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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. Well of course I'm pacifist, I grow flowers for a living. c:
  2. Holy , I'll be destroyed if I face Leraku. I WANT TO WORK WITH THE ZOMBIES. They are stronger.
  3. Is that Ro? I thought he was discontinued. Hah.
  4. Ya'mean the red screw up? Or the the toa glitch?
  5. These are pretty good! I'm actually pretty impressed! I can't wait for more.
  6. Wow.... That is beautiful. Absolutely amazing spritework. I can't wait for the other foot variant.
  7. I look forward to this spectacular moment of season five. IN OTHER NEWS My little pony is to be removed from Netflix soon. D:
  8. It's just a quick post of "Hey, make this!" and such. No cash. (Well, unless you're offering... :3) Alright, I'll try... (At some point....) To be perfectly honest I've been majorly procrastinating recently. But they'll be finished. At some point.
  9. Good gosh, That thing is MONSTROUS! Cool!
  10. It's even more nerve wracking that you gotta be in the car with all this good food, only to deliver it to someone else.
  11. Although you probably won't use any of my stuff, do what you want with it. It's mostly junk.
  12. Hah! I'll check my legit manual...(Because I actually deliver pizzas during the summer) It doesn't say anything about not harming customers! Careful opening that door, you might get a knife to the face.... >:}
  13. My head has been gloriously graced with the presence of a pizza hat. Huzzah!
  14. H-He returns.... And didn't recognize any of my work. Hey! He's back! All hail the mighty Soran! *Laughs nervously*
  15. OOC: I'm quitting the RP. I can't find the time any more. Cuutuk and Dejoks Terminated (for now)
  16. Ah! Such good feedback! Great job and congrats on making "The next big thing" in comic making!
  17. IC Cuutuk - Library He nods again. "We should practice. When is the event?" OOC: Gah, my phone is gone for the week, and there's more people in the house now. Sorry for very late responses. It's difficult to get a hold of anything.
  18. IC: Cuutuk - Library. He nods. It took him awhile, but it's done now. The lyrics were tough, but he finally got them down.
  19. IC: Cuutuk - library "I've been working on the song." He says, smiling. He had snuck out in the middle of a conversation, and had retreated to his dorm. He had overheard a conversation about the talent show, and rushed all over the school looking for Melody.
  20. IC Cuutuk-Library Cuutuk bursts into the library, breathing heavily. He had been running. He walks over to Melody. "Did... You hear the news?" He asks, gasping for air. "The talent show is soon!" He pulls out his ukulele. Calming down a bit. "And I figured out the song and stuff!" He smiles, and strums a couple notes, and then stops. "Are you ready?"
  21. I assume Melody got tired of me acting like a brick wall and left, right? And Dejoks is still alone playin' his cello?
  22. It's actually a 6 shaded modified Omega Rahkshi sprite. If I am to make a Chimoru R Rahkshi, the finished product would take at least a year, if you count my laziness and the mass of schoolwork piling up. Chimoru R is much more fleshy and movie based. It would need to be made from scratch. Sorry bro.
  23. Okay... I missed like, 70 billion pages. Anyone want to sum it up for me?
  24. Finally finished my Loganto Minecraft skin

    1. Khromatose


      Cool! Love the profile pic. I should probably get started on making an original skin and not use the bionicle heroes Matoro I'm using. I should also change my own profile pic too...

    2. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      to to hack a server and just put dead bushes in flowerpots all over your house AND LAUGH AS TEH WORLD AROUND U BURNS!..... I swear im cleared by doctors as totally mentally sane ;_; (what i done cannot be undone) ;_;

    3. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      *now to* man typing why u hate me

  25. IC: Cuutuk - Library "The pleasure is all mine." He replies, shaking her hand firmly. IC: Dajoks - Infirmary -> Dorm "Alright... Don't be friendly with Xara..." He says to himself. He makes his way to his old dorm. When he enters, he leaves the door open. Cobwebs scatter across the entirety of his room. He attempts to clear them, ridding dust from the shelves. He opens his closet only to find his old Cello. It, like everything else, was covered in thick dust. "Ah, me old Cello... I wonder..." He sits down on his bed, and begins to pluck the strings, tuning them. He takes his bow in his left hand, holding it up with his hook. Pressing frets, he strikes the strings and begins to play. The notes are very hard stricken, and sound very... Piratey.
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