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Lemony Lepid

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Status Replies posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. I might start making comics again soon.

  2. These earbuds are powerful...I think my skeletal system is slowly vibrating to dust...and the music isnt even that loud O_o

  3. Anberlin, Rise Against, Papa Roach, Evanescense.

  4. My singing is so bad it makes deaf people cringe.

  5. College classes are killing me. New comic up tomorrow!?

  6. we want... a shrubbery!

  7. My singing is so bad it makes deaf people cringe.

  8. Aaagh.. I'm BORED. Do something amusing, people!

  9. I am thinkin' about animating my epic (and or) comics.

  10. It's Mentos time! Will it be lemon? Will it be orange? Or strawberry? The suspense! :P

  11. I love cats. I love every kind of cat.

  12. I have mono. Fun...

  13. Is it bad that I have visions of killing people really, really violently?

  14. Just got new headphones... Sony headphones, R.I.P.

  15. Finally, we have some new Bionicle news!

  16. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

  17. Is it bad that I have visions of killing people really, really violently?

  18. This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because,

  19. Un helado por favor

  20. Hey guys, there was a shooting at my school today. Thankfully no one was hurt and both gunmen were aprehended.

  21. ...Forget what I said with that last comment, nostalgia brought me back :P Probably not going to be doing much writing here now, though.

  22. it's going fine! have you heard they're making a secquel to the force unleshed? I've seen the trailer and it looks awsome!

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