheeks.
  8. Wow, what a cool build. I mean really, really nice. Although my only nitpick is that the innards of the machine and the cables are grey and not black as seen in the portal series. But the model itself is spectacular. Two thumbs way up.
  9. Serving up some real revenge. IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyou You are so going to get it. Man I hate you. Won't even let me go shopping for CrunchieMunchies. Look at you, all you do is watch TV and lounge on that awful couch. I hate you so much. Kalah, can I help you? I'm trying to watch Dark709. The... Oven beeped. So I just wanted you to know dinner will be ready in an hour. I made shrimp casserole. Spectacular. Can you go cook up some veggies? *Sigh* Yes sir. I WILL HAVE MY REVE- SHH!! I'm watching my show! I will have my revenge. Also I hate you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes! Kalarezka is in fact returning to my series, but as a background character. He hates me, but he cooks my food, so it's okay.
  10. Q&A #1 Hey Loganto. We have enough mail for a comic. Really? We just started! I was just about to take a break watch Dark709: the Movie again! Ah well, bring it here. Might as well start. Here's one from... Lewa the Soaring Champion. I'll be in my room, reading my Harry Potter fanfictions again. Alright. Q: Is green the best color ever? A: I think I'm a bit biased. Not the best person to ask about that. But my favorite color is purple, honestly. Q: If Kongu died, who would replace him as captain of the gukko force? A: Not sure, but I'd be very happy to find out. Q: Do you have the mental focus to use Kanohi? A: HNNNG! HNNG! No. I don't think I do. Q: What's the worst advice you've ever received from Turaga Matau? A: His advice about furniture. This couch is... The worst thing I've ever sat in. But it was dirt cheap, so I listened to him. That was the worst mistake I've ever made. The other letter is from ArcticFreeze17. Let's open it. BY THE TOHU!! IT'S ARCTIC! And he sticks the landing! Woo! Hey Loganto! Can I join in on this new comic series of yours? Sure! I don't mind! Although next time, just knock on the door. And that concludes today's comic! Until next time! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright guys! First Q&A! I hope you guys got the Matau reference. Now, for the next inbox wave, let me know which character you're asking. Be it Brutico, Arctic, or me. More characters to come.
  11. Brickshelf is back. New comic up.

  12. It'll be back soon. Although I might have to. Which pains me. All better. Brickshelf does an hour long check up every week or something. NOTICE: Loganto will be up for Q&A, so send a question to the cast Via PM!
  13. Aaaand there goes brickshelf. Great. Just when I got a new comic up.

  14. WE NEED COMEDY!! PART 3! Alright bud, we're back in business. Well! Now that I'm finally ready and prepared, I want to personally say to all of you, hello! My name, if you don't know, is Loganto. "Loh-Gahn-Toh" is the correct pronunciation. (I know a lot of people who've said it in all kinds of ways. It's pretty silly.) Anyway, let's spice up this background work. Something.... Pixelated. So I don't look so out of place as a sprite. Pretty jarring, looking at me, really. Try 8x8 pixelation. Match my size to the 8x8. WOW I AM KINDA BIG IN 8X8. SCALE ME BACK DOWN PLEASE. Hey, this is actually kinda nice, when I bring it down to a comfortable size. Let's make sure I cast a shadow from now on, so I don't look like a ghost. Now I'm all comfortable and cozy. Let's spit out a few new comics soon. Maybe starting with a home tour. Or maybe a guest will show up! Who knows! Let the comedy ensue! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow! finally up and running! A little note on my choice of background style. I've always viewed the sprites in a smooth, shaded world kind of jarring. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just a bit out of place. So this way, the sprites look comfortable in a boxy, but detailed, environment. This also let's me make backgrounds a lot faster, seeing as how I only have to work with pixelated images instead of hand drawing all of it in a stylistic way. That takes too much time, and it keeps the comics from being released fast enough to please the public. So that's why I'm doing the pixelated backgrounds. Another point of news, if any of you remember the Drome Racer line, I'm going to be making a story about it soon. I've always loved the line, and the game(s?). Did you guys know it took place in 2015? Crazy, right? Maybe there's a Drome dome in the Sahara, owned by the one and only Dromulus. Nearing completion. O.O Anyway, have a fun day, everyone. See you on the forums.
  15. Ah, yes, a new language! Spectacular! But on the mask of creation, the inscriptions are just gibberish, most likely just randomized runes made before the language. If this is the language. Also, this must be THE HARDEST THING TO WRITE IN. EVER. Well, unless you are carving it into stone of course...
  16. Why do I feel so bored when I have like, 40 games on this thing?

  17. Lewa, inspect button. Proceed to press with no questioning your inner consiousness.
  18. I've done some serious 6 shading before and it is a pain in the keister. But patients is a virtue. One I take very seriously, most of the time. Also, 6-shading a kit that small is... Very hard. But it sounds like a good challenge. I wish you luck.
  19. Your sprites are always so shiny... Very nice. I totally get a rayg vibe from these, and they are very cute. Not to mention accurate.
  20. Wow! An 8 bit kit! It looks like it got pulled straight off the NES! I absolutely love it!
  21. @Irrational It's... It's beautiful!! *cries*
  22. Projects come and go. Lives are complicated. A whole game with 3D models, scripting, and more can put on a lot of pressure. About 70% of the time, when it's being worked on by one person, they can't take it and they stop. It's not their fault, it's just friggan hard. I'm Sad the project stopped, but I can see why. Thanks for the progress you made, it was a great experience while it lasted.
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