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Canis Lycaon

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Everything posted by Canis Lycaon

  1. IC: Rakona/Goran Across the fire from Larikon and Jaaku emerged a feminine figure in tan and light grey armor, who sat down across from the others. She nodded at the fire to Goran, and rubbed her eyes, yawning. She had just woken up in the middle of the night, plagued by nightmares. The corrupted lightstone may have been a corrupt and twisted fragment of Ak'Rei'An, but it was still Ak'Rei'An! She was filled with the deepest regret for destroying it, fearing that it's destruction would prevent her Lord from ever returning to this island. Goran sat in front of the fire, and stretched out his hands, close to it. The flames grew brighter and hotter, being reignited by the small essence of Toa Power that remained usable to Goran, even in death, or rather, even in undeath. He then stood up, next to his mistress. "I really don't remember much about my past. All I remember is that I was not found by the Brotherhood - I found them, by accident. I remember Goran being dead, and my Conversion. Goran knows the whole story, everything - how he died, who I was. Who we were. "Won't tell me, though. Says its for the best I don't remember."
  2. IC: Canis [status: Recalling Wolf Health: 17/20] The wolf abruptly stopped as Onarax arrived to Tyler Durden before it. It then ran back to Canis, who began to pet it and remounted it. He looked over at Onarax, Durden and Voxumo. Canis had plans to complete, and he would require some assistance for them. "Portal? Get on the wolf. It will run around, and if anything gets dangerously close, I need you to portal us out."
  3. IC: Canis [status: Saving Portalfig Health:17/20] The wolf leapt away, with two riders now. Canis then got off, and pulled Portalfig off as well. He issued a command to the wolf, and it charge Tyler Durden, bloodthirsty.
  4. It exists in canon, but not in lore. Kraata grow more powerful, but I think they're more differentiated by their appearance and coloration. I'm sure that the Order of Mata-Nui or the like might have a classification form, but at this point... well, in a world where virtually the entire population of Rahkshi/Kraata was wiped out by the Golden Armor, and the Makuta are no longer a threat, I can't see the common soldier going to Kraata 101. In fact, that gives me an idea... Except Malik isn't an ordinary soldier - he's a high-ranking military official, and well over 60,000 years old. He's fought plenty of Rahkshi in his day. Malik can identify these things if anyone can. As for the timeline - yes, parts of it are meant as a wrap-up loose ends deal, but others do have importance. That suggestion you gave about Orde, Zaria, Chiara and Gelu doesn't work because the detail given helps wrap things up for the players. Marendar should be known. He killed three Toa - not an easy feat, and Toa are very rare. That is something characters would know, even if it occurred nine years ago,. Everything about the fortress is wrapup. And the Hydraxon bit is a joke. Genetic variation, Canis. Genetic variation. It makes a lot of sense. And to compare it to real world diseases, just compare it to natural resistances and the like. Maybe Matoran A was infected and gained Power Scream 5 instead of Power Scream 4 because he was a De-Matoran? Or Matoran B gained Fire Resistance 6 instead of Fire Resistance 4 because he's a Ta-Matoran? Or, heck, as a Ta-Matoran, Matoran B gained Power Scream 4 and Fire Resistance 3 because he's naturally inclined to. Bla bla bla science bla. So what if the Leader is stronger? The Leader doesn't need to be stronger. The Leader could just be smarter, faster... maybe just stronger in the physical sense instead of powers, even. Intelligence is the big one here - an intelligent monster is infinitely more dangerous than a mindless one. And if you do feel the need to give him more powers, you could always just add on Limited Invulnerability 5 and give players something to think about. Considering what the virus actually is, that doesn't work. I have a very clear definition of what it is in my mind, and genetic variation does not fit into that.
  5. OOC: iBrow, Onarax is at 15 - I used a firebomb on him.
  6. IC: Canis [status: Saving Portalgif Health: 17/20] The wolf flew through the air, and landed near Portalfig. Canis reached out a hand to the Matoran, signaling a way to escape.
  7. IC: Canis [status: Bombing Onarax Health: 17/20] The armored figure took the bomb in his hand, and chucked it through the air. It landed at the feet of Onarax, where it exploded, dealing him three damage. Canis's wolf leapt away carrying him, while Canis shouted back out to the one he bombed. "Nothing personal! It's just that you hadn't been dealt any damage yet!"
  8. You want everyone to carry around d20s? What is this, D&D?
  9. IC: Canis [status: Getting bomb Health: 17/20] "I'll be leaving you shortly, Portalfig." The mount bounded through the air, landing within two jumps near one of the bombs. Canis grabbed it, and looked at it. The only question was who to use it on. OOC: Also iBrow, I think that should be 'thin air', not 'thing air'.
  10. OOC: Except your character/avatar name is Zero, and your current display name is Zero. IC: Canis [satus: Fighting Zero Health: 17/20] The wolfrider nodded and yanked the leash on his beast. It began to circle the fight, with Canis preparing his halberd to attack.
  11. OOC: Zero - Portal and Canis are some distance away from you - the wolf got back to Canis be use of Canis's power, and got over to you by use of Portalfig's. Snake - The portal wouldn't have dealt any damage to you directly, but instead where it deposited you: outside the bubble, underwater. (Meaning you can't create fires)
  12. OOC: Flaredrick, you were at 18, then you should have taken one damage from the wolf biting you, and then you fell through the portal, which would have cause an unknown amount of damage. IC: Canis [status: Resummoning wolf Health: 17/20] The wolf had knocked it's target through the portal, but at great cost. It had been injured. But this was easily remedied - Canis dismissed it's summoning, and then had it reappear next to him. He re-saddled the wolf, and looked down at Portalgif. "We need to go at those with the most health - Zero is high on life, and he attacked my wolf. How about him?"
  13. OOC: Actually, Flaredrick, the portal from where you are to me and Portal closed. Also, if you got injured, like 'the wolf was able to get a piece of him' implies, signify it in some way. IC: Canis [status: Watching wolf fight Flaredrick Health: 17/20] The wolf howled in pain from the blast, and then leapt through the air, landing near Snake, who was, in this position, between the wolf and the portal. The wolf charged Snake, and then at the last moment shifted itself so it was moving sideways, to hit Snake and push him into the portal.
  14. Actually, a cube shape could have its advantages - it would be easy to store, as they would stack nicely and fit well together. One could quickly determine how many they had by counting the dimensions of the larger shape they form, and all they would need to be stored in is some sort of box.
  15. Perhaps metal coins are the higher values, and for the lower values we could take an idea from the Expanded Multiverse - crystal balls marked with symbolz.
  16. OOC: Pupwa, the water is waist height. Also guys, here is the work I have done so far on my update: Contact me if you want to get in on this! EDIT: iBrow wants this stuff secret. Feel free to open the tag.
  17. OOC: Clarification: There is a fighter named Canis. His power is to summon a giant wolf he can control. Canis is riding the wolf and planning with Portalfig to send the wolf (Not himself}) through a portal at Punished Snake. IC: Canis [status: Attacking Snake Health 17/20] The armored figure jumped off his mount, and then ordered it through the portal. The wolf walked through, and reappeared where Snake, Chro and Unit where, which was the rubble of a building. "Quickly! Disperse this portal and open one to the sea near my wolf!" The wolf however, charged Snake, trying to claw and bite him.
  18. IC: Canis [status: Teaming with Portal Health: 17/20] The wolf looked at the water around it's paws, and then made an expression similar to a hug. Canis leaned down to whisper to his new ally. "Open two portals - one linking here to near Punished Snake, and the other linking from where he is into the middle of the sea. I will command my mount through, and it will tackle Snake. It will push him through the other portal, upon which I shall dismiss it and then resummon it near me."
  19. The reason your views spiraled is because you split up every step into twenty five different blog posts, requiring each to be viewed one at a time. I strongly recommend getting all the pictures, uploading them to say, Brickshelf, and then posting links to each step with a small piece of instruction in one blog post.
  20. Canis Lycaon

    SciO Comp. #4

    Were you a writer or a doer?
  21. OOC: Of course it does. Realism is the only thing keeping this game grounded in reality and preventing one of us from dodging every attack and defeating their opponents with one hand tied behind their back. Also, please join my team update idea! I really would appreciate the help!
  22. IC: Canis [Fighting: Nobody Health: 19/20] This fight had gone on long enough for the wolf-rider's tastes. It was time to end it. And when Voxumo jumped over the side, Canis saw the perfect opportunity. Instead of going after his opponent like expected, Canis jumped back on his mount, and then walked away. He then saw Protalgif standing around. Canis's mount leapt through the air and landed next to the other fighter. "I think an alliance would serve us well. No one would ever suspect a giant wolf leaping out of nowhere."
  23. OOC: The MoC you used is black and green, so yes. IC: Canis [Fighting: Voxumo Health: 19/20] The wolf crashed against the shield. Canis then jumped off it, and then began to circle his quarry with his mount, each circling. At Canis's command, both would lunge in on Voxumo.
  24. IC: Canis [Fighting: Voxumo Health: 20/20] Canis jerked his mount up, having it take the majority of the blast for him, but the other fighter still took some damage, though not enough to drop his weapon. [Health 19/20] Canis then commanded his mount to charge Voxumo telepathically, and make it seem like it was going to have Canis spear Vox. However, it was planning to bite the green and black thing. OOC: And if you want to join in on my update, please contact me! I would really appreciate some help for designing a team-based update!
  25. Hey, I have an idea for a new Game Type, so PM me if you are interested. It's basically a set of teamplay, with Capture the Flag and Siege the Castle. EDIT: iBrow you ninja. Canis summoned his giant wolf steed, and sat atop it. He then prepared his halberd, and ordered his mount to leap at Voxumo, so he could spear the other combatant.
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