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Naota Takizawa

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Everything posted by Naota Takizawa

  1. If transparency could be achieved with 3d printing, I'd simply make my own transblue Kaukau, it would be cheaper than paying for a spot on the exclusive tour or buying it off ebay or bricklink.
  2. A corrupted form of the original name "Assonius Dronkaiya", this was the name of a war torn planet that was destroyed after a superweapon using the core malfunctioned and detonated the core, wiping out all life on the planet and destroying its surrounding moons with the chunks of the planet. Bigota
  3. If any of the gold masks look weird on the toa, it would have to be Gali, Lewa and Pohatu, take a guess why.
  4. How did you make those and how long did it take? Also, if you ever plan on making more, could you sort of make a fusion of the toa's kanohi? Example, the right side having Gali's original kanohi and the left side having Gali's new mask.
  5. I agree with you, 2005 was an anomaly that only had three benefits. The Rhotuka, the hordika neck pieces and Roodaka. Everything else wasn't impressive, especially the toa since they all looked far too similar in design, why couldn't they be more beast like and unique? (For example, Nokama could have a mermaid tail, fins and a more streamlined build, Matau could have bird or even dragonlike wings with small claws and a face with fangs and Whenua would be built like a mole or another nocturnal creature.)
  6. Electric bug, death by thunderbolt Nui-Rama
  7. A planet similar to earth, it is uninhabited and the oceans are composed of freshwater. There is one major continent home to many different alien species of flora and fauna, along with many other islands to house many native species. Terapia
  8. "Yo dawg, I heard matoran like exosuits so I made an exosuit made from matoran, for matoran, by matoran so they can fight Matoran while they fight matoran" Cahdok and Gahdok
  9. A romantic holiday with Jaller. Kongu
  10. Don't worry that much about it. It's just a snarky term a single BZPower member uses to denigrate the system as a whole. It's not a term you're likely to see anywhere else. outside of graveyard basketball tournaments anyway. :v Now I need to see somebody draw this. If someone drew a graveyard basketball tournament, but they used the skeleton warrior sets, would the art belong in the Creative Outlet Forum or the Off Topic Culture Forum?
  11. I'm going to muck around with these emoticons in the hopes they become more popular. How come noone uses this emoticon anymore? It makes me so mad I could burn a ##### forest down! The swear filter on BZPower is awful! It sucks! On a less serious note, let's talk about something cheesy, does that sound Gouda? *reads emoticon list* Oh my, so many smilies to use, so little time... *collapses* Welcome to , Liuth! Take my money! Now leave me alone! *Devil takes my money and jumps into my body* Oh darn it. Hey, I just a cool idea. Why don't I hack BZPower? I will force the admins to make me a Premier Outstanding BZPower Staff Member and my title will be "The Heart, brain and soul of BZPower!" I will rule BZPower with an iron fist and force Hapori Tohu to submit to me! The numerous members of BZPower shall be my followers and NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE WILL STOP ME! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Minion whispers in my ear* What. I got BANNED?! NOOOOOOO! *Devil leaves my body* Oookay, I better stop that guy. *Approaches him* Hey, buddy, you could hurt someone, why don't you put the hammer down? Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. *Guy runs off a few hours later* I am in so much pain... * *A medical chopper flies in* GET TO THE CHOPPER! *Pilot puts me in the chopper and flies to a hospital* *Guy with the hammer is chasing the chopper* To be continued... I have more emoticons that need to see the light of day, but there's a limit on them.
  12. Hewkii, death by electric chains.
  13. A transformation back into his matoran form Macku
  14. "It was wrong of me to keep hypnotizing Carapar." -Takadox Kapura
  15. IC (As Fulmen): "The central square of Le-Koro." Replied the lightning matoran. "You seem extremely tired, what did you do last night?" The matoran of lightning asked curiously.
  16. The rumored 10th planet in our solar system, it houses the Taxians, the universe's first known alien race and it is a desolate planet coated in ice, with glaciers making up 85% of the planets surface. Underneath, the core is extremely hot and even the most heat resistant bacteria would die there. Quavazyx
  17. The Mahi had a Ta-Koro variant in lego's first bionicle game for GBA, Substitute the tan for red and replace the mahi's regular red eyes with black ones or Mixel eyes and you've created one.
  18. Any new content? It's been a while since you last posted.
  19. You could add a few kanohi that aren't really well known like the kanohi of adaption, which could add 1 point to each stat for a limited amount of time or the mask of emulation, which copies a random elemental power to use. Additionally, why not sprite your own and give them a power and name? For example, you could make up a kanohi with bug eyes, antennae, mandibles and call it the kanohi Etemo, the mask of insect control. Those insects could deal damage, leech health or even be used as a shield.
  20. How come 2003 is your least favorite? I personally thought it was a good year since we got Takanuva, the rebuilt matoran forms, a physical set of Makuta Teridax, bendable knees in the Rahkshi.
  21. The matoran do form a resistance group. I prefer Ahkmou to be a toa of stone, I just imagine him using his powers of stone mixed with some shadows from the kanohi Kraahkan. I prefer Ahkmou to be a toa of stone, but I won't reject your opinion. Yep, the matoran form a resistance group and their goal is to get rid of Toa Ahkmou.
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