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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. I watch Eureka, but I have no access to watching it legally at the moment

    The episode went up on Hulu this morning, so have at it!


    I know it's nitpicking, but I think the pacing of the episode felt a little rushed. I know the plot twist context and all, but that particular story still feels like something that could have been better depicted stretched out across two episodes. Overall a great episode, though!


    I can't wait to see where they go with this season, Eureka is just such a fun show.

  2. See, flying's good and all, but if you had a power that included flight...


    My power: Telekinesis powerful enough to move fairly heavy objects or carry myself (flight), but also precise/controlled enough to affect molecular bonds (Turn solids into liquids and vice versa, cause molecular friction and heat).


    Right there you've got all the bending practices from Avatar, PLUS flight. You can't tell me that's not cool.

  3. I don't deny they have the right to say anything they want, but there's nothing that says other people aren't allowed to get offended or annoyed by people's behavior. If someone is spamming up your timeline on a regular basis with content you'd rather not see, I wouldn't blame you for unfollowing them for the sake of making your own Twitter timeline more enjoyable to read through and use.

  4. Only, that isn't Twitter's intended purpose. Technically speaking, Twitter is supposed to be a single, text-message length, 140-character status update, It's not really designed for multi-tweet rants. Generally speaking, that sort of content is better suited in some other longer-format blog.


    That doesn't mean I don't personally use multiple Tweets to express myself, I'm just saying that it's not what it's meant or designed for.

  5. By far the best online prank I've seen so far today. That includes sites like Removed. Please do not mention sites with forums.-Nukaya, Google, and ThinkGeek.




    EDIT: Huh, I've seen it referenced by its initials several times without having been removed, so I assumed it was probably okay to refer to it that way. Apparently I was wrong, my apologies.

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