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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Uses the Space Infinity stone and sends you to the collector, I'm sure he'd love a rare specimen such as yourself! As payment, I keep the mask My mask!
  2. Doh! I knew that! It must've been the meddling of the Rahkshi of Letter-Control** The lava monster inhabitance don't take a liking to your stunt crashes and hunt you down and bury you under waves of lava. My mask! **if you don't get that reference read The Nuva Inn, a comedy by Lewa0111 Nuva, and it's a recurring character of chaos. I definitely recommend it!
  3. (Iron Man's first suit of armor ever created, made from bits of scrap in the desert.) I see your roast and I raise you barbeque! My mask
  4. I escape by building Mach 1 in the desert (first movie reference!) I then hunt you down and torch you with the built in flame throwers. My mask!
  5. Good job! I first thought it was going to be a more detailed Zesk, (basically because of the helmet) but nope I was wrong! Looks great, the hands and the feet match their animalistic look, and the short story behind her is quite unique.
  6. Aye, tis true. Can't wait to see what happens next! I can easily see Nidhiki getting the shock of his life when Jake reveals that he knows his true identity
  7. "I'm so thankful my old friends decided to make me a freak!" Metus
  8. I am puzzled as to how current weather conditions determine who's possession the mask is in. But... I make it rain nukes. My mask!
  9. Um... wow! He reminds me of a really dark version of the Rhino certain Marvel alt timelines have, but less bulky and more tall and menacing. I can see this doing a lot of damage. I second what TimeLord said above, it looks great! And to add to his question, how well does he pose? For example, is he more topheavy, so he could topple if pushed too far? I applaud you, well done!
  10. *sigh* never get tired of seeing that picture of him... looks so epic! Sorry tangent. Let's see um... Sand Tarakava
  11. I sing an opera and bring the house down on you all. My mask!
  12. All the barrel fun has summoned Donkey Kong, I tell him you've stolen his banana stash, and he goes on a mad rampage to get them back. My mask!
  13. "It's over Ekimu! I have the high ground!" "YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY HAMMER!!" "Don't try it-..." *WHAM!!*
  14. Also, poor Lee... I'm sure he'd rather fight an army of Dark Hunters than have to deal with Jessica any day. Although... why didn't he just use his Hau? Because the Hau only works against attacks you see coming. Glad you liked the episode. Good point! Although now that I reread it, I have one nit-pick. I think Hafu would cry out in horror at his masterpiece being destroyed, not necessarily terror. Terror seems to imply that his life is in danger, but then I'm no grammar expert
  15. you don't know what the Hagah spears are called? you should read Biosector01!!! *throws computer at you, crushing you under overflowing bionicle info* My mask!
  16. Haven't you heard of the mask of improbabilities? Makes the impossible happen. Up goes the Kool-Aid (I love that emoticon) My mask!
  17. Also, poor Lee... I'm sure he'd rather fight an army of Dark Hunters than have to deal with Jessica any day. Although... why didn't he just use his Hau?
  18. Ignites the Kool-Aid and you all go up in a fiery inferno! My mask!
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