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Canis Lycaon

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Everything posted by Canis Lycaon

  1. Member Name: Canis Weapon: A double sided halberd. It is quite long, enough that he can use it while on his wolf mount. Power: Canis has the ability to summon a giant wolf steed that he can ride and control with his mind. The wolf can jump very far, and has enhanced senses. Appearance: A figure in black armor that is ornately inscribed and has silver highlights. A red cape flows from the back, stitched with designs in black thread. The helmet of the figure is that of a wolf head, and obscures the face of the figure himself. Ultimate Weapons: N/A Also edited into first post.
  2. *raises paw* Except no. Darvin has built a treehouse in Kini-Nui, and the Rahkshi don't go onto the surface.
  3. Spot nine, please! Profile will be edited into this post as soon as a actually read the opening post. Member Name: CanisWeapon: A small, one handed crossbow. Canis can fire it with one hand, and load it with the other. The bolts are small, and armor piercing. Power: Canis has the ability to summon a giant wolf steed that he can ride and control with his mind. The wolf can jump very far, and has enhanced senses.Appearance: A figure in black armor that is ornately inscribed and has silver highlights. A red cape flows from the back, stitched with designs in black thread. The helmet of the figure is that of a wolf head, and obscures the face of the figure himself.Ultimate Weapon:Usain Bolt, a powerful Ultimate Weapon that allows him to deal ten damage to a single foe by speeding into them – however, this Ultimate Weapon can also be used to increase your speed throughout the round in addition to the single attack!
  4. IC: Vezok .:Better hurry up, the Toa's coming for you again:. .:I could sense that mentally:. Vezok looked at the Toa that was charging him. Defeating him would be simple at best. Sound waves blasted the Toa, at a high frequency. Once the Toa stopped charging, a shimmering box would appear around him. Vezok smiled and then sent a telepathic message to the Toa. .:There is no escaping this prison. Have fun, courtesy of the other Skakdi:.
  5. OOC: The Turbo Shredder was just destroyed, and the Skeltons are charging the cliff.
  6. 5 Dragons says the Brotherhood of Ak'Rei'An isn't conquered.
  7. Responses in light blue.
  8. I really meant the Matoro thuing in an OOC sense. Also, for Kohlii, my personal theory is that a Matoran ate some Bohrok (the seafood dish) and got food poisoning. While having weird dreams, they thought of the idea of Kohlii.
  9. ... ... Matoro was killed because he knew about Metru Nui. He was the only Matoran who knew in the story, remember?
  10. Condemned Okay, I'm got a little tired of reviewing, but after seeing your RPG, I realized there were somethings that I had to address. Two big problems, and one slightly minor that I included because I was already posting. I really think that two of the problems need to be addressed. The first problem is the minor one. Your locations, while complex and intricate, are just that - complex. It is hard to tell how they relate to each other, and I recommend getting a map. It is not necessary, but I would strongly advise that you do so, to make it clearer. Next, about your 'inactivity kill-em-off' rule - this only needs one extra word. This should only be for unannounced or warned absences, so people aren't killed for going on two week vacations without internet access. If someone says they will be inactive, they shouldn't be killed. Finally, I think that the time period does not make sense - MU inhabitants can build new versions of themselves, and live for well over 100,000,000 years. It doesn't make sense to have this game take place in the future, as it would be millions of years from the Bionicle we know and love. I recommend either before the Shattering (And before technological innovation), or immediately after (When the world could be in a apocalyptic stage and not use technology much.) In both, any random pieces of technology could be handwaved as Great Being wackiness, like the portal.
  11. Nah, they got gifts. PAINFUL ONES. and they were hyenas
  12. Not being on for two days is not a long time.
  13. To be slightly more specific than Voxumo, the Brotherhood of Ak'Rei'An is a fanatical cult based in Po-Wahi that worships a former archangel of Mata Nui who became disgraced after he tried to lead a rebellion against Mata Nui and abolish death. He used to be the ferryman of the dead. Now, his followers can give up a power (Mask, element or eyebeam), to bind a zombie to their control. All zombies except for Goran are unintelligent, and he is only smart because I roleplayed as him first and didn't realize the zombies were supposed to be stupid.
  14. Did everyone playing this game just fail logic? Seriously? Comments like 'Kill me and everyone dies' or 'I am just a lowly villager' don't work in this game because the other faction wants to kill you lowly villagers. If we kill a Medic, only that faction will suffer.
  15. IC: Transiz/Tul The Mega-Rahkshi walked up to the scene of the fight, apparently a bit too late to rip some Kraata out of Rahkshi suits. "First of all, Rahkshi can't talk. Second of all, if you're a newswoman, are you affiliated with the Mata Nuian Weekly?"
  16. He's talking about Syvra. Lol canis knows what i am referring to. But i was moreso being sarcastic. Though i shall admit i have been debating on creating another BOA character.. If you want another character in the BoA, then it has to be the last Matoran Cardinal, as people won't be wandering around near Blackrock, Thentyle isn't nearly as aggressive in kidnapping for conversions, and there is only one slot for a preexisting character.
  17. IC: Vhohan He walked across the desert, the hood of his cloak down. He was on the road, which didn't say much, seeing as how that was just rock with the sand swept of it. The hot sun beat down on his head, and he wiped a sweat off his brow. Between his crippled arm and his body was the box, which he had to keep safe. Soon, he came up on the village of Po-Koro. He entered it, and began to head to his home. He looked at the city, and smiled at how much it had changed since he had been there last - not much, to be honest. After all, it had not been too long, only a month or so. His house was simple, one of those with two floors and shaped like a cube, but it had one major difference. On the right side when facing the house from the street, there was an access to the rooftop, which was surrounded by a small railing. Vhohan looked at that, and then walked inside of his house. The first floor had the dining room and the kitchen. He checked the cabinets and his ice-box to see if anything was still in them - thankfully, he had taken everything out the last time he had left. The floor consisted of many stone panels. He set the box down on a table, and then pulled a specific tile up. The hole was as big as ever, just enough to hold some weapons or other supplies. Vhohan decided he would keep his money there, as it was a safe spot. He then turned to the corner, where a circular staircase had been placed, and climbed up it. He was in his bedroom now, which was lined with all sorts of books and scrolls. He had a large shelf for different souvenirs. He placed his gun and the pouch he kept its ammunition down, and next to it he set placed the blade that had been in the place of his hand for some time now. The Rahkshi staff was propped up in the corner. --- After a day of work, the roof had been renovated. The bookshelves had been moved up to the top, and were on front and back sides from the street. Across from the small landing for the staircase was a hammock, and next to the landing itself was small desk that the box was now sitting on. In the center was a small fire pit surrounded by boxes to sit on. He had already stocked it with wood for those cold nights in the desert. Vhohan then walked over to the desk, and opened the box. He looked inside at the typewriter. He only had one hand, and it would be easier to use this than to write. At the bottom of the stairwell, he had posted a sign with a small note attached to it. Po-Koroan Mata Nui Weekly Office Accepting Stories About This Koro. Branch Head Manager: Vhohan EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES INQUIRE UPSTAIRS FOR TA-KORO AND GA-KORO.
  18. Canis Lycaon

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    HH can see our Proto levels!?
  19. IC: Vhohan "Thank you." The Skakdi left the building, walking on his prosthetic and his one leg. He had to get to one of the small technology stores in this Koro before they closed for the day, as it was getting late. He had things to do now, of the utmost importance, things that had to be completed. He stopped at the hotel he was staying at to pick up his Rahkshi Staff and his gun. He got a cloak out of the closest, and draped himself in it. As a final act, he sat down on the bed and began to unstrap the blade of the stump where his hand once was. His fingers traced the stitches, and then he got back up. Everything went into his bag, and he walked to the store. They put the box on the counter, and he pulled out the few widgets needed to pay for what was inside. They accepted, and he picked it up the box. Cradling between his arm and his body, he thanked the maker of the device in the box. He then began walking, going to his old home in the city of Po-Koro. He would convert a part of it into his office for the Po-Koroan Mata Nuian Weekly branch. But there was something odd - he was different from the last time he had came to this Koro. Less bloodthirsty, more refined. Like when he still had a family. And the hardened, crazed, murderous Skakdi wiped a tear from his eye. OOC: Vhohan to Po-Koro.
  20. It's actually not... Compared to other fighter specific items, the amount of masks is incredibly high.
  21. Canis Lycaon (Or Lupus, take your pick), becomes Venom Reaper. Cool!
  22. IC: Vhohan "So? Do I have the job or not?"
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