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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. If I had Netflix I would probably check this out. But I don't, so instead I'll just sit back and watch everyone else talk about how much they enjoy it.
  2. I am very much disappointed that we didn't get an Okoto Online Game. I mean, I don't know about anyone else, but it was that game which attracted me to BIONICLE in the first place. The sets were cool, and the comics where sufficient, but that game made it all come alive for me.
  3. I admit that I don't remember if she knew or not. But I doubt she would have gone down to face her without a complete briefing. I liked Lily from the small glimpse of her that we got. I hope they cast a good actress to play her... because that's often an issue on this show.
  4. Sure Maleficent counts. She may have been in dragon form but she's still a human. Dragon-Maleficent has all the thoughts and sentience that Human-Maleficent has. I doubt Emma lost sleep for killing a giant fire breathing reptile, but Maleficent was still human on the inside. I suppose I can see where you're coming from with the rest of it. Still, her line about not being able to trust her parents (really the crux of what's bothering me) just seemed so childish given the situation. Henry is the most important people to her and she needs people who would be willing to give up everything for his safety. I don't care what the Charmings did in their past, I'd bet on them long before I bet on Hook. I mean, she'll get over it eventually I guess. If she can befriend a mass murderer and date an ex-pirate then this hurdle should be a small one.
  5. I don't disagree with this, but the issue isn't that Emma will have moral damage, but that they're saying this act will literally turn her evil (at least, I'm assuming that's what 'turn the savior dark' means). Why should she go dark side just because she saved her son from a psychopath? And anyway, Emma's already killed once before (Maleficent) so this is hardly new territory for her. As for her parents, sure she has reason to be upset that they lied to cover their butt. And what they did was terrible. But it was 20+ years ago and they've grown as people, just like Regina and Hook. So now her son's life is on the line, someone who the Charmings obviously have a deep affection for, and she's going to pull that bunk about not trusting them? Even after all the cards are on the table? Just earlier this season Regina was legitimately contemplating killing Marion. And yet Emma trusts her completely. What makes the Charmings so much worse than her? And, let's be real, isn't this all technically the author's fault anyway? He's the one who writes stuff and makes it happen (which in a meta way might explain the quality of writing on this show).
  6. The best part about the (current) author is that he's a completely new character we've never met. Considering the nature of the show's writing, that's the biggest plot twist of all. But I actually do kind of like him a bit. He's such a dork who doesn't really know what he's doing, but he's trying. I'm just really angry that, for the second time, the show treats killing in self defense as something that will blacken your soul and darken your heart. I mean, I don't condone murder or violence against people (obviously) but when it comes down between the life of your family and the life of villainous psychopath... like, what were Emma and Snow supposed to do? Belle's inaction, where she allowed Anna to fall off a cliff, was far more morally grey as far as I'm concerned. And she's not turning demonic. (And while I'm on Anna I'm pretty sure she survived a bigger fall than Cruella but I guess protagonists have plot armor.) Also Emma has been so out of character the last few episodes it's ridiculous. I will give 'Sympathy' one thing: that jazz rendition of "Curella de Ville" was pretty rad. I want an MP3 of the whole thing.
  7. So I cought up (minus tonight's episode) and I have to say that between "Heart of Gold" and "Sympathy for the Devil" any good will I ever had toward this show is officially down the drain. Even for this show the writing has reached a new class of low. But I'll keep watching it because sometimes the cheese factor is too delicious to pass up. I hope that we get another fairy tale inspired show some day (maybe a Fables adaption?) because it is a ripe genre for storytelling.
  8. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Tanks for the Memories

    If I had to guess from the name Larson was using for that twitter post, he was referring to the Game of Thrones reference. Twilight's "Brace yourself everypony... winter is coming!" (emphasis mine). I like that this episode gives us a timeline for the show, but I also find it pretty hard to believe that less than a year has passed between season 2 and this episode. Especially since there was a Christmas episode not long after the one where Dash gets Tank. Unless not all of Equestria gets wintere'd at the same time? And winter comes less than once a year? Someone else who cares more continuity can answer those questions. Personally I liked the song, but it would have been better if there weren't (invisible) background singers (or the doubled voices or whatever you call it). You've never heard of hot cider? Maybe it's a regional thing, but where I am it's pretty much only ever served as a warm beverage (the non alcoholic version anyway). Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't enjoying the episodes. I hope they start turning around for you soon!
  9. The BZPRPG is one of those things I kept trying to get into but then I would just sort of stop. At this point, for the sake of the other players, I think I'll just give up.
  10. *is still behind* But yeah I have no clue what she's doing in this arc. She has yet to be anything close to intimidating, and I still have no idea what she wants aside from a "happy ending" which is about as specific as saying she wants "something." But judging from this post I'm guessing that this has been rectified in the two or three episodes I haven't watched yet.
  11. I'm not sure why you say it that way- I don't know much about the DC universe, but I'm pretty sure all these characters had to have been teenagers at some point. And as long as the characters are well written, that part of their life can be just as interesting as the parts where they run around and kick butt. Maybe even more so since these are the years when they'll probably start to be become most accustomed to their abilities.
  12. I'm far more interested in what super heroes are like when they aren't being, you know, super, so this sounds like it could be pretty appealing to me. And at least two of those characters are (or, will become) villains and I'm a sucker for a good 'fall' story. I do think the character faces are a bit too similar to each other, but hopefully their personalities will be unique enough. Sounds like an interesting experiment- I hope it pays off.
  13. I think that was originally what it was slated for, but these things tend to change early in production.
  14. Write a treatment for a BIONICLE movie as if it were being directed by Terrence Malick. Bonus challenge: write it completely straight (no satire).
  15. Of course. Sorry I'm not sure I was clear with that point. I meant only that their storytelling goals are the same- expand on universe and character. The three Indiana Jones films do this while still being episodic (even if it is minimal compared to the Star Wars series). Obviously there can be a storytelling order in which experiencing that story would make most sense. You couldn't watch Empire Strikes Back without having watched A New Hope (though you could watch the prequels without having seen the originals). But, as an aside, I also I think the Star Wars universe has the potential to include serialized elements with the Anthology films coming out. It's too early to know for sure, but the upcoming Rogue One may very well be appreciable outside the wider story. Really, as with everything else storytelling, it all depends on the story being told and the goal of the storyteller. There are different kinds of sequels and prequels, and I was only suggesting that we not set limits to say what qualifies as one... unless those limits are the very strict dictionary definitions of the two words. And even those can be hindering sometimes.
  16. That shot of the X-Wings gave me flashbacks to playing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. So. Much. Fun. Hopefully it's an extended sequence instead of just a "here we go!"
  17. I picked that version up as well- my IMAX frame was basically this shot, but plus or minus a few seconds. I was rather happy with it. Not the most iconic shot, but I could have just as easily gotten a baseball player's rear end. I think it's a super cool promotion and I would love to see more home media releases with these things, whether it's IMAX or 35mm. The case itself I'm less fond of. One of the disc grooves is just too small and it won't hold the disc without contorting it. : / But it looks nice, I guess?
  18. I've always found it hard to think of Temple of Doom as a functioning prequel. It could easily have been set after Raiders of the Lost Ark with little-to-no change in plot, not to mention that it doesn't really delve into the backstory of Raiders characters aside from Indy. I mean, we know that Indy survives, but we kind of expect that of the main character. It's been long enough for me that I'd forgotten Temple of Doom even was a prequel, so definitely agreed about that hardly qualifying as one. ~B~ I'm really not sure how something can hardly qualify as a prequel. A good prequel, just like a good sequel, explores the universe of the first film without repeating story elements. Not only does 'Temple' showcase a new location with different mystical objects, but also goes deeper into Indy as a character, mainly in exploring his fatherly, more paternal side. If you really feel a need to have it's status justified, the film implies that this is Indy's first run in with something akin to magic. But it takes place before 'Raiders', which really is the only thing that makes a prequel a prequel. After all, you wouldn't say that 'Last Crusade' hardly qualifies as a sequel because it doesn't directly tie into plot from 'Raiders.' I mean, I think you're limiting your prequel story telling abilities by saying they have to exploit a mystery left unresolved from the previos film. They don't. They just have to continue building on the world and the characters. In that way I think the difference between sequels and prequels is, superficially, nothing more than a date stamp.
  19. I had no idea what you guys where talking about until I Googled. I read those books aaaaages ago in middle school and remember really enjoying them. Perhaps I should pick them up again.
  20. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Bloom and Gloom

    I don't disagree with any of this. HOWEVER I am befuddled as to why they didn't take this opportunity to showcase Starlight Gleam again (is that her name?). I mean, Applebloom's dream set it up perfectly: pony gets a cutie mark, pony doesn't like it, pony wants it removed... I totally get that the evil dream-thing being Apple Bloom herself has more symbolic meaning (and arguably makes it a better episode), but it would have been nice to get confirmation that Starlight Gleam is still out there, potentially powerful and trying to recruit new members to her cult. It even makes sense that she would prey on people Twilight knows... cause, you know, revenge. (I'm always down for some Luna dream-invasion, though. I hope Sweetie Belle gets an episode this season.) I thought for sure they would get them in season 3- after all wasn't that supposed to the last season if the show couldn't get renewed? I wouldn't mind at all if they got them soon. Just because a pony gets a cutie mark doesn't necessarily mean that's the end of the line for them trying to find themselves. Look at Rainbow Dash, she's had her cutie mark for ages and she still hasn't accomplished her dream. Twilight's destiny of becoming a princess wasn't fulfilled until long after she got hers. Apple Bloom's goals, once she realizes what they are, might be similarly hard to accomplish. Apple Bloom's talent (judging from the season 1 episode) is artwork/visual design, right? It'd be really interesting to see her as an apprentice to Rarity. It would completely change the dynamic between her and Sweetie Belle in a way that offers lots of development opportunity for all three of them. Alternatively, once they get their cutie marks, their episodes could focus on how they help other blank ponies with the process of finding who they are.
  21. While some prequels have the issue of relying too much on tensions we already know the outcome of, I don't think the Star Wars ones do. The movie's world at the beginning of Ep. 1 is vastly different from the world in Ep. 4, and the story of how that change ocurred was where the storytelling was compelling. Well, for me, at least. But I also accept that I like the prequels a lot more than most people. I do think the prequels have issues, but none of those issues have to do with the fact that we already know the outcome of everything. As for the prequel you're looking for, Temple of Doom is a prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's tensions are completely independent of everything that came from the previous film.
  22. Well, yeah, that's what I thought too. But with the trailer filled with Stormtroopers and TIE Fighters and an insignia that's riffing off the old Empire logo... well it'd be weird to resurrect those things to portray something other than the Empire.
  23. If we're putting up a list of things to be impressed by, I'd add the visual style. I was worried that from a visual perspective this movie would be one big obnoxious love letter to the original trilogy. But just from the two trailers there are shots that wouldn't feel out of place in either the original or the prequel trilogy, and then there are shots (like the Falcon at the end of trailer 1) which clearly belong all to Abrams. Now hopefully the story isn't a love letter... though if we're still 'Rebels vs. Empire' like the trailer implies I'll be pretty turned off.
  24. To me it seemed like the trailer's blatant appeal to nostalgia was doing the exact opposite of downplaying things... and to be honest I thought it was a little much. Besides, there will probably be at least two other full trailers released before December. There's more than enough time for people's expectations to be skyrocketed to unrealistic heights.... or be completely tempered. I'm honestly not sure which.
  25. But please keep doing it. Also my Dad shot himself with a nailgun. Does he get superpowers too?
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