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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. Winnnddd! Buddy! Welcome back! And welcome, Eyru, to the staff. Aloha, Emzee, until we meet again.
  2. Why... your hand... red? Is my computer screen breaking? ANYWAY. Hope you settle in the new place nicely. Make new friends.
  3. Hey Simmons, ever wonder why we're here?
  4. That's why my universe takes place in 2003 aftermath. But the one different thing happening is that the Toa are off making sure everything's all fine and dandy on Metru Nui before we head home, while we stay in paradise a little while longer. Don't mind a little sunshine. I like Le-Koro. I don't want to leave.
  5. I have many jobs.

  6. Live life to the fullest. For you know not what lies beneath your feet.
  7. But you make it sound like it's a bad thing.No, fourth wall breaking is natural in this area. It's just cleaning up that much energy and stuffing it in a box. That's the hard part. But the seams are bound to break none the less. So why not make a living out of it?
  8. Fourth wall broken? Live in the Comic-Nui area? Find a repair man at 1-800-LOGANTO. Call now!
  9. Logantoranges are green oranges. And gross. And I would make a great yoga instructor.
  10. I am Life and Death. Also very forgetful, apparently. We need to work on an arc "A day in the life of Loganto" Where we go through a day routine of me, the star of the background character cameos. (Is actually the worst cameo with no real story.) It would be fun. Or terrible. Still don't know the difference.
  11. I hope soon to get a hold on an avsa and paint it the correct color for a moc.
  12. The great mass of assorted hats in my work closets, the many jobs I have, the mass amount of comic cameos and PGSs.... It's all coming together. Loganto is a multi-dementional creature that feeds off of the various activities he does. He is a nurse Joy. He is everywhere. He is the master race.
  13. Yes, I am Loganto Jobs. And Loganto the baker. Loganto the cashier. Loganto the hobo... Etc.
  14. So I'm doing this over a phone, so the topic won't be as pretty as usual. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/LogantoTheLeMatoran/Artwork/image.jpg This is Kohnoh, the Toa of the trees. He is a gem knight, in a roleplay Arctic and I are doing. Kohnoh is a slim and nimble archer, probably because he has to be quick and flexible when running and shooting. He is green with the occasional bluegreen plate and wears some kind of fancy Muaka leather in the form of a tunic. He wears an Avsa, the Mask of Hunger, for some reason. Some may say it is a test of his morality. He has equipped with bow and arrows and a small dagger. The string on his longbow has been enchanted to render it unbreakable. The arrows (made of wood) are created by his power of control over plants and the tips can be coated in many plant substances. The dagger is made of vibrating protodermis, making it hot and able to cut very easily through most substances. He wears the Gem Brace, a left-handed armguard that allows Kohnoh to access the full powers of the Gems. Kohnoh is one of those guys who doesn’t like being still for so long and is very active and sociable, along with sly, and greedy. Kohnoh served in the Ranger’s Guild before he was told that he was the descendant of Elysion, one of the Toa, specifically one of the Big Four, that took down the Makuta. He is also the self proclaimed co-leader of the group.
  15. I actually might go, since school will be over.
  16. Yes! It's perfect! If you want background and page art, I can help you with that. Maybe.
  17. My jobs are all the jobs. I am jobs. I do everything for cheap. Also, gravestone fish sticks, got it.
  18. Oi, I'm the best archer in Le-koro! I should be doing this.
  19. Only if you bring refreshments, and if you wear a hat that looks like a gravestone. ~Soran Are fish sticks okay?
  20. I assign me as the official funeral service. For I am good at these things.
  21. Wow, all that water must've rusted something.
  22. His life long dream was to be on fire. Time to fry.
  23. Friggan essays man, sheesh.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Essays are evil.

  24. Hey, cyrahk, ever get lonely when Thulk's not around?
  25. Oh, I already got the grill going. Let's fry this hush puppy.
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