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Blog Comments posted by Chro

  1. I'd be interested in learning some things about the planning of the series and how you've organized the characters and such... but I also feel like many of the more interesting questions would be unanswerable due to spoiler territory.

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  2. Name: Chro
    Weapon: Defender Standard, protosteel model. Retractable light shield; when folded, forms a sort of armguard, and when unfolded, resembles a rectangular centurion shield, though rounder around the edges.
    Ultimate Weapon: Rhindon, the Sword of Ybrus. Grants Chro power over light and shadow, as well as the ability to deal ten damage to an opponent once a round. Functions as a normal sword too, which complements his shield effectively.
    Power: In addition to the Rhindon-granted powers of light and shadow, Chro can use an inefficient (but effective) method of physical regeneration. For every three points of damage he deals, Chro can regenerate one point of health. Damaging opponents with an Ultimate Weapon does not count.

    Appearance: A standard-height, slightly slimmer than usual, otherwise generic Toa. Clad in white armor on lower legs, feet, and forearms, with orange armor on upper arms, torso, and upper legs, over dark grey mechanical-stuff. Wears a white powerless Kanohi shaped like a Miru.

    (MOC to be posted soon. The character's name is actually Niarr but I quite like the MOC and have no better Chro substitute for the time being.)




    The power probably needs to be changed. Not sure if it's underpowered or overpowered or what.

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