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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. Having been a huge fan of Bionicle since the very week the first sets came out, it's been a large part of my life growing up (but not my whole life, obviously). To a true fan, it would be ridiculous to not feel sad about its ending.


    Bionicle is NOT just any old kid's toy line, as Miss Bianca said. Do you see this many dedicated fans and this deep of a storyline on every toy line out there? They are few and far between.


    People who are flaming on BZP at Lego for this, and saying their whole life is ruined? They're overreacting, of course. But there should be more sadness than "I've always been a huge fan, but I'm not sad whatsoever."



  2. I've never heard anything about that, I've transfered FLACs via rar files between my computers before. FLACs aren't a file type with tons of special properties, they're just a music file with no compression into mp3 or similar. They work like any other file in regards to copying and zip/rar/7z'ing them, to my knowledge.



  3. Well, there are always limits to how much you can compress files. You aren't going to magically get a 50% compressed file, unfortunately. I might suggest putting it in a .rar or possibly a .7z (using the program 7Zip). You won't get very low with the compression ratio, but I believe those are the most efficient algorithms to try.



  4. But now you must truly know that the true question is, "How well does it surf?"


    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

    Mostly downhill, incredibly fast, mostly orange and red blocks. Pretty intense.

    But now you must truly know that the true question is, "Will it blend?"



  5. You'd be better off getting a desktop PC if you wanna play PC games.



    I am aware of that. The whole thing is, I need a laptop, period. I've got a desktop PC already which I use for work and have been using for gaming. I did find a quite nice laptop for gaming and media, which suits my purposes. 500GB hard drive, Core 2 Duo processor, 4 GB RAM, 64-bit OS, and an NVidia GeForce graphics card I've researched to find it to be more than enough for the games I'm interested in.


    Ah yes, and for games it can't handle that I'm interested in, there is most likely an Xbox 360 version for them. Problem solved. =P


    Also there's the dilemma of me not exactly having another desk in the house to put another desktop computer on. =P


    I'll get a desktop PC optimized for gaming someday, but at the moment I need a laptop.



  6. This is a pretty standard spam e-mail, I've received several like it. They all have poor grammar and spelling. I enjoy reading the occasional spam I get, it is sometimes quite hilarious. I'll even be posting a couple of mine in my blog sometime.


    As for how they got BZP e-mail addresses, that is disturbing, but hopefully not a problem. I haven't received such e-mails myself (at least yet).


    ~ :a: :t:

  7. What is my life's philosophy?

    Victory Vs. Wild Pokémon! - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Soundtrack [Wow, sweet! Lucky first result.]


    What will my last words be?

    It's All Too Much - The Beatles [Wow, freaky, this fits too!]


    How am I feeling today?

    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk [And this...?]


    What is my theme song?

    The Purple People Eater [XD finally one that makes no sense]


    What song will be played at my wedding?

    Vermillion City - Pokémon Gold/Silver Soundtrack [it sounds all fanfare-y!]


    What song will be played at my funeral?

    Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport - Rolf Harris [WOW. SO PERFECT. The song is ABOUT SOMEONE DYING.]


    How will I be remembered?

    Still Alive - Jonathan Coulton (not the GLaDOS one) [He lives on... in our hearts...]


    What is some good advice for me?

    Just Apathy - Tally Hall [Haha.]


    What is my life's dream?

    The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything - Veggietales [OKAY, I THINK MY MEDIA PLAYER LOVES ME.]


    What's my kind of lady/man?

    Gone - Switchfoot [ =| That isn't funny, media player.]


    How do people see me?

    Encounter! Kimono Girl! - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Soundtrack [...STOP IT, MEDIA PLAYER]


    How would I describe this page?

    It Is Fashionable - "The World Ends With You" Soundtrack [it is!]


    How would I describe my best friend?

    Light and Night - Tally Hall & Nellie McKay [Makes some sense, but I'm more interested in the fact that I just got this song =P]


    What's in store for this week?

    Long Dream - "The World Ends With You" Soundtrack [i like long dreams, so I suppose that's good news!]


    How would I describe my parents?

    We Like To Party - Vengaboys (AKA the song on the Six Flags commercial with the dancing guy) [XD... So doesn't fit.]


    If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (radio edit by me) - Lemon Demon [Haha, that WOULD be awesome!]


    What do my friends think of me?

    Behold, a Pale Horse - Halo 3 Soundtrack [...XD]


    What is said about me behind my back?

    Playing With Danger - Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack [*juggles RPG ammo* SCREAMIN' EAGLES!]


    What do I think of this questionnaire?

    A Little Less Conversation - Elvis Presley [Now that it's over, that is.]


    Boy, this turned out good. I'm really lucky with these. XD


    ~ :a: :t:

  8. Even though I already knew all this list from before you posted it, it's aaaaawesome. WAY more than I've ever got for a single one of my birthdays. You should really consider yourself insanely lucky.


    Halo: Combat Evolved for PC

    custom edition > normal version. Download it.

    You should keep in mind that he's running this on a netbook, the Dell Mini he mentioned. Is Custom Edition any more graphics- or CPU-intensive? One more thing, does it replace your current Halo or add another executable? I'd like to know all this because I'm one of the people he multiplayers with, and I only heard about Custom Edition last night by chance. =P


    ~ :a: :t:

  9. For like a week and a half, my Adblock Plus -actually blocked- all Hulu ads. That was a pretty sweet time. I hope the Adblock filters update to be able to do that again sometime.


    Also, I get "blocked ads" sometimes on other browsers because of my firewall, that 30 second wait can get annoying.


    ~ :a: :t:

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