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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. I just realized. You took my font.


    Not cool.



    He didn't take your font... Why would he do that?

    Yeah, that would be a totally heartless thing to do. I'm sure he's using a different font and you're mistaken. And another thing... Why would anyone even want to steal your font in the first place? It looks absolutely ridiculous. I certainly would never want to use it.



  2. Being a coffee lover, I'll definitely want to try this sometime. I'd just have to get ahold of fudge and vanilla ice cream sometime first. =P No really, every time we get ice cream (like a quart every couple months or so), we get the most special and delicious flavor so we don't "waste" this time of getting ice cream. I have a feeling I'd have a hard time convincing my two younger brothers we should get vanilla instead of chocolate-chunk-and-cookie-dough-and-Reese's-and-Oreo flavor.


    Well, I do have loads of money, so I guess I could just buy some ice cream and fudge myself. =P



  3. ♪♫♪♫♪

    What time is it?


    It's our vacation!

    What time is it?

    Party time!

    That's right, say it loud!


    What time is it?

    The time of our lives!


    What time is it?


    School's out, scream and shout!


    Dislaimer: I am not actually a fan of High School Musical. Additionally, it is actually winter in the Northern Hemisphere, so the above lyrics may or may not be accurate depending upon your geographical location



  4. Laughin'Man.


    You haven't been that in so long I'm starting to wonder who you are.





    Laughin'Man is no longer my "official" name. I'm Laughing Man now. The -in' was just plain stupid so I changed it for good.

    ...wait, what? For good? I mean, I liked the name "Laughing Man" for the last namechange, but I didn't want it to be your permanant name. Your old name was never stupid, it was really original (I have never seen anyone online named Laughin'Man but you) and identifiable. It has been associated with you long enough that if you permanantly change your name to "Laughing Man", it'd be like if Linkin Park changed their bandname to "Lincoln Park." The creative, altered version of the words > the actual plain old boring words in both cases here.


    I vote Dr. Daniel Jackson for this namechange because he's so darn awesome, but keep in mind I and many other BZP members would want you to keep "Laughin'Man" as your base permanant name you go back to every other namechange or so.


    I expect an awesome Daniel Jackson avatar/profile pic/sig/blog theme, or I'll sic my pet Unas on you.



  5. My favourite part of Turn Left was Donna in the mirrors - 'If I do this, I don't die. That's right, isn't it?' - that bit. Mainly because of the epic music in that sequence. 'A Dazzling End' on the S4 soundtrack. I love it. I wanted Tennant to regenerate to that music. But the music we got was still good, a lot more subtle, and I liked the idea of the Ood singing him to his sleep.
    I just listened to that track on my soundtrack again 'cause I couldn't remember it. Aw, man, that brought back memories of the epicness and drama of that scene. I love it. I'm gonna have to go back and rewatch those finale episodes again while I'm waiting for season 5. XD



  6. 3.) Why are there two number threes? Anyway, that's a tough question. Since I don't want to pick Blink too, I'll go with Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

    3b.) I've seen all of the new series. I've seen a few episodes of the original series. For Christmas I got The Beginning Collection, with the first three serials of the show. It's been interesting so far.

    Darn, how did my 3 clone itself? I thought I limited its intelligence to asking questions.


    Anyways, those three episodes have to be my top favorites as well. I am extremely glad Steven Moffat is the permanant story writer now, essentially every one of the episodes he wrote alone was really great. Now I just turn to Matt Smith and hope he makes a decent Doctor to fill in these most-likely-amazing future episodes. Russell T. Davies just had too much over-the-top weirdness in his episodes, though he wrote a decent episode every once in a while.


    4.) Stay aware of your surroundings. Don't feel afraid to run away to prevent your death.
    Will do.

    5.) No, because then you'll probably beat me.
    Then how about before I get good? =P


    9.) As long as the iPhone it AT&T only, the Droid wins.
    Agree wholeheartedly. And the Nexus One looks even better!


    10.) Which one?

    My desktop: Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 processors, 5 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600XT w/ 128 MB VRAM.

    My laptop: 2.4 GHz Intel Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT w/ 256 MB VRAM.

    Yeah, they're kind of old. A new desktop may be on the list for this year, especially with The Old Republic coming.

    A lot of RAM on that desktop compared to the other stats. Quite interesting! Let me know the stats on your new desktop when you get it, I'm always interested in tech specs from people I know.



    11.) I don't want to ask how long that took you.
    About a half hour to modify it from my original, which I was going to use in Wikicode on BS01 (but I couldn't because it was four lines of code too long. XD). After that there were a few hours of on-and-off testing, and asking friends' opinions of potential color schemes.


    Very good choice on the Doctor Who episode/s, there. SitL and FotD are two of my favourites of Series 4, especially the Doctor saving River Song at the end. That just sets off a long run of great episodes - Midnight, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End. I love the second half of Series 4.
    But it's so true. The end of series four was amazing episode after amazing episode. Matt Smith has a lot to live up to.
    AGREE AGREE AGREE. That was an AMAZING sequence leading to the finale. The end of Turn Left was so crazy-awesome, as a massive Doctor Who nerd I flipped out when I got to that.


    I will definitely write mailbag questions to you in the future, it was quite fun!



  7. SANTA!!!!!!!







    *checks list for your name*

    You've been nice this year, little one. Go on and tell me what you want me to bring you this Christmas.



    So, Santa, I'd -really- like an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle! What do you say? Too much to ask?



  8. Lego Star Wars II for DS can't be completed, even with cheats.


    But I suppose I had fun trying...

    Now THERE was a major disappointment. I was wowed by the great 3Dness of it all until it came around to actually having to complete the game. :rolleyes:

    I loved LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga DS though, Traveler's Tales finally got the game mechanics working well starting with that one. Also I have an awesome Sith minifig I made on there who can kill anything, so I may be slightly biased.



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