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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. Really could not stand Hewkii Mahri. Didn't like Pridak's build much, either.
  2. They show it off briefly in the video. It looks like there are two micro figures and two transparent flame pieces on a rotating platform which you can turn with the crank. There's a light source, presumably a light brick, which projects the shadows onto the surface. I can't tell what the surface is. It's one of those features that looks cool the first time, but I can imagine it getting pretty dull pretty quickly (unless there's a lot more to it that wasn't shown off). The rest of the set is incredibly nice, though I'm not interested in it personally. The video implies that it is.
  3. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Amending Fences

    I think the episode could have been better written toward the end. Twilight's attempts to make up to Moondancer would have felt more sincere if she did so without Pinkie's help, and I also feel like a lesson about how you can't force someone to be friends would have been a lot more honest. I guess I have to let that latter criticism slide, though, since this is a kids' show and downer endings aren't really allowed. There was also that one episode in season 2 (where Pinkie met the donkey for the first time) which covered that territory, but I think the story in this episode was far more ripe for such a lesson. You know, I'm going to retract that statement. It's entirely possible for two friends who have fallen out to make up after a long period of time. That ending would have been not so much honest as cynical. All that said, I loved this episode and I think it's one of my favorites in the whole series.
  4. Not to defend this movie, because it looks awful, but that seems like a mighy big leap to racist caricature. The humor from that scene comes from (or is supposed to come from) the character's complete 180 response from the sentimental speech to cursing in only a few seconds. Given that this is the creator of Pac-Man, his cursing makes it all the more amusing. As for Michelle Monaghan's character, what are you basing that off of? The trailer kind of implies that trope, but it also implies that she knows what Ghosts are. There could be more there, and unless you know something I don't (which is entirely possible since I've been ignoring this movie) I'm not seeing a basis for complaint yet. And, lastly, isn't your complaint about how the nerds are "social rejects who are thrust into the spotlight for us to enjoy how hilariously out of touch they are" rendered moot by the fact that one of them is, in this film, the President of the United States? (Unless you were making a subtle political jab, in which case carry on.) I do think it's kind of strange that you're writing a critique of a movie you haven't seen when it sounds like you should be writing a critique of the trailer instead. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what you were intending to do, but some sections (specifically that whole paragraph about Monaghan) seem really definitive about what the movie is rather than what it looks like.
  5. I'm too lazy to write real reviews so have some of my one sentence opinions: The Hobbit - It's animation and music is a bit dated, but it's an appropriately whimsical adaption of the source material. Jurassic World - Not a very good movie, but it has a fun factor that makes it easy to swallow. Prince of Persia - A surprisingly dull swashbuckler with only a few stand out moments. Next up: I don't know. Maybe The Lord of the Rings (1978) or Atonement.
  6. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Party Pooped

    I had a lot of issues with this episode, but strangely enough I think the most annoying thing about it was the name "Yakyakistan" and how often it was repeated. Would just "Yakistan" have been too obvious or something?
  7. I'm still not sure I understand the difference between "Great Being" and "Great Spirit."
  8. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Slice of Life

    Words cannot describe how much I hated this episode. I had no idea what was coming (I avoid all spoilers), only that it was the 100th episode. I assumed going into that we would be in for something special... and I guess it was, but in all the wrong ways. I watched it all the way through to see if anything would redeem it, and Shining Armor, Luna, and Celestia did bring a little bit of light, but overall it wasn't worth it. I need some brain bleach, stat. I liked this season at the beginning, but I'm frusturated by how fast it's been going downhill. Each episode has been weaker than the preceding one... though I guess the bright side is that it can't get worse than this.
  9. Dark tonally, or dark visually? I guess if the spy stories you exposed yourself to were in the vein of the James Bond films then I guess I could see why that would be surprising. Personally I prefer moodier films like this one to James Bond and Bourne. If you meant visually... I think the dank atmosphere works wonders for telling the story. I personally love the cinematography.
  10. I'm interested in LEGO Jurassic World, but it's bound to be cheapter in the future so I'll pass. And I'd buy The Hobbit except I'm not interested in a game which only tells 2/3 of the story. Unfortunatly the only other deals I'm interested in our the PC only ones. Guess I'll have to wait for an App Store sale.
  11. Anyway, I felt much the way you did: I was pretty satisfied*, but objectively I think it fell short in a lot of ways. I was mostly disappointed that it felt like more of a remake than a sequel, but I was also disappointed by the CGI effects (one shot during the raptor chase looked very unfinished). I get that animatronics couldn't be used for everything, but I would have liked to have seen more physical objects on screen. Unlike you, I did like the humor. The original Jurassic Park has its campy moments ("when you gotta go, you gotta go") and this one was no different. (* I'm an absolute slave to nostalgia for the first film and this just fed it non stop.)
  12. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (the 2011 film) is slow, but fantastic. There's a BBC television series of it as well, and while I haven't seen it I've heard good things about it. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965) is also supposed to be a quintessential cold war thriller, but I haven't seen it either. Actually it's probably safe to say that anything adapted from a le Carre novel would probably make for a good film or television series. A Most Wanted Man was decent, and I've heard good things about most of the adaptations of his work.
  13. The comic was inspired by the film's story rather than the other way around. For now I think the only one is Tales From Year Zero which functions as a prequel, but I wouldn't be surprised if more came along at some point.
  14. Pacific Rim is wonderful, and I can't wait for the animated series, sequels, and what have you.
  15. Good for the Marble Maze! It's a neat model for sure. Disappointed the piano didn't make it, but I guess you can't have everything.
  16. What drives me absolutely nuts about this set is that little sliding piece with the cookie print. It's a boring function, doesn't really have an aesthetic purpose, and I'm tired of it falling out every time I try to move the set. Other than that, I think the set is decent and I quite like it. Makes for a nice little desktop piece.
  17. The more normal combination of study and research. The biggest difference is that I'm required to do a Peace Corps mission which is when the bulk of the research component will be done. So it's a little longer than your average Masters program- I'm guessing around three and a half-ish years. Fortunatly the Peace Corps aspect of this means my tuition is reduced. I have no idea when we ever talked about my previous academic insecurities, which makes me think you might be a bit of a mind reader, but I appreciate the positive words!
  18. Ohhh, nice frame. Mine is still in the binder it came in... which is inconspicuously squished in with everything else on my bookshelf. But congratulations! The whole medical field strikes me as being freakishly difficult, so take that 'congratulations' and blow it up about ten font sizes for emphasis. And best of luck in your future endeavors!
  19. three and a half months ago I nervously submitted applications for graduate school (and then after that waited for my letters of recommendation to be written). Yesterday, after a month and a half of waiting (and one rejection) I recieved word that I was accepted into my first choice school. Normally I prefer to write more detailed entries, and perhaps later on I will, but for now all I care to say is that I am simultaneously excited and incredibly nervous. I'm stepping very much out of my comfort zone, but at the same time I think it will be a great experience and that good things will result.
  20. I have no doubt that the wide world of cheese is wonderful and full of discovery and delciousness... but at the same time I'm perfectly content with my fake Kraft singles cheese. Don't judge me.
  21. So much truth to this. I also scratched my glasses with my car keys within a few months of getting them. So now there's an eternal line in my vision.
  22. Hiking FTW. Except nevermind because I actually got swimming. Man this was way too long ago... Your project sounds super cool, and much wider in scope than mine. Good luck in seeing it through! I'm sure the local dog owners will appreciate it.
  23. I've been recently re-playing LEGO Star Wars which is reminding me of just how much fun these games can be. I'm much more fond of this franchise over some of the other TT Games that have been put out, so I'll definitely get this one when it goes in a reasonable sale in who-knows-how-many years. It's great that you can actually do things when you're playing as the animals in this game, aside from just moving around. I think another video of the gameplay even suggested that you can play some levels from the dinosaur's perspective. Now that should be fun.
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