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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Going completely unoriginal and drops ACME anvils on all of you. My mask!
  2. Borrowing eels from Ehlek without his permission? That's not cool. He holds a lifetime grudge against you, and ends up destroying your home, conquering your country, and taking your life. Thankfully he didn't notice the Mask otherwise he would have taken that too, but I happened to be passing by so I picked it up for safe keeping. My mask!
  3. Fair point-I did pack a lot in there. Should probably go back and space it out a bit more, or maybe create a Dramatis Personae or something so that folks can more easily identify all the new stuff I've gotten in there. I'd be all for that! Been enjoying the story quite a bit so far, hoping for a great climax
  4. Actually coincidentally I LOVE Irish folk songs! But it is an inconvenience still so I go along with the surgery. But keeping with the theme I told the local leprechaun that you stole his gold (the mask is conveniently golden) so he and his brethren attack you. My mask
  5. knocks all aircraft from the sky with anti-aircraft fire. My mask!
  6. I know a bit of HALO too... *target acquired* :onfire: That was quite a show. My mask!
  7. Ouch. I retaliate by marshaling the Iron Legion. Last sign of you is a crater in the middle of the street. My mask!
  8. Why not?) Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's a shrimp.
  9. Matoran (well, toa and turaga) have been known to eat with mouths, haven't they? They technically can, but they typically don't unless it's medicine or they need to absorb a specific nutrient rather than pure energy. Fanon is that they think it's utterly revolting and bestial, but I don't know if there was ever any canon statement on that. It has been stated in Biosector in the Skakdi info page that those beings consume and digest their food which the other MU inhabitance see as revolting and bestial. I'm pretty sure that another source states that as well. (not sure if it was BIONICLE Encyclopedia, or BIONICLE World, but I'm certain I've read it somewhere other than Biosector)
  10. So I'm going to start off by saying that ants give me the creeps. I have a deep loathing for them (bad fire ant experience as a kid) That being said, you have captured the look and feel of the ant perfectly, I literally felt a chill up my back looking at the model. So I say to you, well done!
  11. Isn't there a Macku version as well? Bionicle's not gonna be the vanguard of solving the gender balance issue. Wasn't saying they would be, I just thought I remembered seeing a Macku plush at some point. Someone actually made the dolls of our beloved matoran lovers: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/13235-hewkii-macku-dolls/ I don't know if the images are still good, they're not showing up on my computer at this time, but there you go! But yes Hewkii and Macku have my vote for plushes. They're so adorable together.
  12. I was going to say, I think that was already tried... NO! So much creative art wasted!!! That's it you all get a time out! I arrest all who comply, all who don't suffer the burnmad emoticon! EDIT: almost forgot! My mask!
  13. I watched them when they first came out on Netflix (borrowed my roommate's account ) I thought the temple that the mask of control was kept in was cool, plus it was exciting watching Ekimu's transformation into the "Toa of Light". Brought back memories of seeing MoL for the first time (even though yes, different story, different characters) But all in all it was enjoyable! Still bummed about how it all ended, was so hoping for more. :/
  14. I'm wondering who would go through the trouble of making so many fakes... seems exhausting. Anyways... Arc beam to the chest, creating a new window in your chest. My mask!
  15. The whole world sees you giving out free Nintendo Switches, so they swarm you begging for theirs and trample you flat when you can't deliver. My mask!
  16. I return with the Hulkbuster and effectively pulverize you. Fatality. My mask!
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