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Daniel the Finlander

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Everything posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. That's exactly what I want, because I am the very definition of innocence. If you look up the word 'innocence' from a dictionary, you'll find an image of me looking into your soul with pleading eyes.
  2. What is this nonsense I'm accused of murder? In order to prove my innocense, I'm going to vote for myself. I'm also going to vote for Blade. Why Blade? Because a blade was probably used to behead Snow Queen Eva!
  3. Enough puns I swear I'm going to kill you all with my bear hands ... Bears are birds, right?
  4. I do find it amusing that everyone is using this as a chance to get rid of unwanted characters. You could say they want to 'take out the trash'. "Landfall"? Maybe "Landfill" would be more accurate.
  5. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char) Perhaps I shouldn't ask questions from her if she hasn't been here for that long. Maybe someone with more experience could show me around.. The problem is, of course, that I don't know who's experienced around here. Although maybe she does. "Do you know anyone who could show me the academy and answer all of my questions? Maybe some staff member? Is there any standard procedure for introducing new students into this school?"
  6. You are under arrest. Please remain calm until the punpolice arrive and transport you to a correctional facility.
  7. Don't worry this is temporary, just a fun little event where many will die because we all have a single life. Like the staff said, you will not enjoy your stay.
  8. IC: Lehti (Kini-Nui | With the Toa Akari, the recluse and Darvin) After much rumination, Lehti was coming to a conclusion. "I think we shouldn't go into Mangaia, not yet at least, and instead focus on restoring people's faith in their god and possibly make allies at the same time. True evil might not dwell here, but instead in people's hearts." She turned to look at Tsuda, Akili and Tio. "You three still haven't voted on whether or not we should go into Mangaia. What do you think?" IC: Dartakh (Near Kini-Nui | With Forger, Vandal and Enforcer) The Vortixx hadn't laughed or even smiled during the trip. He didn't even smile when his trap had worked and as a result the group had eaten roasted Rahi meat for breakfast. Most of the time he had remained silent and emotionless, like a true outsider. "Do you think they look like crazy people who live in dark tunnels?" He said to Enforcer first and turned to face the other two, "They probably know just as much as we do. Perhaps we should just wait until some of them leave, or possibly find another way into the tunnels. Or we could just enter the tunnels now and pretend they don't even exist. Why would they care about us?"
  9. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical Bay | With Alisa Dare) She placed her right hand on the table and sighed, staring at the ground. "It's.. strange, and very bad. We have limited supplies, the isle is practically dead and most of us know nothing of producing food, or have powers for creating it. Some do, but.. well, let's just say that meat created by Jorth has an odd taste. There also doesn't seem to be any way to leave this dead cultist-infested island, safely at least. I doubt any of us want to sail into the unknown on a poorly constructed ship. All in all, I don't think our chances of survival are good, especially if that murderous shape-shifter and his allies start to raid the facility and kill us one by one." "But hope shouldn't be abandoned. We can still repair the facility, and two of the powerful beings that imprisoned us are still alive. As long as we don't give up and work together, we should be fine. That's what I think, anyways."
  10. Hahaha, what the heck is this Honestly almost as crazy as Dwarf Fortress succession games, haha
  11. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Hospital | With Brontes) He nodded, a faint smirk appearing on his face. "Very well, I just hope that you won't be too terrified of the scars and wounds beneath it. They're quite.. gruesome. And please, no need to handle me as if I was a furious murderer."
  12. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical Bay | With Alisa Dare) She frowned. "Makuta? Don't worry, in my world they no longer exist, And it is clear that you are not evil, for you are helping the wounded. Is your Brotherhood focused on noble tasks, much like my Order?" She placed the bloody towel in a crystal cup she had created that was on a nearby table.
  13. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char) A Matoran spy? Somehow I find it difficult to believe. Also difficult to believe is the fact that two Rahkshi are being taken away to be punished with the Matoran. I don't like the sound of 'feeling the full force of Brotherhood law'. Not at all. "How about Tridax?" I ask Char, "How strict and cruel is he? Based on what I'm seeing before my very eyes at this moment he certainly isn't lenient." OoC: Talking to Char
  14. IC: Dartakh (Knowledge Sector) Ravyn noticed a familiar face approaching. It was Dartakh, and he didn't seem too happy. He walked next to him, sighed and grabbed the Toa's shoulder, trying to shake him awake. "Give me some of that liquor of yours. You hear me? I need a sip. Or two. Maybe three." IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical Bay) Feli had a Mask of Healing and years of training behind her. She also felt that it was her duty to help those in need, because that was her order's task, and what she had been doing in her own world for years. She wasn't the only one to help the wounded staff members and fighters, for there was a yellow Toa as well, with strange powers that made patients lose their ability to feel pain. Feli didn't know her name, and had just finished treating one of the wounded. She approached her while wiping blood from her hands with a towel, and said "Very kind of you to take away his pain. Even my mask was unable to heal his injuries. Shame I never found his arm." She sighed and turned to look at the Toa. "I think we still haven't introduced ourselves to each other, by the way. My name is Feli", she bowed, "a Knight of the Order of Hope. Pleasure to meet you." OoC: Talking to Alisa Dare
  15. Why don't the locations on the island have finnish names as well Wailing cliffs = Kirkuvat kalliot The spine = Kiviselkä Wilted forest = Lakastunut metsä City of fear = Kauhun kaupunki Fields of death = Kalmoniityt come on aren't these cool as heck Oh and here come two characters from Kalevala: Edit: Nevermind I don't think I can handle two additional characters
  16. I should totally make a character based on finnish mythology So much potential
  17. what just happened? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? WHY ARE THE ISLANDERS FINNISH? Saarella kirottu=Cursed on an island Vapautti sielu=Freed the soul (incorrect grammar though, it should be "Vapautti sielun" or if you want to say 'Freed soul' then it should be "Vapautettu Sielu") Tuoni=basically "Death" or "Doom" And all the other words already have translations WHY DID WE WASTE SO MUCH TIME STRATEGIZING FOR THE WAR GAMES
  18. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char and Thespian) And now the memorial service has erupted into a brawl. Brilliant first impressions, I can't wait to study in this school! Ugh.. I turn to the yellow and red Rahkshi and ask "Are fights common here? Wouldn't be surprised if they cause ab occasional death or two" OoC: Talking to Char
  19. I should make a note that Seaborgium is trying to appear innocent by suspecting someone for being a mafioso so no one would even consider him to be a member of the Mafia. Your act hasn't fooled me, fool! Ur gonna b lynched next day bro!
  20. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Hospital | With Bohrei and Brontes) Before his conversion he would've ran away from a threatening situation like this, but now he chuckled dryly. "I am then happy to tell you that I left the Brotherhood after we were banished from Ko-Koro due to the incompetence of our Grandmaster. But I must admit that I'm shocked: simply because I admitted to worship a different god you assume that I am a mad, murderous cultist. Do you realize how intolerant and ignorant both of you sound? I have never killed anyone and only caused harm to others in self-defence, such as during the Battle of Ko-Koro, so you are being judgemental for no reason. I have also broken no laws, although perhaps you may consider me as having threatened a guardsman.." He rubbed his chin with his hand for a moment and examined the serious, threatening faces of the Skakdi and the Toa. "Very well then, if there's no other way to make you listen, you may take me to be interrogated. I have valuable information for Akiri Jaller about the defences of Ko-Koro, perhaps even about the location of the hostages. I would be glad to help you retake my home city from Echelon and his twisted servants." He raised both of his arms, ready for handcuffs. "Arrest me, Brontes the Coward."
  21. Oh man I recently discovered the call of the potoo bird. "MOOOOM", haha this is great no wonder you guys seem to love them so much And that pun was terrible, Quisoves. See yourself out.
  22. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro | With Bohrei and Brontes) His head turned and she looked at Bohrei for the first time. "I gave no orders. I asked a coward to pay his moral debt. Am I not being just and fair, lady? And please release your grip of whatever weapon you have in your bag. Violence only breeds violence, and must be used only if it's beneficial for the society, such as when the knights of the Archangel opened the eyes of myself and other inhabitants of Ko-Koro so they could see the Light. That also happens to be the role played by the 'little cult' in the occupation of my home city. It's no secret, so you may tell anyone if you want." Calmly turning to face Brontes again, he said "All I will ask from you is a small service. Will you refuse to do it? Remember, Brontes, it's never good to make enemies. What I ask you isn't against the law and will only take an hour from your life at most: I ask you to just escort me to Akiri Jaller and make sure he will meet me, for I desire to speak with him personally. Because of my different religion, I am afraid of injust treatment and persecution, so I need your help." "Am I asking for too much, dear cowardly friend?" IC: Dartakh (Ta-Koro, Forger's home | With Forger, Enforcer and Vandal) He turned to face Forger when he appeared, hands crossed on his broad chest. "Do we need anything else from this scorching hot furnace-city, or can we finally leave?"
  23. IC: Masome (Sado, northern docks | With Somei) She frowned and asked "Why was the Vilda Toroshu imprisoned? Was she working with the rebels? Although I thought that the Vilda cared more about their pets than politics. Did the Toroshu commit some foul crime?"
  24. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Cove, Tunnels | Tahtorak's Fist) The mecha stopped firing when the floor tilted suddenly, making it stumble. Feli managed to keep the mecha from falling, but had to make it kneel in order to avoid the cavern ceiling from crushing it. One of the Toa was already approaching, the one with the red cape and a sword. Feli didn't see anything that would prove him to have any ability to damage a mecha and was uncertain of his element, although the enemy could still have a trick up its sleeve or, more fittingly, gauntlet. Why would he approach her so confidently if he didn't? Having already drawn out the sword, she decided to use it to defeat the silver Toa. Both of the mecha's hands grasped its hilt and slashed at the enemy as soon as he was within striking distance. Aiming the strike at any specific body parts of such a small target was difficult, so she just swung the blade at it.
  25. OoC: I completely missed this, sorry. Could you please indicate next time who your character is talking to? IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Catatonic, Char and Thespian) I receive an answer from a heavily armoured dark grey Rahkhsi. The words were a relief. At least I hadn't arrived at a death camp where a tenth of the students graduate and te rest die horribly. Before I can answer, a Makuta appears out of thin air and starts to speak. Looks like I don't have to go looking for Tridax after all, although he might just give his speech and disappear just as quickly as he had appeared. The speech itself was some mundane words about mortality. Who here really thinks that they can't die? I doubt any living being is so foolish. Maybe even Rahi know that they will die, so why talk about it? Does he want to intimidate the students? Judging by his tone he's not really respecting the dead but completing a compulsory task without much interest in it. I'm not sure if I like this headmaster.. And then some lunatic climbed one of the pillars and was promptly sent back down by the Makuta. and then she spouts pure nonsense from her mouth. I'm not sure if a person witnessing this should laugh, cry or just stare in confusion, but I roll my eyes and bow my head to honour the dead. I didn't know them, so there's no grief or sadness involved, but there wouldn't have been even if I had. Letting such strong and negative emotions overcome you is a clear sign of weakness and lack of wisdom.
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