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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. I entice the cavaliers with barrels of Guinness, which they drink happily. I then slam you under a 100 ton weight. My mask!
  2. "How I wish I had never left my comfy protodermis mine..." Spectral Mask
  3. I grab your stick and throw it at you. "Kardas, fetch!" He runs after the stick and mistakes you for the stick and snatches you up and brings you to me. I shrug, laughing at kardas' mistake and throw you, "fetch!" He chases you and fetches you again. This continues for awhile. My mask!
  4. I rise again, Vezon style with a handy Kardas (don't ask where he came from I don't know honestly) Together we blast you to pieces with combustible energy. My mask!
  5. Good heavens you made this entirely from LDD? or did you model it with Legos first then render it? Either way, it looks amazing! You've captured Karzahni amazingly. My only critique (and this is being very nitpicky) is that in pictures of him I recall him standing rather hunched and menacing, whereas in your model he's standing almost regally, which also fits his personally as ruler of his land, but makes him seem less of a monster. But like I said it's a small nitpick. Well done sir I applaud you!
  6. I retaliate by throwing you into a mountain of fire My mask!
  7. I'm confused, why did I decide to give you the mask? silly thing to do. I ask for it back, because "it's my birthday and I wants it." when you refuse I strangle you Sméagol style, and take the mask from your lifeless body. My Preciousssss My mask!
  8. So basically the only love that is considered to be "non-canon" would be Eros, where the characters have romantic love for each other (which is basically what was depicted in the case of Hewkii/Macku & Jaller/Hahli, in which case it appears that they were allowed Philia because they were considered great friends despite their differences. Storge is most often seen in Toa Teams, before they become true friends (Kopaka/Pohatu) where they at the least tolerate each other and at most, form a sort of family among themselves. Matoro is of course the embodiment of Agape, when he willingly sacrificed himself to save the entire universe. (the Ignika also followed suit when it destroyed it's new body to awaken Mata Nui (although one might argue whether a mask is capable of true agape love, but I'll leave that up for debate).
  9. I watch you all amused then unleash my secret weapon: My mask! (Btw, did you know that in one of Takanuva's alternate universes the Great Beings didn't have to build Mata Nui? Chuck Norris just happened to be on Spherus Magna at the time and put the planet back together after the Shattering! True story!)
  10. 'I wasn't captured and put to sleep! I actually am a Makuta!' Lhikan
  11. Spoil sport But conveniently, during the reenactment of "The Gresh who stole Naming Day" (a parody of another well known story). I dressed up at the Gresh and stole everyone's naming day presents including the Mask. My mask!
  12. 'I don't know what to do! I don't have a plan!' Brakas Monkey
  13. Gracious, I turn my back for a minute and the world has gone crazy! Mata Nui arrives for Naming Day, but sees how you all have been acting so instead of giving gifts, he takes the Mask from you. But I have been nice so he gifts me with the mask. My mask!
  14. And they say that time heals all wounds. All the time meddling brings the attention of Voporak, when he finds out you don't have the mask of time he gets angry and ages you into a pile of dust. I grab the mask he leaves behind as he continues his search. My mask!
  15. "If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do..." is to go back in time and steal the mask from everyone when they had it. My mask (masks, depending on your point of view of the timestream)
  16. I escape the mime madness with the Kanohi Dojo, or Mask of Ninja I then use the skills to dodge all the invisible weapons you have and twist you into a pretzel. My mask!
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