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Avohkah Tamer

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Blog Comments posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. Ahem...


    ♪♫ We're no strangers to loooove

    You know the rules, and so do I!

    A full commitment's what I'm thinkin' oooof,

    You wouldn't get this from any other guy.


    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling,

    Gotta make you understand!


    Never gonna give you up,

    Never gonna let you down,

    Never gonna run around and desert you!

    Never gonna make you cry,

    Never gonna say goodbye,

    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you! ♫♪


    Second verse everyone, sing alon-

    *is gagged and tied to chair by Takuma*


    ~ :a: :t:

  2. I haven't seen all that much of SG-1, and what I have doesn't have Richard Dean Anderson in it, except maybe one or two episodes. But Macgyver's cool and that's all that matters.


    And Combat Arms rocks, even if we have trouble finding a room we both like sometimes. d=


    Nice to see you're blogging again!




    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:






    ~ :a: :t:

  3. What's the text in the lower right-hand corner, though? I haven't been on in weeks...

    Gun type and ammo in clip/total ammo.


    Unless you mean that jibberish. I haven't the slightest what it's supposed to mean. d=


    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

    I meant the jibberish. =P



    It's code having to do with when he made the screenshot. If you hit Print Screen in the game, it autosaves a (relatively low quality) jpeg screenshot to C:/Nexon/Combat Arms.


    *still thinking of a caption*


    ~ :a: :t:

  4. Hakann (rapping and dancing):

    "Yo, yo Piraka.

    The Gang on the loose;

    Nothing you can do

    The Beast's on the move,

    Bully coming through

    Trigger, Tracer, Drifter coming, too.

    And the Snake that makes Piraka groove.

    Yo, yo, Piraka."



    "Um... Beware... my stinger tail?"



    Sorry, Xaerus, that mine is sorta like yours. I had this idea before I saw yours, and I decided it was different enough to post anyways.


    ~ :a: :t: (who doesn't really think he's gonna win.)

  5. I'd attempt to break into your house and steal them tonight, but that lazorcat convinced me that doing so would be a terrible idea...

    Yes. Yes it would. Susie can be quite ferocious with those eyebeams.




    What'd you get Alaxara T9 for?

    I got one for me, and several to resell online eventually. Several Wal-Marts are holding a major clearance on some of the huge sets from last year. I got each Axalara for $30. Plus one Axalara and one Jetrax are my brothers', but it makes the photo look more impressive. =P






    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:




    ~ :a: :t:

  6. Ooh! Virtual PC! Those are awesome, I've got my old computer on this computer here. I assume you're using VMWare?


    Also, if your friend knows what he's doing, you can transfer files over relatively easier if you access the Vista over the network from your Ubuntu. I've used that to transfer my old documents over from my old computer inside my VM.


    I wish they would have built an easier file transfer manager into the program, though...


    ~ :a: :t:

  7. Y'know, if I were in that Pokemon battle against you, I'd have owneded you with my Focus Sash+Endeavor on the first turn, and Quick Attack (or something else that goes first) the next turn.


    I've owned several level 80+'s over WiFi battles with my great little level 1 Starly who I egg move'd those to. Bwa ha ha!

    [/mega geek]


    ~ :a: :t::

  8. Heh, I actually downloaded that episode and trimmed those two clips out as fast as I could. Awesome how well they stuck to storyline! The Tahu scene could have been all info from Shop @ Home, but the Solek one pretty well tells me they did their homework.


    Hey, Planetperson, if you don't already have the scenes, I'd be glad to send 'em to you. PM me if you want 'em.


    *has been looking for somewhere to discuss this but the topic was closed*


    ~ :a: :t:

  9. I've heard of them because of you.


    That's all. :P


    Whoa, they started in Ann Arbor? That's really close to me...


    And I've got Good Day. Pretty shweet song.

    You're close to there? Cool! Also, yes, Good Day is an awesome one. As are pretty much all of their songs. =P

    Yeah, 'bout 15 minutes away. It's where we do most of our shopping.



    Dude! :o I'm pretty sure we were in Ann Arbor just last summer for our family reunion.


    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

    Woah! Really?! If you go again this summer, you two should totally meet.


    ~ :a: :t:

  10. Whoa, they started in Ann Arbor? That's really close to me...


    And I've got Good Day. Pretty shweet song.

    You're close to there? Cool! Also, yes, Good Day is an awesome one. As are pretty much all of their songs. =P


    *Starts filing police report about stolen blog.*

    I can't believe someone would steal my blog desi- *Notices this blog.*


    Hai =O


    That looks like my blog =O


    This Avohkah Tamer guy stole my blog! POLICE! POLIIICE!




    (Minus Laughin'Man, who I made a fan. )

    Hahahaha I resisted your efforts hahahaha. :P

    NOT FOR LONG YOU WON'T *loads bazooka with Tally Hall CDs*


    ~ :a: :t:

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