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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. He has been to juvenile detention before. Hated it.Plus, the police in his neighbourhood are too pathetic and afraid to take action on these gang wars, allowing all this to happen.

    Regardless of the crimes that the man was wanted for, your friend taking matters into his own hands and killing him was quite literally first-degree murder (willful and premeditated). Police don't just pat you on the back and let you off with community service for that sort of thing—ESPECIALLY when you've got another murder on your past criminal record.


    What's your friend's first name, by the way?

  2. If this is true, he has have my deepest sympathies and I sincerely hope he makes it out of that situation okay.


    HOWEVER, there are a number of red flags in this story leading me to believe it's fabricated. Whether you're making it up or he's making it up, I am very sure all or most of this is fiction.


    Just one example:

    You mention that the doctors operated on him for his dizzy spells. What kind of surgery, exactly, did they use to try and diagnose his chronic dizziness? Brain surgery?


    And why is it that only AFTER they performed surgery did they discover he has low blood sugar levels? I'm pretty sure it's general practice to check a patient's blood chemistry before performing surgery.


    I'm sorry, but this just really, really sounds completely made-up.



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