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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Everything posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. I had a dream where I was at festival in some sort of old woodsy place doing parkour while being chased through the rooftops by SCP 173, was it wierd? Yeah, but want to know something else? I was euphoric, something another person would probably find absurd by the circumstances, but I don't care . Dreams are illogical, at times, and that is beautiful.
  2. Both episodes are on that video site now.
  3. Forgot another braggable moment yesterday, I manage to hijack a mantis for the first time, in fact I did it twice in the same game, but the first is the awesome part.On Ragnarok, the enemy team was advancing on our base and there was a brawl in front of it. In the distracting fight, I managed to hijack the Mantis, and plant a grenade inside it, though immediately after I died when a member of the enemy team shot me with a railgun. Why is this braggable? Because that is an awesome way to die if you ask me.Oh and I'll add you Allegretto.
  4. I have seen some episodes, but was not all that crazy about it.The person below me has read something by Friedrich Nietzsche.
  5. I just got a funny idea for the description of a set based on the SCP series. "SCP-173 has broken free, can you keep staring at it long enough for it not to snap your neck? Well with the power of Lego, we certainly hope you have a better shot then before. Complete with a Class-D and SCP-173 minifig, 173 even has neck-snapping action for the inevitable doom of the Class-D!"Lego Dead Space. "Isaac is trapped in the Sprawl's morgue, which is now a scene of visceral carnage even, and even worse is the body mutilating and mutating necromorphs. Can Isaac make it out alive with his sanity intact? It is up to you! Also comes with bloody dead bodies and the dead mutilated Nicole Mini fig when you want to reenact another one of Isaac's psychotic fits!""Both of these sets are bundled together, they also come complete with Crystal Meth so that your terrified child will never have to sleep again, Order Now!"As for The Hunger Games, it is all about young people killing each other for entertainment, that wouldn't fly with lego. Halo is already owned by megablocks and it still wouldn't fly with them for reasons that are probably obvious as said.
  6. Just a couple awesome moments playing Halo 4 with other BZPers today. Granted these are from my perspective, as you would imagine, but anyway...Flood Game on ComplexBeggining of matchXXaron: Hey Stigma, hold still.[XXaron melees me from behind, which causes me to turn around and fire my shotgun right next to his head.]Me: Dude, I almost shot you in the face!XXaron: I know, I was just saying hi.Later in the MatchMe, XXaron (whom I just infected with a thruster/melee to the back ) and CommissionR are all infected now, and there are two survivors on the roof of the complex building, one on the isolated tower and another holding out on the main building roof. Me and CommissionR are both heading for the same target on the main building roof, only CommissionR gets the kill by a millisecond, which launches me all the way up to the lone survivor on the tower and scoring a kill...unintentional team work FTW!I know these are infamous words, but I hope that is still on my Xbox, I did not save it...if not then we will probably have other fun moments later.
  7. Good thing my subscription ends on January 2nd, roughly.
  8. If you want story, just stick to the book, those are usually far better at that. But you are probably right when it comes to them just making it an action, shoot-em-up. Quite honestly the Zombie Apocalypse is overrated and overdone in most cases, in my opinion. I will say that I did love Zombieland though, also I tend to make exceptions for "space zombies" like the Flood and the Necromorphs.
  9. I was actually cross-checking it with that, but I am not always too trusting of TVTropes, and couldn't find the names so I figured I would post them anyway to give everyone something to look at, Oh and the Conan/Andy thing is also up on Rooster Teeth and that other video site.
  10. I am sure the absent police men will not care if I got over it...a lot.
  11. Indeed, I am 819% more eldritch.The person below me has some sort of fascination for Divination.
  12. I am listening to Def Leopard right now.The person below me sometimes likes darker fiction.
  13. Well they are advanced, so I am not surprised that they he is like that.On another note, I found out some things about the voice actors.According to TVTropes Halo 4 Trivia Page-Sarah has the same voice as Female Shepard.-The Didact is voiced by the same guy who did Harbinger.-I went on a certain video site and found that Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter are in the game as well.I will also make a claim that you can agree or disagree with and I can elaborate if someone is curious, but does anyone else think that Halo is probably one of the most gender friendly games out there?
  14. Moment Of Fragile Courage by Quote (The Traveler) Completed.
  15. This is the SSCC Charity Review of Moment Of Fragile Courage by Quote (Mr. Traveler) (Review by Samhain). This review will be brief as Velox has already made an official review, and I would like to avoid beating a dead horse on certain subjects, like grammar, as I personally believe he is better at examining that then I am.The detail was good, though in some cases it felt too long, this is subjective however. As for the story, I can sort of sympathize with the characters though not on their level as I do not consider my household broken, though I am not sure I need to elaborate on how you would expect one to feel when your parents argue, assuming you like them of course. You did you a very good job giving them believable dialogue and with conveying their emotions.Sorry this is short, I feel drained to say the least, but anyway it was very good.
  16. Technically, yes, in quite a few ways, though the most obvious is my green eyes (from what I read, any eye color that is not brown is a mutation, though I am not sure about this).The person below me will think that, on some level, they are better or above others in some way.
  17. Which one?The person below me will try and "read" people through what they post here.(@ That Guy, that was not what I was referring to, but it seems I should have been clearer appearently, I was mostly referring to actions, not necessarily words.)
  18. I will sometimes play it but not avidly.The person below me finds that imposing one's will on others is the greatest evil to ever exist yet.
  19. I found the game to be brilliant, though yes the ending was on a more cynical note, not a bad thing in my opinion though. Not to imply you did not feel the same way.
  20. Not sure about the server from memory, but my highest level character is level 16, as I only got the game a few days ago.
  21. I also use OpenOffice.The Person Below Me plays Halo 4.
  22. Just beat the campaign a little bit ago, HOLY ######, that was awesome. 343 you have earned my $60, and congratulations.
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