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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I doubt it's really that simple for a lot of YouTubers, though, particularly those who get thousands of comments within a few days (or less). I mean, who wants to individually go through all those comments? Sounds like a waste of time for something that's a minor annoyance at worst.
  2. The live action character is armored on the chest, sure, but it's really not all that bulky. The animated version is slightly more beefed up, but even then not by that much. I think the problem is more that his secondary arms are attached out away from the body rather than at it, leaving a gappy area. That aside I think it works as a representation of his torso. I can see why others here are critical of the design- the arm connection is a little awkward and the upper legs look too bulky, but I'm loving him overall.
  3. I was expecting the Lord of Skull Spiders to be more of a primary villain, but if the 2001 Rahi sets can get away with being arbitrary obstacles then I guess he can too. I have to say that I'm surprised no one's gotten Skull Spider'd yet. I know we aren't at the end, but it can't be that much longer before the story shifts over to the skull villains. I wonder if they'll cary over as obstacles that come up once in a while?
  4. It seems all the Marvel movies follow a pattern where the trailers make them look really grimdark, but the movies themselves keep it on the light side (as they should- grimdark doesn't really have a place in movies where characters dress up in such cheesy costumes). Ultron will contain just as much humor as the other movies I'm sure. That said, I started suffering from Marvel fatigue about the time Thor came out. But I was never a fan of comic book movies anyway, so short of making a movie that's a complete genre deconstruction there's really no way I was ever going to be satisfied. I did like Guardians, though, for it's self mocking humor.
  5. A bunch of years ago my Dad bought my Mom a shed where she could put all of her storage stuff. It was a store bought metal shed of decent size, but it wasn’t quite water or weather proof, and it was on a wooden foundation that trapped water. So a few weeks ago he decided that he would build her a new shed from scratch that was bigger and sturdier. She was scheduled to be at a conference from Thursday through Saturday, so in those three days he was going to build that shed and have it be a surprise for when she came home. And I, of course, got the honor of helping him. Did I know what I was in for? Nope. Thursday: Somehow, Thursday literally started with him behind schedule. Not sure how that works, but it’s what he claimed. At about eleven in the morning he came home with a car load of lumber which we promptly rushed into the backyard. Then began the task of dismantling the old shed, which first required moving everything that was already inside out. She has a pretty decent amount of stuff. Most of it is a bunch of myself and my siblings’ toys that probably should have gone into donation a long time ago. Highlights include Barbies, my box of Dinosaurs, and my entire Hot Wheels collection (still in pristine condition and looking so cool). There were also some adorable Boyd Bears dressed like Wizard of Oz characters. But, most of all, there were boxes. Lots and lots of cardboard boxes that my Mom hoarded over the many years. What she wants them for I’m not sure. It wasn’t hard moving all this stuff, but I was surprised by how much there was. The next step required dismantling the shed, which really just meant taking a bunch of screws and bolts off (PSA: your finger tips can hold a nut in place while you unscrew a bolt, but you will probably also tear apart said fingertip). It was kind of gross with how many spider webs and decayed leaves there were, but it pretty easy, especially when compared to the next step. After dismantling came the hardest step: laying a concrete foundation. While I took a break, my Dad drove somewhere to retrieve a giant cement mixer, which was loud and obnoxious and probably angered the neighbors while we were pouring. It was so large that it had to stay parked in the street while my Dad wheelbarrowed cement back and forth. Naturally he was messy, and now we have remains of concrete splatter in front of our house as well as a stain of cement half way down the street’s gutter, created while trying to remove the aforementioned splatter. Oops. I also ended the day with concrete inside an open wound which probably isn't good for the body, but what can you do? Anyway, when pouring concrete it’s good to have a few people who know what they’re doing. My Dad is one (or so he claims), but I’m clueless, and as such it was pretty slow going. Eventually one of our friends came by to help out (and to get his truck back which we borrowed), and by about 5:15 we were finished for the day, and topped it off with pizza. Friday: Fortunately for me I worked my regular job that morning so that was part of the day I got off from this project. When I came back, my Dad had finished building a wooden foundation and it was time to start putting up walls. He mentioned that he arbitrarily decided to make it a foot higher, which didn’t register with me at the time. I just thought ‘cool’ and proceeded to help him cut. A few hours later, and with help from the previously mentioned friend, the wall was nailed together, covered with tar paper and siding, painted, and slid into place. I have no idea why they made me paint it since this wall was facing a fence and literally no one would see it, but I guess that’s how you do a good project: you don’t half do any element of it. Once this was all done, it dawned on me: this thing was tall. Like really tall. My Dad intended for it to be tall enough to walk into without stooping, but he had gone well beyond that. The second wall went much faster, and we ended the day with two walls standing (the second one was only partially sided, though). Saturday: I lucked out again and worked my regular job in the morning. Our friend arrived early to help, and so once I got back from work it already had four walls and (most of) a roof. In fact it was so done that they decided it was time to move everything back in. I didn’t do anything, except go out to buy them burgers and move everything back in. Okay, sure my sister and I had to Russian-doll some of those boxes to make everything fit, but that’s easy compared to raising walls and laying cement. Everything went in rather nicely, with easy walk in access and plenty of room to spare. But boy was it tall. We were all worried what my Mom would think of it, but we had to wait about twelve more hours for her to come home… Sunday: She likes to walk our dog stupid early so our Mom saw it before we could show it to her with a ‘surprise!’. What her initial reaction was I have no idea, but she did call it a ‘monstrosity’, which, yeah, it is. Unless she changes her mind, my Dad will probably try to lower it next month which will be a whole other challenge, as it certainly wasn’t built to be lowered. But as it stands (no pun intended), she likes it and has a strong appreciation for the storage space and the walk-in ability. So it seems the hard work paid off, which is good enough for me. It wasn’t a fun project, but it was an educational one. This was my first time participating in an architectural project so I learned a lot… especially how it’s not something I feel like doing again. But I like to help out, so if my Dad tries something like this again I'll be there. But hopefully next time he'll give us more than three days and have things like height sorted out and discussed early.
  6. Unfortunatly ABC's web player likes to glitch out on me now so I have to wait a week to watch it on Hulu. But I'll let you know my thoughts when I get there!
  7. You know, the Toa's masks aren't really that large in proportion to the body, nor do they have excrucatingly small details. So would the masks have to be a new mold? Couldn't they just be a face print instead?
  8. Titanic would be nice as long as it's the smallest variant- the other two are just too big to be feasible sets, judging by how things have fared in the past. The Corvette is also a very nice build. It's nice to see such a variety of projects getting into this review period. There's both licenses and original ideas, vignettes and larger models, things made for display and others made for play. I don't envy the task the reviewers have!
  9. I can't believe I had completely forgotten about this song. I listened to it for the first time today since the finale aired, and it's so dang good. And your cover is excellent- I like how you even changed your voice for the different singing parts. You should be proud of it.
  10. Elves seems like the best candidate here for a theme. It has it's own unique world with a variety of characters and elements that would be fun to interract with. Ideally all the main Elf characters would be represented, but if there can only be one then I guess it would have to be Azari. While she isn't necessarily the leader she is the first character Emily Jones meets and she has a color scheme that makes her stand out more from the others. She could be paired with a brick built fire fox, similar to how the Wicked Witch of the West is paired with a flying monkey. The game could even make a mini doll world which contains Friends characters as well. They're all much more normal compared to what most of what the game is introducing, but that could be what makes them kind of fun and different to play with, depending on what the game mechanics are. Any other contemporary or upcoming non licensed themes, like agents or BIONICLE, should be fair game as well. I would also not be opposed to older themes making an appearance, although I also realize this game has to be marketable which means, if they appear at all, their presence will be more minimal. Themes like Adventures, Exo-Force, and classic pirates/castle seem like shoe ins for world exploring. And each of those themes have unique vehicles and locations that would make for fun play. Johnny Thunder could come paired with a mini air baloon or blimp, pirates with mini ships, knights with mini siege weaponry, and Exo Force characters with mini mechs (obviously). Lastly, there was a LEGO Dinosaur on the shelf in the extended trailer, so that could be a sign that the 2012 Dinosaurs might make an apperance, with mini brick built vehicles and dinosaurs. Finally, the game is being published through WB so some licenses are a given. So I'm just going to put in a plug for Pacific Rim characters and designs. I'm torn on whether Collectible Minifigures would make a good addition. While they are all really cool, there is no real 'minifigure world' for them to populate or explore in game, and with limited props playing with them would require using props from other themes. Also it would kind of suck to have to spend money rebuying the figures with a stand just to play with them in game.
  11. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Castle Sweet Castle

    After rewatching the S.4 finale, yeah you're right. Not sure where I got that idea.
  12. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Castle Sweet Castle

    I wanted that redux. Art of the Dress is one of the show's best songs so there's nothing wrong with trying to invoke it. And while this one had... issues... with the tempo and the lyrics I still enjoyed it, especially since it was an ensemble. Actually I loved the whole episode overall. Like a lot. All the characters got screentime and interaction with eachother, there was a clear goal with conflict and resolution all tied up neatly with a lesson, and it was humorous throughout with a touching end. Not sure you could ask for more. I suppose you could make the argument that, by now, Twi's friends should know what she wants in her castle...but I wouldn't put anything past the egos of Rainbow Dash and Rarity, or the eccentricities of Pinkie. Even Applejack, at times, seems oblivious to how others don't share her appreciation for more rustic styles. And it was genious indeed to integrate the old library with the new castle. It makes sense with Twilight's character that she would be attached to Golden Oaks and feel uncomfortable in a castle given how humble she is relative to her rank. And she loves her friends. Turning the roots into a chandelier both fits what the character would appreciate and has meaningful symbology. And seriously, a tree root chandelier? That sounds awesome. The show could have just as easily ignored the old library- after all that's probably not the toy that's trying to be sold. But it was something that would make sense to address in-story, and I think they nailed it. Also, yes, the castle was in the intro last time. My only qualm is that doesn't this episode present a continuity issue? I thought the castle was plopped right on top of the old library?
  13. I dunno, I think putting 'gold' in front of anything automatically makes it that much more awesome: Gold mask Gold pencil Gold computer Gold gold
  14. Between the price and the fact that I don't actually own any of those consols, I can't say I'm excited for the game. But I am excited for any Wizard of Oz LEGO that might result!
  15. It's sort of a shame that you have to buy these packs despite the minifigures being already available, but I guess that's how these things work. Hopefully there's nothing special about the figs themselves (like glue) that make them hard to integrate with standard figures. But even though I don't have much interest in the game I'll definitely be buying up those Wizard of Oz packs if we don't end up getting regular sets.
  16. LEGO WIZARD OF OZ! I hope this is a sign of things to come.
  17. Was it too much to hope that this rumored game would be available for the Mac platform? Yes? Okay. But at $99.99 it doesn't matter because I'm not spending that kind of money anyway. Hopefully it does well, though, and that people have fun with it.
  18. My university had so many of these things but I never volunteered for them. I almost did one that wanted to, if I recall corectly, inject me with stuff and moniter what happened, but I didn't due to scheduling. Probably should have. I could have become spider man, or something.
  19. I feel like this isn't the first Zelda project to make it to this stage, and I doubt it will fare much better than the previous projects. The ISS is my favorite since I love the science based ones, though I can't say what chances it has of making it past review. Golden Girls is just a room with some minifigs which means it will probably go on to become a set.
  20. I think the rapid fire pace and iffy voice acting would have been more tolerable if the animation wasn't so dang choppy. Assuming it was a stylistic choice, I hope it's abandoned for the next episodes (if there are any). In spite of the beautiful backgrounds it wasn't very pleasant to watch. I did like the humor though!
  21. That was way too short, but still somewhat insightful. I love looking at concept art so hopefully we get more of it down the line!
  22. I did- and I'm surprised there isn't more commentary on it in this topic, though partly that has to do with said commentary being moved to some blog entries instead. I guess I'll spoiler my thoughts? Also, being the fashionably late person I am, I finally watched Rainbow Rocks- do I need spoilers for a six month old movie? I thought it was okay, though definitely a step up from the first film. I loved it's take on the Sirens, and how they modernized them as villains with a battle of the bands approach. But the music was overall pretty bland, which is disappointing given how important music is in countless stories and mythologies involivng Sirens. The Sirens' songs had an appropriately seductive sound with the vocals, but beyond that I found them lyrically dull. The actual 'battle' at the end was probably more over the top than it needed to be, and the use of the DJ pony during that sequence felt not only forced, but it also made it seem like the Sirens lost because they just weren't as loud... which seems like a lame way to lose a magical singing battle. But that can probably just be boiled down to my own personal preference. The other thing I loved was how Sunset Shimmer was handled. She got a pretty raw development deal in the last movie so I was glad to see her getting a fuller arc here. I would definitely not be opposed to her joining the show. I actually kind of liked that more than anything else from the movie. Do you have an alternate link to 'teach your heart to sing'? Yours doesn't work for me and I can't find the song on Youtube or anywhere else.
  23. Mine recognizes it... but then, it's a technically government job. They recognize freaking Columbus Day as a holiday. It's like they take any excuse not to work.
  24. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Cutie Markless

    She better. The most annoying thing about season 4 are the few times it dropped "Chekhov's Guns" (for lack of a better term) only to have them never be brought up again (the disappearing comic book, Fluttershy's fangs). It reminded me of those really bad episodes of X-Files which revealed that the villain/creature was still alive at the end. So if she doesn't return I will be very annoyed, especially given her lack of development.
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