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Canis Lycaon

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Everything posted by Canis Lycaon

  1. IC: Canis [status: Waking Up Health: 17/20] I opened my eyes up slowly, finding frostbite on my skin and bullet wounds, no doubt thanks to Voxumo. Chro attempted to hit me with a hammer, but I rolled out of the way, causing the hammer to hit the snow. Then Chro ran away, heading to fight someone else. My wolf burst out of the snow, and I jumped onto him. I got my halberd out, and propped it against my arm. My steed charged through the snow, raging at Pupwa, who I would stab with my spear.
  2. Personally, if I get an ultimate I will save it until the end of the match. EXAMPLE: Take when the water first came in, but before Blade used his lightning powers. I would have used the ultimate then, so Blade wouldn't kill us all. iBrow, I'm a little confused about the 'Victory Unlock' thing. Does that mean that the according amount of victories must be made by anyone, or that one person must get that many victories? And if one person, does that mean they can choose to unlock, instead of something else happening?
  3. IC: Vhohan A Skakdi using a cane walked down the street, heading for a billboard that a runner had put a message upon. Vhohan looked at the sign briefly, and then called out to the runner, who was still somewhat close. He was a reporter, and this was certainly newsworthy. "Hello there, you! The one who put up this sign. I am an official branch head manager for the Mata Nui Weekly. I was wondering if I could schedule an interview with this Lenat sometime to discuss this Technlogy Expo? Here is some identification, if you so wish." With that, Vhohan held the cane in the crux of his arm as he reached into his pocket and produced a small badge. OOC: Silvan, that's for you. IC: Rakona/Goran Rakona stood up, and then turned to Larikon. "Grandmaster, earlier we were discussing having a spy infiltrate Po-Koro. I would like to fulfill that role."
  4. OOC: I'll just wait for iBrow to voice his opinion - he is the one that should decide how my wolf works.
  5. OOC: Dying and resummoning has happened before, and that would be incredibly unfair for me. I mean, everyone else gets multiple uses of their power (Except for the copy guys, but they get a new power), and I have an easily killed wolf that can't come back? Also, the wolf isn't attacking you - sorry I was unclear: The opponent mentioned is Dapper.
  6. OOC: All I'm saying is that I determine when the wolf should die - and I have been reasonable about that in the past. Let's say, between the wolf dying and me resummoning it, I have to wait one post? Is that fair?
  7. OOC: Dapper, you don't have the ability to kill the wolf - you can attack it, but only I can state if it has died. IC: Canis [status: Fighting Dapper Health: 11/20] The figure in armor saw a gun poke out of a sphere. Because of the water slowing down the speed of the bullets, Canis stepped aside and let the bullets fly at Dapper Man, while his wolf grappled the opponent, attempting to deal damage and hold him in place.
  8. IC: Canis [status: Fighting Dapper Man Health: 12/20] The slicing from the blade of Dapper Man hurt Canis, injuring him a bit. Health: 11/20] Canis jumped off his wolf, and the two moved into position so their opponent was between them. At the signal of Canis, they both launched an attack.
  9. Perhaps in four months we could make a contest RPG about the EM?
  10. but spirits is about coldness and ice and snow. how will it leave me with a warm feeling?
  11. OOC: Another person joined after my announcement, so technically no, but we could always use more help! Feel free to join!
  12. OOC: ABOUT MY UPDATE: I have one other player working with me. The update is about teams only. JiMing, Zero is currently your display name and is easier to type. IC: Canis [status: Finding opponent Health: 14/20] "Who should we attack next, Portal?"
  13. OOC: Zero, I'm fairly certain the first pos said you needed to keep track of your life. Also, I get the penalty and am fine with it, but I would have appreciated some sort of rule beind added about it. Pupwa, not knowing what godmodding is is not an excuse for doing it. (We are at fault for not explaining it so you could stop.)
  14. If I am trapped in the Ye Olde Grimoire Necronomicon of the Dead, it would just spit me out. My character, remember?
  15. Actually, Vezok, as he is the one that created the prison.
  16. First post is turning into Toa = good Much later post is turning into Toa = bad
  17. I vote Burnmad. TR can't be it - he has been inactive for three weeks now, meaning that if a role was active, he couldn't have been it.
  18. Wait, what happened to me? Also, Vezon, the time between a scene and intermission should be around a day, really.
  19. We have differences about timelines. I think it is a good idea to wrap up some loose ends, and provide closure to the players. You think that only necessary events should be included. I'm not going to change my timeline because I think having one, even if only to wrap up events, helps provide depth and background to the world. As for the Orde team, if I kept it vague, I would be asked, 'What exactly happened?' The reason I included this timeline is because the last time I made an RPG post-mending, I was asked how stuff happened. As for Malik's thousand years: Here is something we tend to forget thanks to the absurdly long lifespans of Bionicle characters - a thousand years is still a really long amount of time. It's more than plenty of time to figure out that Kraata go in steps. Also, the only mentions to Level are now in the Mutants Faction section and the Leader's profile, both of which are written in an OOC tense. As for the virus and mutations, there is an explanation as to why it doesn't work. However, that reason is closely linked to what the virus is, so I can't reveal in a topic. I have sent you a PM detailing what the virus is.
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