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Everything posted by Zarohum

  1. I thought about that. But according to this picture, he's wearing a ruru while still in Tohunga form. I went with the "sets" instead of the game, otherwise I would've called the one with a ruru Taipu.
  2. A few are deeplinked. You should be able to get to those. I'll go deeplink the rest of them
  3. Ok, money's tight right now, and I have an album to buy, and another package to ship. Not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this.
  4. How much for: VezokZaktanAvakThokReidakHakannJallerHahliKonguHewkiiMatoroNuparuNidhikiThe Bahrag? List prices separately if possible
  5. Ooooooh.... ok. I've got a few of those. I'll take a picture of the Krana I have. I'm not an expert on them, so I can't exactly tell you if I've got a blue Mo or a red Vu or a periwinkle Ja.
  6. Ok, I'll take what we said before, Vultraz, and the foot (I found some heads, sorry. ) anything else you need worth $.75 that wasn't up there? "Two dark red Toa arms. ($0.25)" do you mean like Vakama Hordika's left arm?
  7. That's the funny thing. I spraypainted an orange ruru red, and then found the misprint on ebay without trying. The green rau was actually the hardest to find.
  8. Save the cheerleader, save the world ;)

  9. I love this. Looks sort of like a comic book, yet sort of Bionicle. And the land down there reminds me of Mata Nui. Anyway, this is great. Really looks like him.
  10. lol. Yeah, I wish someone could make a game modification to fix the Hafu Taipu conundrum. Just wondering, are you the awesome guy who made Spiriah Rayg sprites?
  11. Yeah. any other masks? Mata heads? Metrutoran masks? And is it possible to get JUST Vultraz without the skyfighter? And any 2006-2007 Bionicle minifigs?
  12. Looks like a cross between Xanis and Chimoru. I like it!
  13. I don't need the Hau and the Kakama. I'e actually got about 5 extra red Haus, 7 extra grey ones, and 3 extra yellow ones Just to be sure, a lot of people get Tahu's Magma swords and Lhikan's Fire Greatswords mixed up. Are we talking about the same pieces? Ok, so then $6. I'll see what else I need. And are you sure it's $14? I just added it up again, and I still get $12... And do you have an orange Pakari?
  14. The whole Hordika story was just a waste of a year.
  15. I could never get 100% on Heroes because there was a glitch on Roodaka's level where it wouldn't let me get a canister. Drove me nuts.
  16. It's spelled craziness

  17. Hello, young child. I am here to inquire about your spoons

  18. Yeah. I tried that, but it looked terrible.

  20. These are all great. I love your style. I think the middle one is my favorite. Really has an atmosphere to it.
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