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Status Replies posted by Dane-gerous

  1. Why are you always looking at my profile?

  2. Why are you always looking at my profile?

  3. Why are you always looking at my profile?

  4. That is the last time I visit the Storyline section for more info about this toy lore. You people take this thing WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously to be healthy.

  5. i have embraced the meme lad inside of me

  6. i have embraced the meme lad inside of me

  7. Ey B0ss, I habe cancer ;-;

  8. Ey B0ss, I habe cancer ;-;

  9. 1v1 yourself.

  10. 1v1 yourself.

  11. 1v1 yourself.

  12. RIP Root. You will be missed. Kopen and Rain, not so much.

  13. What's not funny and has very creepy profile pictures?

  14. Ey B0ss, I habe cancer ;-;

  15. Ey B0ss, I habe cancer ;-;

  16. And literally a week later, I'm back to Y60k. Wow. What a ######tard.

  17. And literally a week later, I'm back to Y60k. Wow. What a ######tard.

  18. Jak, please don't hate me ;-;

  19. Whoa! DUDE! I just realized what you derived the name 'Jayar' from!

  20. I'm tempted to jump back into the BZPRPG.

  21. Anyone know that the velocity of an unladen swallow is?

  22. They don't suspect a thing. Heheheh.

  23. Asking this question again: Does anybody have ideas for which Great Kanohi masks could represent the principles Stamina and Strategy?

  24. "Those drop bears are a real menace, mate."

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