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Everything posted by Parazan

  1. Parazan

    The Leaking

    Chapter fiveThe figure woke up. It saw that a giant, bio-mechanical Volcano came out of the ground. These Volcanoes were like storage tanks for the Energized Protodermis. They were never meant to go above ground, or even release any Energized Protodemis to the surface. Something must be wrong with the system. The blue moon ranger knew that either it was the end, or the other rangers were trying to kill him. Obviously, the end would probably be a rise in temperature, fires, and the red desert sinking. Now, the volcano was gushing Energized Protodermis to the surface; creating a forest fire. Worse, the Protodemis beasts that lived under the desert were awakening; to do destruction. And the desert really was sinking; for there was no desert any more. All it was was a vast sea of Silver Liquid. And the Protodermis beasts were coming closer into the Jungle. The world really was ending.
  2. Out comes Borox: Bacon Eater.In goes Toa Vahi: Toa of Time.
  3. IC: (Rufik)Rufik saw a giant, winged creature fly toward him. He shot at it, but it proved useless. He then saw boulders on the beach. He ran towards the beach, and, using his Feet Attachments, he kicked a boulder at the creature, and it fell to the ground, into the water. Rufik needed to know where he was, so he went back into the Jungle, and tried to find an underground village.
  4. I, being Lord Parazan, overlord of time, go back in time and stop Bacon from even existing. You are devoured by Kardas.My mask.
  5. I claim Onua. Me and toD can fight as infected Lewa and Onua fought in the Nui-Rama hive.
  6. I am Lord Parazan, and me being the overlord of time, I go back in time using the Vahi and stop cookies from even existing. You lose your sanity as well.My mask.
  7. Sounds interesting. Sign me up! (only accept my comedy "Ask Hapori Tohu")
  8. Oh, it's a she!. Wow, I get confused, as there aren't that many Female members on here.
  9. Granted, but I end up posting in it and a moderator closes it because I revived it.I wish I was a Timelord.
  10. Do they have any stores in NC?Also, i'm 14. I will most probably be the only one that is over the age of 10 there. But hey, least i'll choose how to build the MOC carefully- don't want it to look like a six-year-old made it.
  11. Wow, I like all the detail you have on the mask and the fact that it is compatible with actual BIONICLE's stuns me. Also, the fact that you even have a TECHNIC pin on the mask stuns me even more. And then, you have enough money to actually afford 3D printing. If I was a timelord, I would make 3D printing available back in the day when BIONICLE was young, and I would have so many custom masks. I salute you sir. This was a nostalgia trip back to 2006. Seeing this brought joy back from 2006 when I was angry at LEGO for not making the mask. Might I ask how much it cost you to do the digital printing?
  12. Well, you were sacrificed to the voodoo gods on voodoo island. Topped.I am Lord Parazan, ruler of the Jetpack people!
  13. Did someone say wotsiznaim gets ripped to bits by manas crabs?My mask.
  14. 2001, 2006, & 2007. In the same style as the first three movies. TLR pretty much ruined BIONICLE for me with it's cartoony style.
  15. Actually, the sinking was caused by a gravitational shift that caused an iceberg to float south and then, 4 months later, it crashed into the Titanic.
  16. Okay, I was confused until I saw the title. You should say pirate ship. Anyways, I thought it was cool.
  17. Time. Just, time. I think it's because I watch too much doctor who. But yes, it would be awesome if you could go into the past and change things around or go into the future and alter it as well?
  18. Wow, that's cool and I loved how you made it as a comic cover. Ah, nostalgia.
  19. Alright, since it's not over yet, let's get this party started!
  20. Ic: RufikRufik walked into the jungle. He saw Fikou tree spiders. He also saw something fly toward him.
  21. Today marks history. It has been a hundred years since the sinking of the Titanic. Unfortunately, I'm in Charleston right now, so I won't be able to watch the National Geographic documentary. Oh well, least I can use the archives.
  22. Congrats to the winners! Hopefully we get to see more of this in the future!
  23. IC: RufikRufik fell out of the canister. He assembled himself. He did not know where he was. He looked at his canister and saw his name scratched in. . He walked into the Jungle.
  24. Of course, the ending was very, VERY stretched out and rushed. This is why I made an epic titled "The leaking" to finish the end.Yes, towards the end of BIONICLE's life, the storyline was stretched out, and the sets were having less pieces so that you could build faster.
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