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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Fair enough! Although I often wonder what the Kal would've done if the EP killed the Toa Mata after they trapped the Bahrag instead of transforming them. (Alternate Universe anyone)
  2. Mythological creatures aren't really my thing so I call Thor to deal with them all. He promptly smashes them all with Mjolnir no sweat. My mask.
  3. Hmm Lhikan doesn't strike me as one who pays social calls... unless he's just popping in to officially greet the new arrivals. Looks like he got more than he bargained for. Poor Jessica, it's hard going to an all girl/nerd school (I'd think the Archivists would be around too though? ). Luckily she's found a boy to flirt with. Hope she's not too disappointed when he becomes a Turaga *coughspoilerscough*
  4. Drop kicks you into the lake to join your friend the Lake Monster. He enjoyed his second breakfast My Mask!
  5. This is me being nit-picky, but Teridax was in his Antidermis form while with Zaktan, not protodermis. But... other than that it's looking good! Eager to see where this goes.
  6. This definitely has great potential. I love how the little boys know exactly who's who and what's going to happen. Although I wonder how much their presence here will affect what will happen. You've definitely captured my attention, I look forward to future chapters!
  7. We're mad scientists it's what we do. Well Dr. Strange is an expert at dimension traveling so he'll get the Time Stone back sooner or later, so I'll leave him to sort that one out. In the meantime, you didn't think to take my suit before locking me in jail? I easily break out using my tools and hacking skills to leave no trace, find you and use an EMP to disable your suit. Takes your Kraata form and puts you into cryostasis to keep you out of more mischief. After that I throw a party. My mask.
  8. Finds Dr. Strange (not yet an avenger! ) and he uses the Time Stone to reverse time to right before you make the Mask of Ultimate Power, and in ethereal form, he tinkers with the process and it all goes BOOM! My mask
  9. Assembles the Avengers and liberates the island from your tyranny. Collects the Mask on the way out. My mask.
  10. Sorry but those happened to be my nukes so I sue you for all your belongings, (including the mask) and leave you broke and starving. My mask!
  11. Wow not bad. not bad at all. I was almost expecting it to be sporting a squid launcher. I suppose the head looks a bit squidlike when the mouth is closed, oh well, it looks great nonetheless! Great job!
  12. The only problem is that their still robbing to Nuva of their powers for a particular length of time, wouldn't it be easier for the Nuva to just go and free the Bahrag themselves? Or are you saying that the Nuva Symbols were needed no matter who or what trapped the Bahrag? That makes me wonder then, what if the Kal and the Nuva were on friendly terms, and they gave them the symbols willingly, would that still rob their powers away? Also, there's the question of what if the Bahrag weren't just trapped but seriously injured or similarly incapacitated? The Kal have no healing abilities, how would they have been useful then? Did the Bahrag just assume the only way the swarms would be stopped is to block the mental connection one way or another, in which the Kal would basically muscle their way through whoever/whatever did such a thing and set things right somehow?
  13. I crash the tea party with my own barrage of partyers, everyone going wild. I subtly slip something into your drinks while you're distracted, and you and Lord TL2 pass out senseless. My mask!
  14. Well, I applaud you for the very thorough detail of your theory. It definitely makes sense, I hadn't read "Makuta's Revenge" in awhile (come to think of it, that's an odd title considering that the Kal weren't necessarily his revenge *unless* the revenge was the Kal stealing the powers and defeating the Toa again and again and again). I like what you said about the Nuva powers being too much to contain in their bodies, I could be wrong, but wasn't that discussed/confirmed elsewhere? Something about the Symbols being extra batteries to store all the excess power that a normal Toa couldn't hold, and that's why they were able to overload the Kal with the energy? Not 100% sure, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I like your theory definitely, I think I'll consider that my head-canon, whether it's true or not. I think someone above said they were going to ask Greg, so I'm still curious as to what he might say on the matter, even though it may or may not be to our likings *coughglatoriangreatbeingscough*
  15. I concur. I didn't join until 2010, but I was lurking here for years beforehand, and it was indeed awesome. '09 in particular was a fun year, because story-wise it was completely new ground for everyone. I only joined three years ago, way after G1 had already ended, and I can only imagine what this place was like back when BIONICLE was in full swing. I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon, I love reading the fanmade stories and seeing everyone's creativity. It's basically the nostalgia that's keeping me here to be completely honest.
  16. Celebrating 3 years! It's been quite the time.

  17. Returns to space with Mark 45 (deep space armor) and uses explosives to rupture your rahkshi suit, the kraata suffocating in the vacuum of space. My mask!
  18. Unleashes a virus that sends the robot back to sleep crushing everything inside including you. My mask!
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