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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. Technically, they do. Just type "sizes/o" after the URL, so this becomes this. To get there by clicking is a only slightly more demanding... you have to click the button in the bottom right corner, then "view all sizes", then click "original". But even that is very simple, and IMO is much less frustrating than having images open in a separate pop-up window via javascript. Thanks for those tips, although I'm going to disagree with your last sentence. I'd rather view an image in a new window than use URL manipulation and jump through other hoops to view a larger picture. I don't even see a "view all sizes" button anywhere on the page you linked to. Though I can just click the image to make it bigger (for some reason- it's never done that before now), but having that larger image being controlled by my mouse cursor is terribly frusturating. To each their own, I guess.
  2. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Prompt Me

    I think you're joking but I would actually read this. Could be really interesting.
  3. This guy knows what's up. I mean, I usually think of it as "Treat Yourself To Cookies and a Delicious Cheesburger Day", but both work. I don't know nearly enough about wine pairings as I should. I usually just pop open whatever and drink it with whatever.
  4. Putting in another vote for Elves. We already have nice hi-res images of the March sets from the LEGO shop site, but presumably a write up would include images from the next wave as well? Those are pictures I want to see. I also vote to post the pictures locally. I don't like how Flickr doesn't have an easy option to look at the largest version of an image, so I would rather just view them on BZP. It's also nicer to be able to preview thumbnails than have to go through a slideshow.
  5. I was worried for these due to how hard is it to make a convincing (fleshy) human out of constraction, but Luke doesn't look that bad. Awkward, sure, but not bad. Mostly the issue I have is with the torso piece. It's too bulky at the top and waaay too thin at the bottom, but aside from that the limbs look quite good. Vader looks fantastic, but he's much more robotic in appearance so that was to be expected. Can't wait to see General Grievous!
  6. That drawing is wonderful, though xccj looks surprisingly chill given the situation.
  7. Happy birthday, Tekulo! Hope it's a good one!

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Thanks! And happy Valentine's Day! I need to find a proper fairy tale to read today. XP

    2. Vorahk1Panrahk2


      That's an easy one: The Little Mermaid! Birthdays and love in one story. Kind of a bum ending, though...

  8. TEKULO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Make sure you eat cake! (And we all know you can bake so don't make that excuse.)
  9. I'm not really liking the shape of the cockpit. I guess that's probably the best they could have done with angular bricks, but I still looks unappealing. The wing attachment is really cool, though, although the wings themselves look king of weird with that half studded/half smooth texture. (Still waiting for my UCS ARC-170.)
  10. Just had to pop in and say that your banner is awesome.

  11. I have no idea what year it's from, but my oldest 'set' is a red bucket of various parts. If it has a listing on Brickset I couldn't find it. Aside from that, my oldest known set is, according to Brickset's release dates, the Neptune Discovery Lab. I actually still had the submarine part of the set assembled as of yesterday, but I dismantled and bagged it to make room for other sets. I remember my favorite thing about it was the conveyer belt. Pretty cool set, all around. I should rebuilt it one day.
  12. More non licensed LEGO figures like the ones from Adventures (Johnny Thunder, Gail Storm), LEGO Island (The Brickster, Pepper, the Infomaniac), LEGO Racers characters (Mr. X, Rocket Racer). Basically less licensed characters, and more classic LEGO ones. I also like the Junkbot suggestion.
  13. Not unlike the Indiana Jones quote I use to sum up my own life: "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go."
  14. Vorahk1Panrahk2


    I've had this problem, too. But don't BZP posts have something of a 'save' feature, where if you accidently leave the page while you're typing, you can bring the post back up? At least I thought I've seen that. I don't on this post, though. I would be all for this.
  15. I think the set is more concerned with giving us recognizable minifigures than it is movie accuracy. Thorin and Legolas could have been replaced with an arbitrary Iron Hill Dwarf and an arbitrary elf, but I would think kids would rather play with figures they recognize. And Legolas and Thorin were a lot more prominent than any other dwarf or elf in that movie. Personally I find this set disappointing. Maybe it's because I'm not the target audience, but I actually would have preferred an arbitrary elf, if only in order to get that Mirkwood Elf armor in minifigure form which would have been glorious. I also don't really like the ruins of Dale. I get that they're supposed to be, well, ruined, but I don't really feel like the structure captures the city's architecture that well. If they had ditched the ballista and beefed up the section of Dale I think it would have been a much more appealing set. That set, a set designed to depict the Battle of the Five Armies was always going to be difficult. In the film there was too much fighting going on too many locations, some of which were nothing more than a flat plain which would have been quite dull in a LEGO set. So I think, all complaints aside, the set designers made the right call in focussing on Dale and including the minifigures they did.
  16. While we're on the subject of film awards for The LEGO Movie, it might also be worth mentioning that it won the Annie Award for Writing in an Animated Feature. The Annies aren't as "mainstream" of an award as the Oscars, or even the BAFTA's, but they're focus on strictly animated films makes them important for those who work in the medium.
  17. Despite checked the website a few times a day for updates (don't judge me), I definitely managed to miss that accidental upload. Must have been while I was at work. I have not been checking the LEGO shop site so thanks for posting that page. Great that we now have those hi-resolution images of the March sets- I see a new transparent purple chain which I consider a necessary acquisition. At least I think this is the first time we've seen such a piece.
  18. A new trailer has been posted on the LEGO Elves teaser site, though it's not on the YouTube channel yet. All five characters videos have made it on there as well, but they've all already been on YouTube for a while.
  19. I'm actaully kind of disappointed by this obviously. Obviously any plans Sony had for their Sinister Six movie will have to be thrown out, and I was really looking forward to a movie where Spiderman was a "villain." It would have been something different that the genre needs. Also, poor Spiderman. Franchise-rebooted twice in six years.
  20. Vorahk1Panrahk2


    ^ I have the opposite opinion. Rubber bands tend to dry out which means that in order to make some functions work you have to replace the rubber band every few months. The sole exception to these seems to be the bands on the Bohrok and Kal, which for me are still working 12 years later. Anyway, I'm always game for more gear functions.
  21. I don't pay much attention to it at all for BIONICLE figures, but I do for minifigures. I myself am right handed so that tends to determine which hand I put the sword on, but occasionally I'll switch it up. The exception to this is for bows. I shoot left handed and thus tend to make minifigures do the same. As for Toa Vansen's post above- nice effort in trying to determine handedness. Thing is, though, I seriously doubt handedness is something that's given serious consideration. I imagine it mostly boils down to what looks good for the set. This goes for animations as well. You can probably watch them and look at set images and make a guess, but ultimately it's probably not something that's given consideration.
  22. I think the part that makes me most jealous is that all expenses paid trip to Denmark. I mean, I'm sure it'll be strictly business, but still. Denmark. That said, congratulations, on achieving that step. This sounds like it will be an amazing experience, and I wish you all the luck in the world on your quest to become a set designer.
  23. I feel like you're being sarcastic, but you actually just described my ideal party. Now pass me some of those chips.
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