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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. Pictures weren't allowed at the London Toy Fair. They were allowed at Nuremberg. But while it's great that we have a photograph, I'm not even going to try to pull out any detail from it. I don't care enough to strain my eyes at something we'll just get better images of later.
  2. Vorahk1Panrahk2


    When I asked this in my very first blog entry a bunch of years ago, I believe the response I got was "make it awesome." I'd go back and check but I'm pretty that entry has since been deleted. So, anyway, that's what you should do. Make it awesome.
  3. I don't think it's meant to be a weapon, rather one of those ball and chains that usually go on criminals in old cartoons. Probably a throwback to this ghost from the show. Anyway, the mansion is a little underwhelming but the Mystery Machine and minifigures are just perfect. Though I'm secretly hoping that Velma has an alternate face without her glasses (and everyone else needs alternate scared faces).
  4. To be fair they did just get their golden masks (at least storyline wise- maybe not time wise). Perhaps they weren't all too familiar with their elemental powers at that point, so rather than risk causing mask destruction they just decided to use physical attacks? Look on the mountainside in the background right above that little piece of land sticking out to the left. You'll see the two holes on the left side of the mask.
  5. Kind of a shame that we get six months worth of story all revealed before the end of January, but I guess that's my own fault for watching them as they went online. Can't wait for the next bunch!
  6. Wow that frozen lewa is actually really cool. is the whole thing just one transparent sphere of ice?
  7. If your reputation truly is that bad, there's really nothing a name change will do to remedy that. The people who already are familiar with your posts will still know who you are, and the new people coming in won't really care either way. You'd have to change your name, your avatar/sig images, your blog, etc. if you really wanted to try and throw people off. And even that probably wouldn't work. But to do that seems silly to me. As long as you aren't being an arrogant jerk anymore I don't think anyone will give two thoughts about what you used to be like. So you should change your name to whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. (Personally I still think Electric Turahk is pretty cool so that gets my vote). And for what it's worth, although I do have vague recollections of some of your older posts, I certainly don't associate you with having an arrogant attitude now. So honestly I think you're fine.
  8. The super jumpers seem kind of strange to me (I would have preferred a small brick built catapult), but I'm sure kids will love them.
  9. Vorahk1Panrahk2


    Xaeraz says no Nayraz (Am I doing it right?)
  10. Personally I never really liked the term "strong x character" because it sort of implies that physical strength makes a character good. I prefer "well written x character" instead, and we need well written characters in everything be they male, female, alien, what have you. But maybe that's a different discussion.
  11. Between this and your post in the other topic I'm going to assume that you aren't looking forward to the new line? That's fine, but rather than ambiguous (and potentially spammy) posts I would recommend that you explain in further detail exactly what it is you aren't liking. The animation? Characters? Sets? Basic concept? Anyway, although there are other characters who will play a role in the story, I'm going to guess that this is the last of the character videos we'll see for now (I can't imagine "Johnny Baker" is important enough to get one). Speaking of which how will these be airing? Are we talking short segments online like BIONICLE, or full episodes like Chima and Ninjago?
  12. Posted this in the Farran/Emily video discussion topic, but figured it could go here as well: Meet Naida and Aira. And to address Aanchir's statement above, the latter does sound suspiciously like Rainbow Dash.
  13. I would guess that's because the snippets are barely 17 seconds long, and at this point they're still just teasing the line as a new, upcoming adventure based theme. I think as March gets closer, and full length episodes come online, we'll be seeing more characterization from them. And, for what it's worth, I don't think the videos are too devoid of character traits. Farran seems to be a touch on the arrogant side, Azari seems to be more adventurous than the others, Naida seems more reserved, and Aira seems hyper. Obviously I'm hoping there's more to the characters than that, but I think it's a good start. As for the animation, I have to agree. I have no idea why they decided to make it look choppy. It's not appealing at all. Also, the videos for Naida and Aira have been uploded to the YouTube channel just this morning. Farran and Emily Jones were just sent there as well for those who had trouble viewing them on the main site. (Sorry I still have no idea how to embed YouTube videos directly.)
  14. Before he finishes that fanfic he needs to finish Rapunzel's tower. (...Oh you thought I had forgotten, Tekulo? No. V1P2 never forgets.)
  15. They may be generic, but they're still pretty cool (if a little cheesey). Skull Slicer? Skull Basher? Skull Grinder? Sounds like some serious business.
  16. Wait. Scooby-Doo? WHAT. I hope they're based on Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! That's the quintessential version of the show and a true classic. The 70's vibe mentioned in the article gives me hope. Aside from that, the underwater exploration for the city sets sound cool. It's great to see the line expanding in variety.
  17. And here I was expecting a Wreck-It Ralph essay. Anyway, major kudos for having the nerve to drive around New York City. I've heard it's a nightmare.
  18. The product description confirms my guess- but I guess that wasn't exactly a hard thing to deduce. I find it odd that the baker's name is "Johnny." He appears to be an elf from the product image (those ears), but why is his name so normal? Could it be because LEGO wants to distinguish between the primary and secondary elf characters, giving the more unique names to the more important characters? I thought at first that the character you pointed out was the other white one with the purple hair (Aira?), but she is wearing different clothes with a different hairstyle. I guess the two are distinctive enough in look that it won't get confusing, but a different combination would have helped. OR, since LEGO seems to have a thing for reusing characters and upgrading them, maybe that's some sort of... advanced elf form for her? She definitely has a more regal look than the others. I don't know, just making guesses. She could be a relative, or tribe member if these elves have tribes, or whatever a group of elves is called.
  19. Two new character videos have been posted on the Elves website (but not yet put on the YouTube page). One of them is for Farran the Earth elf and the other is for Emily Jones, the human character who, in her own words, is lost. At this point I'm going to guess that the characters have to find the keys to open a portal to get her home. I imagine we'll be getting the last two shortly since those two came in such close proximity to the video of Azari.
  20. Except that the links and widgets are all broken now. Now, I was here in 2004 so this is kind of an embarrassing question, but why are the text blocks red in that image? I can't remember them ever being that way aside from when we had the Hapori Dume April Fools joke. But the dates on those articles indicate March. It's pretty annoying. UPDATE THE HOMEPAGE ALREADY! I guess I'm in the minority of people who like the homepage as is. I mean, yeah obviously the stuff that's out of date and broken needs to be cleaned up, but aside from that it's simple to read and navigate.
  21. I'm just going to guess that what I read was rumor rather than confirmation, and that I just completey misheard Radio Guy. Because yeah there were changes, but they were all for the purpose of streamlining the novel into a movie length screenplay. I do have to admit I was a little disappointed that it was the same, though. I don't dislike the book's ending by any means, but I was looking forward to being surprised. Oh well. Emphasis mine. Yeah, I had the same thought coming out. Overall, it was a flawed ending to a very flawed trilogy. Strangely enough, though, I'm glad the movies exist. As far as I'm concerned, the more versions of something we have, the better. I really need to watch the Rankin/Bass version one of these days. Anyway, I rewatched Disney's Sleeping Beauty last night. I'm not sure why, but I have a really hard time getting excited about the movie. Aside from Maleficent's screen presence and the cel backgrounds being gorgeous works of art, there's not a whole lot to get me invested in the story. I think the issue is that the three faries, who sort of function as the movie's main characters (or at least get the most screentime) just aren't that interesting. Their antics and incompetence are amusing at first, but it gets old pretty quickly. And when the third act comes along it's hard to feel any tension since the faries act like a deus ex machinca that get Phillip out of all his predicaments with too much ease. I have plenty of appreciation for Disney's older films, but this one just sort of goes right by me. I do like George Bruns' adapted score, though, and the Once Upon a Dream scene is absolutely wonderful. You could pretty much pick any screenshot from that song and it would be worth framing to hang on a wall.
  22. I've been silently championing for the Oscars to ad a "Best Voice Acting" category for a few years now. They bring just as much to the table as live action actors, and their performances are much more important in filmmaking than, say, original songs are (as much as I love that category). There are a lot of great voice actors and actresses out there and their talents should be recognized. At least we have the Annie Awards for that.
  23. The Tale of The Princess Kaguya is conspicuously absent in that sentence. Were you not planning to see it? Or have you seen it already? And if you did what did you think? Also, what did you think of The Boxtrolls (if you saw it)?
  24. So I'm guessing you did Epcot? You have all my jealousy. Again. I mean, yeah I'd rather go to the countries themselves to experience those things, but having a cultural tour in one location is still pretty cool. And then there's also Future World and Spaceship Earth.
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