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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. What kind of fish did I get, anyway?
  2. But I would like a glass box for him. Is a filter included?
  3. Someone gifted with a nose. To smell fresh roses with in delight.
  4. Well, we are on the internet. TPB has the ability to draw pictures of medium to high quality.
  5. Hello, hooded, gas masked figure. You seem interesting.
  6. I am working on something. :3

    1. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      Bit something small something... is it edible. I swear if your baking a pie I will find u and that pie... and take it

  7. How long until we start to see you everywhere in real life.
  8. Hey, it's a green guy. With an Akaku. Odd. He looks so familiar. MATA NUI, IT'S ME.
  9. Good gosh! Miss 4 days, and 3 more comics pop up! Great job!
  10. I would totally allow what you just said. (Too lazy to quote)
  11. Good gosh, you'd think living in Le-Koro I would be used to the sun! But no, I got sunburnt anyway.

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Wait... Le-Koro is covered by a canopy of trees...

    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Yeah, so wha-- Ohhh.... That makes sense.

  12. That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
  13. Good gosh. Sorry guys, I'm in Florida, and I can't make any orders. But I'll try to do all of these over spring break. They'll get done, this I swear by Kathulu's tentacles.
  14. Stuff like your example I could easily input into comics. Also, I'm highly entertained by all the many logantos in the picture. All two of them lol. Interesting to see people still read the newspaper, I suppose. Now I kinda want to read the other ads. *three The third one is actually the one I worked the most on. He had a reflection on the bus wall, and was custom posed. Reading a newspaper. Too bad I covered him up. The thing was that I was ALL the extras. Confusing Soran, and putting more than one of me in a comic.
  15. Hey, yall.

    1. Soran


      Howdy, how's it going?

    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Pretty good, you?

    3. Soran


      I'm doing pretty well myself. Thanks for asking.

  16. Actually I plan to use your character as a background character in a few comics. Probably not to the extent that you're thinking (being featured in multiple comics with different jobs) but he still will be featured. That's why I specifically said "This is the departure of the pizza man and the pizza hat from this story arc." I will make reference of your character probably several times during the series since I have your sprite sheet anyway. I already have a short mini comic in mind in the next story arc that features your character, although he's not actually part of the story arc. ~Soran Woo! I was thinking something more like this: But it is your comic. So comic away, my good man.
  17. Hah, the mask angles were VERY impressive. Great job. Join us or die.
  18. I wish I could be the cameo. Like, if you needed a background character. At any point. Like a car dealer, or a bungee jumping instructor. EDIT: Guess who forgot to positive. Great arc. I've always loved these fantastically made strips, and a great ending to my role. Even though I probably won't show up again, I hope that's not the last of the pizza guy. I had a really day today, but this lifted my mood. Love the comics, can't wait for more.
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