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Archer Vonn

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Everything posted by Archer Vonn

  1. i for one was in arrogant denial that gali was a female when i kept reading 'she'.
  2. back when i was still big on 2d games all my maplestory buddies would tell me about it. is there any PvE?
  3. granted, its a pizza made by not italian people.it was made by polish people.i wish i could go to venice
  4. the simpsons.not only made by the same people, but they're recently taken the award for funniest show made by those people!
  5. see how dumb we are, stupid typos all over the place...sean connery seems to have an impersonator
  6. that weird poster that obama used during his campaign with his face all distorted in red white and blue that said 'change' underneath it.http://kozinets.net/__oneclick_uploads/2008/10/obama_shep_print_final2.jpg yaknow, that.
  7. va-matoran means they were a voyatoran but they hit their head and forgot how to spell their own names.
  8. only good thing bionicle made in 2004 other than onewa's face.which is nidhiki. nidhiki is the only good thing bionicle made in 2004 other than onewa's face.
  9. the world did.turns out that once upon a time a caveman made a wish and now we're stuck in 450 million BCEi wish i had a million dollars in stolen money and the cops arrested me for stealing a million dollars.
  10. it just so happens i brought my friend who's so insanely fat he has his own gravitational pull. we can repopulate humanity inside his belly button.except oh dear lord he ate all the lays chips, we're gonna starve.
  11. good to see how your mind works, guysorry i haven't been posting, had nine hour days every day this week. today ive got an eye appointment and then im volunteering, but tomorrow is clear. next week is the week of the play, but the week after i just have a few mid terms and then vacation starts.
  12. really doubt she was lying, then again i find myself in denial more than any other state of mind.but thanks, anyways. puts my mind at ease a bit.
  13. edit: oh dear god i really am tired, just ignore me.
  14. my name is - eminemcuz he's on his angry white boy trip in that song, shoot i dunno im tired. it just fits, ok?
  15. don't worry, be happy - bobby mcferincuz it sounds like something i'd say to those fine gentlemen over at metallica
  16. shes gay.i was this close to freakin dropping on one knee and pledging my frigging soul to her and shes gay!ugh like naturally i was skeptical but i tried to mask it, like be respectful n supportive and like 'nah i dont like you PFFT', but she goes on. 'im gay, like, couldnt you tell?' then apparently her best friend is also gay. oh sorry, then she corrected herself, she's 'kinda gay. we're both bi' well then your not gay! but of course i cant say that, dont wanna let the cat outta the bag. so i just kinda sit there like an cool dude while we all sittin cozy in the corner of the ###### stage with my mouth hangin open and we exchanging the most awkward looks i ever saw in my ###### life while she explains that most of the girls know, her parents know, and a few of her closer guy friends know that shes GAY.-sigh-ok shes fifteen. ladies i gotta ask, what is it about guys that you hate so much you'd turn gay before you graduated?
  17. fast lane - bad meets evildevil = evil but i probably didnt need to say that
  18. ohhhh cuz 'x' makes a sound like 'cs' does so you dont need to write 'comics' but 'comix' makes the same sound.. cleverrr..
  19. it was a lot more pre-halo, yeah.i share your mindset, then, albiet with less dramatic consequences. yay for us, being grown ups.
  20. i'm the opposite. i can't even finish resistance: FOM for the life of me.skyrim is still my number 1 priority, after i finish my midterms, at least.
  21. xbox controllers for shooters, sixaxis for everything else. i play a lot more of the everything else.i took way too long in getting into killzone. picked up the third a few weeks ago and ive been really impressed by it. gameplay is just so slick. oh and i guess sev is pretty too.
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