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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. I'd laugh because I would hardly consider myself a hero type with Inner Light. If you had to wear an infected Kanohi or an active Krana...
  2. A totally awesome remix of the Jurassic Park theme.
  3. I'd find out what village would accept me and try to be normal. If you could have the Axalara, the Rockoh, or the Jetrax.....
  4. What is your favorite song or piece of music from BIONICLE? It can be a real song used for commercials or a piece composed specifically for BIONICLE. It's a tough choice for me. BIONICLE has made me a huge AIK, All-American Rejects, and Cryoshell fan.
  5. I would translate sign language. If you could get any one BIONICLE character as an ally you would choose.....
  6. I tend to use profile pictures and usernames specific to the site's topic; so far I've had a Great Volitak avatar and my current Noble Ruru.
  7. My precious... Precious Kapura is lost! Give it to me, Mr. Takua. Share the Kapura Share the Kapura
  8. Just about, the only parts aside from the feet which weren't from the set are the lower legs. And thanks, I was starting to worry about whether or not the gold would be offsetting. No, the gold makes him look good. All-black wouldn't be good at this scale. Also, thanks for the parts info. I might make my own.
  9. What is your favorite BIONICLE animation, not counting movies? Mine would have to be the Phantoka short. It just means a lot to me. Although a close second is the Barakki one. I love how they fight over the Ignika and then Dekar's like "lol okay my turn" and then all the Barakki team up on him.
  10. Thanks for the feedback! The only reason I used the ribcage piece was to give the impression of fire flowing backwards. Otherwise I would have used a red torso piece.
  11. Oh wow this guy is great! I like the addition of gold and purple, it provides a nice blend of G1 and G2. Besides the Mata feet, is he entirely made from the Onua set?
  12. I see your Tahu and raise you an Umbra, as well as an Irnakk, Ehlek, Dekar, Lesovikk, Nocturn, Phantoka Pohatu and Lewa, Gorast, Bitil, all the 2009 good guys, *takes deep breath and rant continues*
  13. IC: Toku and Raku - Ga-Koro He quickly pushed Raku through the waterfall "Thanks" Raku said sarcastically Toku then followed him out the cave. IC: Betrii I walk through the gates of Ga-Koro. The huts aren't much to look at, but seeing all the Matoran work together is amazing all on its own.
  14. IC: Betrii I head out through the waterfall. Turning around, I notice that it has been expertly carved to look like a Great Kaukau. A symbol of appreciation to Gali, no doubt. I think I'll check the coastline for anything else interesting.
  15. IC: Betrii "Just a dead-end cave. Want to head to the Koro?"
  16. IC: Betrii "Great, let's check this out."
  17. Thanks for the responses everyone. That's all I wanted to know. It still would have been nice to get a sand-blue Komau for MNOG Kopeke MOCs. If a mod could close this that would be great.
  18. IC: Raku - Ga-Koro "I don't know go into that waterfall over there? Although is it possible not to get wet?" IC: Betrii "You can stay here if you're afraid, Raku." I run into the waterfall before he can flame up again. "There's some kind of passage back here!"
  19. IC: Toku - Ga-Koro "We're here!" IC: Betrii I run to my new friends. "What will we do?"
  20. Well, it's outrageous that it's worth the original value of the entire set. So. Yeah. Surprising that it's that pricey.
  21. Does anyone know why Kopeke's appearance changed so drastically from the MNOG to his 03 toy? I would like to know if there is an explanation.
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