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The Master of Energy

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Everything posted by The Master of Energy

  1. Probably not. If you were messing with people's minds for fun like this, wouldn't you want to maintain the suspense?
  2. Great model! Do you suppose you could create models for the rest of the Toa Mata? I would especially like to see Kopaka.
  3. Downfall, Lipuret, MoarBotar, and I all watch in horror as Kardas begins to advance towards jello. Meanwhile, one of Alexander123's stray missiles hits the ship and destroys it. It's a good thing that we weren't inside.
  4. I usually don't scroll down to the "Did you know" section (I instead read the Featured Article). I probably wouldn't have if I had not read this topic first. However, I am now reading about the game's cancellation. There are many things that I apparently did not know about TLoMN.
  5. You should draw more of these, especially Jaller and Kopaka.
  6. I prefer to avoid the "self-hyping" problem by assuming that he's toying with us. For all we know, this could be a psychology study of sort.
  7. I have never liked Trolls for a very simple reason: the colors. One quick look at a scene from the movie and my eyes feel like they're burning. Apparently, the same goes for the sets as well.
  8. I don't really know what I'm going to do. All I feel right now is confusion, not unlike King of Kings here.
  9. IC: Akkitu- Black Spike Mountains Akkitu looked in the direction Tarutu was pointing. "She's right! There is a charred area down there. Not just that, but there are twisted metal pieces that look like they might have been part of building!"
  10. The shields are unable to hold! "Brace yourselves!" I shout. Just as energy sphere deactivates, I steer the ship into a dive. Unless Kardas interferes, I should still be able to level out the ship, and land it properly.
  11. The Hau looks sort of like its Generation 2 form. Can anyone else see it?
  12. I correct people a lot. I didn't mean to offend you.
  13. IC: Akkitu- Flying over Black Spike Mountains Akkitu steered The Sight down after Tekmo. "This is the place?" the Ko-Matoran asked.
  14. What? Why? Lightning is electricity (which in turn is a form of energy), not water! I think you meant to say "superheated," but I get what you mean.
  15. https://crosswiredgeeks.com/biologicalchronicle-book8chapter58/ Ok, thank you. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what happened with the Ignika myself. This was just a theory of mine.
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