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Daniel the Finlander

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Everything posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Alisa Dare) "You mean she transformed into a Turaga?" she asked and quickly went to grab a syringe from a nearby container. "But why did she die? And what happened to her bow?" She filled the syringe with some dark green liquid and injected it into Tenjou. "If this doesn't work, I don't know what will", she said and sighed in frustration. She had failed in her duty, but struggled to admit this.
  2. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) "Well.." she said, but stopped when sounds of sobbing came from behind her. She turned to look and saw a Matoran sitting and crying. "Excuse me, I must go" she said to Naona, a serious look on her face, and walked towards her. As she approached, she noticed that the Av-Toa lying in bed nearby was unmoving, Her eyes widened and she moved next to her. Her heartlight no longer glowed. Feli turned to look at Alisa and asked "What happened?" as she tried to revive her with her mask. She didn't seem sad, but angry. Another patient lost. It was her duty to keep them alive, her duty. How could she fail? OoC: Talking to Alisa Dare IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector | With Ravyn) "Hah, good, I hate those people, sitting in their marble palaces, thinking that their wealth makes them superior to others. Bah, those greedy buggers should give their treasures to those that need them. They won't,because they're selfish, but they should. Makes me wonder though, would I do the same if I was rich? Keep it all for myself? I don't know, I've never owned much cash, always spent it on food and equipment. What about you, Skinny Grey? What would you do if you were sitting on a pile of treasure?"
  3. Knightfall updated to 0.8, after a while. Added details about the values of the gods' servants and some small additions. Should be 100% complete now. I don't have time to make a new RPG, unfortunately, and I've already invested quite a lot of it into Knightfall. I do like the idea of a pirate RPG, but I can't make one now. If someone else could, that'd be awesome.
  4. I vote to lynch nevermore, null and forgottenwarrior. Armok still hungers for blood, and those on the same boat with me are excellent gifts for the thirsty god
  5. IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector | With Ravyn) "Hah, lucky son of a Brakas. I spent my early life with the gangs of Tachir. Life on the streets made me tough and self-reliant. Still remember my first kill, that guardsman screamed like an animal when I twisted the knife in his stomach, hahah.." He actually smiled, but it was a twisted smile. He was more sociable and euphoric. It wasn't clear if Ravyn's bottle of liquor was the only one he emptied, but he was clearly drunk. "Oh, by the way, have you seen Ironarm anywhere? Did she die in the crash or something?" IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) She raised an eyebrow when she looked at the badge. "MCPD? What does it stand for?"
  6. repost, clarified how the amulet works, hope that's enough Name: Miira Ac Drachares Species: Vortixx Faction: Prisoner Appearance: Miira is an athletic Vortixx, skin armour coloured completely black. She's quite agile and quick, although not particularly strong. Several scars are scattered across her body, green and red swirls tattooed on her back. She has sharpened her finger claws and teeth. Her eyes and heartlight glow light blue. History: Miira was Dartakh's lover, and comes from a universe where it was her who survived. She spent years aimlessly wandering after Dartakh's death and the disbanding of her mercenary group, without any motivation to keep living. Like Dartakh in another universe, she later continued to work as a mercenary and became obsessed with violence. Her universe was conquered by Vapautti Sielun and she was imprisoned. Personality/Other: Miira is serious and cunning. She has always been an adept liar and usually lacks compassion for others. She trusts nobody and lacks any sense of humour. Before Dartakh's death, Miira was happy, compassionate and loved joking, but those days are long gone. She's not sure if there's any point in escape attempts and doesn't really care about freedom anymore. Weapon 1: Poisoned blades: Miira's favourite weapons, two identical daggers coated with a permanent sheen of poisonous matter. The coat poisons organic matter upon contact. Resulting symptom is dizziness that slowly escalates until the person loses consciousness. This process usually takes about fifteen minutes. The daggers are good for both stabbing and slashing. She calls them 'The Deadly Twins". Power 2: Tachyr amulet: While it appears to be a mere golden necklace, the wearer may press the amulet's yellow gem and become temporarily invulnerable by making their skin immune to physical damage and pain. This effect lasts for a few seconds, but can save the wearer's life. After use it takes quite a while for the amulet to recharge. Weapon 3: Throwing daggers: She owns a set of daggers designed for throwing. They are balanced and sharp, deadly in the hands of an experienced user. Unlike her normal daggers, these ones aren't poisoned.
  7. Keep the profiles coming make the staff suffer oh and why do I need to clarify how Miira's amulet works? can't I just say it's magic? or do you mean clarification on how the invulnerability effect works in practice?
  8. IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector | With Ravyn) "Bah, I don't really care about 'complications' as long as I get more alcohol. I don't want to be sober and miserable, karzit." He was silent. "I gotta say, your speech is quite fancy for a mercenary. Did you get educated by some wise guy?" He didn't really care about Ravyn's past, but alcohol had made him more talkative and willing to talk about things that didn't interest him in the slightest. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) Feli nodded in reply. "Very well, then. Ah, I realize that we haven't formally introduced ourselves to each other. I am Feli, knight of the Order of Hope. It's a pleasure to meet you." She bowed respectfully.
  9. I found two pirate-themed RPGs, The Legend of the Thirteenth Island and Waves Of The South. I'll use them for inspiration and probably start working on a rough draft of the RPG tomorrow. (ninja'd, be cursed) The rough idea is that it will take place on an ocean in Spherus Magna, with one faction of Matoran Universe beings, other of Bara Magna natives and third of independent pirates, rebels and criminals. I do like the faction/guild system in Waves of the South, but I'm not sure if I should implement it in some way. I would like some suggestions for weapons the ships will use. There will be giant disk launchers like in the BZPRPG, but I can imagine Kanoka disks being manufactured from protodermis scavenged from the abandoned Matoran Universe. Some balancing will need to be done for some Kanoka powers, but I think they could work. Not sure about gunpowder weapons or any other weapons from the Matoran Universe, for example the Cordak launchers might be too powerful. Thornax launchers and Force blasters from Bara Magna could be included as well. Species, any sentient ones from Matoran Universe and from Bara Magna. Except Toa, because aren't there like forty of them left? Any suggestions are welcome.
  10. Sorry to interrupt your discussion about water elementals, but I just want to ask you something Would you guys be interested in a bionicle RPG about pirates? I've seen several pirate characters in the BZPRPG, so I thought some people might be interested in it. I have some ideas for game mechanics, setting and background. Ship-to-ship combat, treasure hunting and faction wars are some examples of what will be included. My other WIP RPG, Knightfall, won't be abandoned but if people find pirates more interesting then I'll save it for later. I still need GM experience, and I think some of the unique mechanics of Knightfall would be difficult to deal with. Also, has there been a RPG about pirates before?
  11. If one of the accused is part of mafia, then obviously those voting for food are mafia because they don't want their ally to die So I vote for kill kill KILL Armok must be satisfied Blood for the blood god
  12. The profile fever is spreading again, remember to vaccinate yourselves I forgot to do that Name: Miira Ac Drachares Species: Vortixx Faction: Prisoner Appearance: Miira is an athletic Vortixx, skin armour coloured completely black. She's quite agile and quick, although not particularly strong. Several scars are scattered across her body, green and red swirls tattooed on her back. She has sharpened her finger claws and teeth. Her eyes and heartlight glow light blue. History: Miira was Dartakh's lover, and comes from a universe where it was her who survived. She spent years aimlessly wandering after Dartakh's death and the disbanding of her mercenary group, without any motivation to keep living. Like Dartakh in another universe, she later continued to work as a mercenary and became obsessed with violence. Her universe was conquered by Vapautti Sielun and she was imprisoned. Personality/Other: Miira is serious and cunning. She has always been an adept liar and usually lacks compassion for others. She trusts nobody and lacks any sense of humour. Before Dartakh's death, Miira was happy, compassionate and loved joking, but those days are long gone. She's not sure if there's any point in escape attempts and doesn't really care about freedom anymore. Weapon 1: Poisoned blades: Miira's favourite weapons, two identical daggers coated with a permanent sheen of poisonous matter. The coat poisons organic matter upon contact. Resulting symptom is dizziness that slowly escalates until the person loses consciousness. This process usually takes about fifteen minutes. The daggers are good for both stabbing and slashing. She calls them 'The Deadly Twins". Power 2: Tachyr amulet: While it appears to be a mere golden necklace, the wearer may press the amulet's yellow gem and become temporarily invulnerable. This effect lasts for mere seconds, but can save the wearer's life. After use it takes a while before the amulet recharges. Weapon 3: Throwing daggers: She owns a set of daggers designed for throwing. They are balanced and sharp, deadly in the hands of an experienced user. Unlike her normal daggers, these ones aren't poisoned.
  13. What do you mean? My name is Daniel, not You.
  14. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) She looked at the lying female Naona. "Do you plan to talk to her at some point, even if it might be uncomfortable? She does not appear to be in a particularly talkative mood currently, but maybe she'll feel better later."
  15. IC: Champion (Near Kini-Nui | With Forger and Enforcer) The Vortixx glared at Forger when he declared his decision, but had already learned half a century ago that complaining about a leader's decision may lead into trouble. He turned to observe Vandal after spitting on the ground. "This will go horribly wrong", he muttered to himself silently. IC: Lehti (Kini-Nui | With the Toa Akari, the recluse and Darvin) She examined the stranger who had arrived with some friends, uncertain if he should be trusted. His facial expressions, his 'smile' especially, seemed to be fake and when he had told about being attacked, there had been a pause, possibly used for coming up with a believable lie. But Lehti was still uncertain, so she decided to test the Toa. "You were attacked by Makuta worshippers? Where and how many of them attacked? It's our duty to fight darkness, so I would like to know where we may find these evil men and women."
  16. yay I'm not in the list eat kids yay I'm not on the list eat kids Edit: haha what happened it's a double post in a single post, I'll leave it as it is so the future generations may witness it
  17. IC: Champion (Kini-Nui | With Enforcer, Vandal and Forger) "One time Tasher asked too many questions and was beheaded after being maimed", he snapped, "We all have our tragic tales that we might think taught us a lesson. The truth is that we know nothing about those people, and how they will react to us asking questions. I think it's less risky to just go and be careful down there. Like I said, four strong warriors can overcome any obstacles that might appear."
  18. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) "Huh, never seen anythng like this happen before, because it's quite unlikely. Even stranger that you have different genders." She appeared thoughtful for a moment. "Ugh, it would be quite strange to meet a male version of myself, so I can imagine how disturbing this must feel. Have you talked to her?"
  19. IC: Lehti (Kini-Nui | With the Toa Akari, the recluse and Darvin) She chuckled at Akili's words and turned to face Kajak. "It is decided, then. We're not going down there, not now at least. So where shall we go next?" IC: Champion (Near Kini-Nui | With Enforcer, Vandal and Forger) "Aren't we supposed to be secretive? I bet that if we appeared before that group some of them would spread the word. Soon our unseen and unknown enemies might find out that we entered the underworld, and I doubt that is what Zero wants to happen. Even if it won't, some people will be curious, ask questions and notice that we're lying. Miira.. Someone told me that it's very difficult to tell believable lies face to face. Lies will raise suspicion, and suspicion will lead into trouble. I think we should just go. Four professional warriors should be able to overcome any obstacles." OoC: I guess I should use his codename like you guys do for your own characters
  20. OoC: Well I guess MC is the older male one while Kid is the younger female one But still, I hope a yak tramples you one day. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Naona) She frowned. "In the medical bay? Fine, I guess, although I'm not sure why you consider this a good place for resting." She turned around to help the patients, but she raised an eyebrow when she looked at one of them. Immediately turning back to look at Naona, she asked "Do you happen to be her relative?" and pointed at the Toa lying in bed, "You look oddly similar." IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector | With Ravyn) He looked at the wyvern until it went back to sleep, then turned around and sat next to Ravyn. "Sorry buddy, I can't control my thirst sometimes. Alcohol is a man's best friend, you know." He remained quiet and stared at the damaged ceiling above for a while. "Do you think the crazy cultists have any alcohol? If they would offer to hire me and pay me with alcohol I would certainly accept the deal. Alternatively I could just go steal some and endanger my life, but I don't really see much point in strugging to survive, to be honest. I bet there's an alternative universe where I was never abducted to fight in some insane tournament, so my life isn't really that valuable, is it? There's probably an endless amount of Dartakhs that live long and happy lives, so I might as well be the one who doesn't."
  21. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char) This Rahkshi is just as clueless as me. The crowd is dispersing and the headmaster left, so finding someone to help me will be difficult.. Ah what the heck, might as well explore it on my own. "Well then, I'll go exploring by myself. Thank you and goodbye" I say, gratitude missing from my tone, and fly towards the school. I still don't understand why they couldn't just build a normal bridge across instead of having these stupid pillars.
  22. IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector | With Ravyn) He grabbed the bottle. "Don't worry, just four sips. Or maybe five." He raised it to his lips and poured drink into his mouth. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nothing. He had emptied the bottle. "Oh son of a Brakas, there was less of it than I thought. Ah, well, I'm sure there's a Toa of Alcohol somewhere." He carelessly threw the bottle over his shoulder. It landed and shattered on the head of a sleeping wyvern. Dartakh turned to look and said "Ah, frack, sorry!" OoC: Throwing a bottle at Vorzin IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay) The head engineer and some others had left after some suspicuous planning that Feli had decided to ignore for now. She treated the patients who required it and gave food to those who were hungry. Later she noticed a Toa sitting on a chair, seemingly for no reason. Feli approached and said "Greetings. Do you require healing?" OoC: Talking to Naona (MC) (Frick man there's two profiles for Naona? Which one belongs to this one? Why do you even have two characters with the same name?)
  23. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char) Great. New students are ignored and left on their own. My first impressions of this place aren't very good.. Not at all. "Well, then.. How familiar are you with the school as a location? Can you show me around?"
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