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Daniel the Finlander

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Everything posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff | With Eryard) She followed Eryard inside, because she wanted to see their noble general in person. IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | With Langmuir) He walked alongside Langmuir, not particularly interested about the slothful Toa. He used his sword to cut a path through the foliage.
  2. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff | With Eryard, Riss, Vinra and Kat) Feli listened to other pilots with her hands crossed. After everyone else had voiced their opinions, she said "Mecha's are powerful. I agree that we should support regular fighters, but if the need arises we should join together and form a strong strike team. We can switch between both tactics."
  3. IC: Masome (Sado, Market | With Yukie and Chiyo) "M'lord", Masome said to Yukie while hardly managing to keep up with him because of her short legs, "Is she talking about the prison? Won't the guards chase the Toroshu and her liberators? What if they'll hide in the same shop I'll go into? And then the guards will think that I'm helping them to escape and interrogate me! I dont want that! I-I don't know what to do!"
  4. IC: Dartakh (Ta-Koro gates | With Enforcer, Forger and Vandal) Before the guard could respond, Dartakh said "It must've been that large pile of rubble in the middle of the city I saw some days ago. A shame, for I had heard some good things about the place. Never got to visit it." He started walking towards the gate.
  5. IC: Masome (Sado, Market District) "Excuse me, m'lady" Yukie heard someone say to him. The voice was frail and weak, although it could be considered adorable and soft. It belonged to a short and stocky Dashi, uncertainty glaring from her eyes that looked at him. After examining Yukie more, she quickly added "Or m'lord, excuse me if I was wrong". She only managed to maintain eye contact for a short moment before looking elsewhere. "What just happened? I heard an explosion. Is there a riot again? Where should I go?" She nervously rubbed her hands together and stared at the black pillar of smoke rising from the prison.
  6. IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | Arma Virique) He examined their general and whistled. "That's a fancy suit of armour! It must be heavy, too." He turned to look at Langmuir again. "You said that's a woman? What species has females strong enough to wear platemail? Although I must admit, I've already seen stranger things in this tournament, so I shouldn't be surprised" IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff | Tahtorak's Fist) She stood outside the stronghold, leaning against the metal wall and waiting. She noticed a red being walk out of the entrance and assumed that he had been talking with the general. She approached him, bowed and said "Greetings. May I inquire about our general's plans?" OoC: Talking to Eryard
  7. IC: Lehti (Kini-Nui | With the Toa Akari, Darvin and the recluse) She remained silent for a moment, thinking of an answer. "I don't think we should go down there. Not yet. We should find allies to help us, because we can't do it alone." She heard someone clap and turned to look at the source of the sound. It was that quiet bark-covered Toa, growing a flower on his flower and then killing it. Lehti frowned and turned to her team mates. "Any of you know what that symbol was?"
  8. So what would the Matoran do then? Form a resistance group or something?
  9. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff | Tahtorak's Fist Feli assumed that their general was a noble, based on his lengthy name, and assumed that it had affected the gamemaker's choice. Nobles, at least on her own world, often received military training, so it made sense. She wanted to obey his orders, but didn't want to leave the mecha unprotected and was unsure if she should take control of it yet. But the stronghold wasn't very far away and if someone dared to steal it, she could always find out their identity after the round. She walked towards the small metal fortress, following her general.
  10. IC: Dartakh (Arena, The Jungle | Arma Virique) Langmuir saw that Dartakh had noticed him. The Vortixx approached him and said "Don't you hate it when they start rounds without warning? At least I filled my belly before this." He looked around, clearly looking for someone. "Do you happen to know where our general is?" IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, The Cliff | Tahtorak's fist) Feli was less confused this time when she was teleported into the arena. The Host had at least given a warning. But what surprised her was that her mecha, standing still next to her, was already fully repaired and functional. And this time most other fighters didn't have mechas. She smiled proudly when she realized this. She did something else but the writer decided that she should instead stand around for a split second before the writer sends her to interact with someone in a new post.
  11. Are you kidding me? The meeting between Langmuir and other Outsiders was disrupted by a round again? I swear, if this happens the third time I will find a staff member and smack them.
  12. Knightfall updated to 0.5! I've decided to keep the Dying Worlds, because I think they make this unique, and removing them would require too much rewriting of the lore. And I completely forgot that Kentoku Archipelago is full of feudal struggles already. I've removed all limits from skills and powers, giving more freedom to the players. I did this because Bionishock infinte showed me how imaginative people can be when creating characters. I've cleaned up the structure and fixed some errors you two pointed out, but I didn't remove any lore. Why? Because i can't bring myself to murder my darlings. The issue with elements creating endless amount of resources has been fixed, and the Dying Worlds will have a lot more variety. Some cleaning will probably still need to be done. And to answer the "no gunpowder weapons" question I missed, I might add them, but guns aren't as dramatic in my opinion (yes, a variant of fantasy gun control applies here) and are problematic when it comes to autohits and combat in general.
  13. IC: Dartakh (Commercial Sector | With Ravyn and Arkie) "How are you so certain? What's the point of a reward if the winner can't bring it back home? The gamemakers also promised the victor 'eternal bragging rights'. Imagine if there was a way to prove that you're a winner of a grand tournament, those who want to hire you will pay a great fortune! And don't forget the treasure they mentioned. Speaking of which, do you know what 'treasure' can be found here? I vaguely remember someone talking about gems.." He noticed a familiar Fe-Toa approaching them, and raised his hand in greeting. "Look who it is again! It's the Swordthrower! Why did you vanish into thin air some time ago?"
  14. IC: Dartakh (Commercial Sector | With Ravyn and Arkie) He relaxed on the chair with his arms crossed and the meal finished. A faint smile appeared on his face when he watched the two Toa talk, but soon his gaze drifted away to stare into the past, into happier times, the time when the Shadowknife was still just a small band of friends whose lives had forced them to become mercnaries.. He snapped back into reality and coughed. "So, what are your plans for the tournament? Will you just try to stay alive or win the whole thing?" IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay/Knowledge Sector) She woke up and gasped. She had always hated dying in a round and being resurrected afterwards. Immortality made life seem so.. pointless, and death seemed to be little more than a temporary dream. That wasn't the case in her own world, where her task was to help those in need so the wouldn't die, and instead enjoy life as much as they can despite thier poverty. Here in this tournament it didn't matter what anyone did, because everyone would live forever anyways. She despised that. Feli snapped her fingers and seemed to remember something. She stood up andheaded for the Knowledge Sector, where she could watch the record f the battle and see how she was defeated and, more importantly, who had defeated her. Even thinking about that person made her frown.
  15. Yeah, I've noticed that, hence the reason why I asked people to recommend clans instead of just creating a new one.
  16. IC: Dartakh (Commercial Sector | With Ravyn and Arkie) He swallowed and nodded. "Axes and crossbows are both good. I'd say that swords and longbows are better, but they are harder to use." His eyes examined Arkie closely, like the eyes of a noble recruiting warriors or of a merchant buying slaves. He then turned to look at Ravyn. "And you're partially right. A mercenary shouldn't tell how many blows they can take, but rather exaggerate the amount and ask for a price that appears to be fair, but is actually more than they would've gotten if they had told the truth. And the best soldiers almost never get sent to the front line, so your life expectancy doesn't become awfully short all of a sudden." He examined Ravyn in a similar way as he had examined Arkie, although for a shorter period of time. He grabbed his mug again and drank. After emptying it he pointed at Ravyn and said "From now on I will call you Skinny Grey", then pointing at Arkie, "And Ironarm. Both of you look like capable warriors." He looked at Ravyn. "And, if I may ask, what were these 'trials' you had to go through? I'm just curious, that's all."
  17. Woah, I didn't expect so many of you wanting a new clan member! Now I'm actually tempted to make multiple characters because several clans are quite interesting. Thanks for the suggestions!
  18. I've been thinking about making a new Dasaka character. Any clans in need of new members?
  19. After some thinking I've come to the conclusion that there's two different paths I can take with Knightfall: 1. Abandon the whole "Dying Worlds" thing and focus on feudal struggles. This would mean rewriting the lore, but keeping most of the rules and mechanics intact and possibly adding some new ones. 2. Keep the Dying Worlds and from now on just focus on polishing the game I'm not sure which one to take, because I like both options. But more importantly I want to read what others think about this.
  20. OoC: If a mecha hasn't been teleported away, its pilot is still alive inside. It's pretty obvious and requires no guessing. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena) "No!" she hissed inside the defeated mecha, her shoulder still smoking, "How did I lose? The enemy must've cheated! That must be it! That mus-" Her sentence was cut short when her cockpit collapsed and her body was crushed, her organs turning into paste. Almost immediately afterwards the mecha was engulfed by bright light and disappeared. it was clear that the mecha and its pilot had been teleported away. OoC: Feli Gemshimmer KO'd by Galaxia Eternis/Harami
  21. Wow, I'm not sure if I can handle this much good feedback! Thanks a lot! Yeah you're right. My notes about what things I needed to do with Knightfall included a lot of "ADD MOAR STUFF" instead of "condense the information and improve the organization and structure". Will grab an axe and get rid of stuff, as well as cleaning up the remains. Well, I've tried to keep the geography as simple as possible so I wouldn't need to do this. Why? Because I am terrible at drawing on a computer and my camera is poor, so I can't really take pictures. Still, I might add horrible maps drawn with Paint for some locations. Yeah I'll try to make things clearer and explain them better. Sigh. I know that, and I've been struggling with it. I can't have many elements creating much, because why are campaigns to the Dying Worlds necessary if Knights can just create endless amounts of water, food, metal etc.? On the other hand elemental powers are weak and boring without the ability to create stuff. It's a problem I'm struggling with. As for gravity and magnetism, I thought they were too powerful. I'll add them back in and nerf them in some way. Plasma is too simiar to fire, but that's just my opinion, so I'll add that back in. The original idea was to make them mysterious and include as little information about them as possible. Now when everything else about this RPG is presented with a lot of extensive details, this just seems weird and stupid. I'll do something about it.
  22. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena | Fighting Galaxia Eternis) Feli barely had enough time to let out a curse before the enemy blasted the Wraithknight with pure beams of light. She screamed in pain when her right shoulder was burned by light that had penetrated the mecha's armour. The mecha itself turned limp and collapsed on the ground, a grey pillar of smoke crawling upwards from its chest and its limbs twitching occasionally. The fallen knight didn't teleport away yet, so the pilot was probably still alive in the ruined cockpit.
  23. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena | Fighting Galaxia Eternis) As she heard the enemy mecha approach her rapidly as expected, Feli made sure that there were several pieces of metal on the ground nearby and leaped to the side in order to avoid the foe's attack. She hoped that the enemy would land on one of these round pieces of metal that were covered in sand. The resulting explosion might be dangerous, but it would damage the enemy more than it would her own mecha.
  24. IC: Lehti (Kini-Nui) Her eyes widened and she said "He did?" before turning to face Kajak and saying "Kaj, if he's speaking the truth, I don't think we should go down there."
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