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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. This is going to be the next Death Battle? Oh this could be interesting. And I don't expect it to be that one-sided.
  2. An Optimus Prime-voiced Peter Cullen-voiced Tahu would be pretty cool... ~|ET|~
  3. Finished up Star Wars: Survivor's Quest the other night. T'was one of the EU novels I've been really meaning to get to because the premise was interesting and I've loved all of Zahn's work. But... it's probably my least favorite. Half of it just seemed to be retroactive setup for tidbits of the NJO series and the rest didn't feel like it got truly resolved. Last night I started A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings. I imagine I'll be reading this for quite a while heh. ~|ET|~
  4. They've been around since 2007. I'd say that's long enough. Their music is deep and catchy and can be played at parties and social gatherings without any problems. I'd say Cryoshell more than deserves to be the 'definitive musical voice' of Bionicle. Mate, think of them what you want. I'm not saying anybody's not allowed to love them. That would be dumb. But nobody's about to change my mind. It's musical taste and that's an entirely subjective matter. Debating it's pointless. I simply never personally think of them, ever, when thinking of BIONICLE like others and that's not something that can be changed either. ~|ET|~
  5. For sure waiting until they are in English to watch them and properly appreciate them. I also definitely don't think they should have been put up just yet though. It's certainly far too soon and I can't help but feel that somebody messed up majorly. ~|ET|~
  6. Huh. Totally more fascinating than I expected them to be.
  7. Ektris

    Name change?

    Lol should've expected the Tetris suggestion. I did the change because I feel a lot still associate the name with the arrogant jerk that was my online self in my late high school days (the literal exact opposite of how I really was then... the depressed introvert... was totally just acting out online because I could). And with the site becoming increasingly more active for obvious reasons... Well, let's just say I appreciate the new kids who don't know me heh. But if I can help improve that image with something as simple as a different name... Eh, maybe worth keeping it or rotating them more often.
  8. Ektris

    Name change?

    Oh yeah, I can change it back now! Should I? :/ I did it half as an experiment, and the results were kind of what I expected - don't feel like I'm so readily recognized now. Whether that's good or bad... ~|ET|~
  9. Nnnnope. I have never held any sort of strong connection between the band and the brand. I understand that some do, somehow, but it genuinely perplexes me. They simply weren't around for that long at all to make that much of a lasting impression or deserve being the definitive musical voice of BIONICLE that they appear to be regarded as. Plus I never cared for their music, so... Definitely some bias there. ~|ET|~
  10. Weekly update: Naruto: *BLAHHHHH* Such filler. Much garbage. So waste time. Tokyo Ghoul: Alriiight, we've established how much time has passed, which has things making a little more sense. And some nice development showing how everyone's choosing to progress the state of affairs... or not... after that first battle against Anteiku. But most importantly we saw that Kaneki might not have snapped so much as we think he has, but that's not going to help him as people start to realize who he is. Overall, good development episode. Log Horizon: ...So... female Shiroe... wut? Aldnoah.Zero: ...What even is going on here. Okay so maybe this helped redeem Slaine a little bit for me, but it still did kind of come out of nowhere. I know his actions all along have been pretty much like that, but this time I was sure he was being straightforward. Instead we get another flip. With again, no foreshadowing or build up. But how he did it was pretty cool... DRRR!!x2: So is that girl supernatural or not? Anywho, this one finally clicked into place all of the timeline jumping that had been going on, so I think I see how it all went down now. That had been kind of annoying. Hopefully it goes a little more linear from here on out. One Piece: So things slowed down a little and this episode had very little action, but that's fine given what we've been seeing. Sabo finally just saying his name and getting the placard introduction was just as silly as the manga, since we've known for a while who he is. Ah, but the ending with Doflamingo... Some nice setup there. Also watched three of the Digimon movies this weekend: Diaboromon's Revenge, Adventurer's Battle, and Runaway Locomon. They were all pretty alright. ~|ET|~
  11. My TRU finally stocked! ...Sort of. They only had room for Lewa, Pohatu, and Onua. Amongst the clearance LEGO items. Really think the delay is just because they literally had no room, which has been true. My Target also now has the cool endcap display... complete with Gali underneath... and several aisles down for no reason! Haha. I picked up Gali and Pohatu there because I had a gift card. So between the two, I could complete the wave now if I wanted... But probably should slow down at this point. ~|ET|~
  12. Not a graphic novel reader, so I can't speak to them. But the Bane book trilogy was fantastic. Darth Plageius was also really, really good in my opinion. And still veeery easily fits into the new canon if you want to ignore Disney's decree that no EU matters anymore as much as possible. (Wish they had at least been selective about it... Seriously the Plageius novel is a perfect example of literature that adds to the story and didn't conflict with their new direction.) Maybe give Rebels a shot. Since it's part of the newly established canon and all. But not sure how you even feel about sticking to that anyways. So in that vein, I also recommend the X-wing series. ---- And I know it'll probably broaden its scope eventually, but Lothal having literally everything the group needs, even down to Lightsaber crystals and future famous Rebels, just seems way, way too improbable to me to accept. ~|ET|~
  13. And I would also like to point out that their inclusion on the mask list predates even the existence of a mask-like list. Both also only exist as they are because others demanded it so. I'm not exactly inclined to remove them from the mask list as a result. They're still more Kanohi than any of the others, at any rate. ~|ET|~
  14. One box per set needed to make all combiners or alternate models to which they contribute pieces. Ehlek + Carapar + Mantax = Pit War Tortoise Takadox + Kalhmah + Pridak = Zyglak Fero & Skirmix + Malum = Sand Stalker (This one I forgot about too though. ) If you know what exactly you're looking at, it works. But yeah this is kinda why I never wanted to make one... List sets and it's not clear what you're making. List combination models and it's not clear what you need. List both and... well now you've got equations and not such a clean-cut checklist. The only ones I'm confused by are the 2003 Matoran - what's the second for all of those?? ~|ET|~
  15. Oh Lando, you lovable scumbag you. Loved seeing you. Oh, you... you're based on... on Lothal now, you say? *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* Still my biggest gripe with Rebels... ~|ET|~
  16. Developing a good, interesting character and that character having an actual name are mutually exclusive. I do love The Shadowed One, but I never cared for his generic name. These ones are much better than "Protector of ____" and actually descriptive. That's a plus for what they are. But I still absolutely want names, not only titles or descriptors. The Protectors following the format of the Toa, that is "____ - Protector of ___" would have been a fantastic solution. Or "___ the Skull Grinder." Yes, I get it, people found the excessive use of names confusing. I would never argue against that. But you definitely can get too generic and have it likewise be offputting. ~|ET|~
  17. Oh yippee, more generic non-names! (But a whole wave of villains is what I wanted, so actual yay for that.) ~|ET|~
  18. A'ight, I get it, the shoulder ones have a purpose I haven't explored yet. But the weapon ones are superfluous. That isn't to say I don't like them, though. Actually, I do. I like the extra detail they add by filling in holes. But they aren't there for any functional purpose. The guidance purpose of the others is.. interesting, if that's what it is. Wouldn't have ever thought of it myself, and honestly it's kind of smart. I definitely remember having to rebuild Nidhiki and Kikanalo a few times when I first got them because of a misplaced friction pin early on. So if it's not getting in the way, why not have it? ~|ET|~
  19. And Onua has four of them shoved into his shoulder pads to literally no effect. Now you have me really wondering what it's all about. ~|ET|~
  20. I really, really quite like your Olisi, Mask of Elemental Energy, and Mask of Sensory Aptitude. They look great to me. The only one I'm really not too much of a fan of is the Mask of Mechanics... I completely understand (conceptually, not in practice since I have zero experience with this heh) that taking something in 2D, especially the really abstract sources some of these were drawn on, and turning it into something 3D would be difficult. But that one is, well, literally flat. It's just rather awkward. If you could do to it what you did with your second rendition of your Mask of Regeneration, I think it could look fantastic. But as it is, it does stand out for exactly fitting in with what one typically thinks of a BIONICLE mask as looking like. Overall it's all a great effort, and seeing it be done at all is awesome. ~|ET|~
  21. Yeah I want one of those WMKK someting fierce. Don't know if I can justify spending the coin on something so mall though... Tis why I don't have any such truly rare items yet. :/ Will be watching the auctions out of curiosity. Just to see what they get to heh. ~|ET|~
  22. Because those aren't being fulfilled by Amazon, but third party sellers. ~|ET|~
  23. Highlighted a very important item in your argument here. Because it, as the opening line and basis for which everything else is built upon, invalidates it entirely. Greg absolutely in no way, shape, or form, created that topic to make more story. I don't even know how you reached that conclusion. The topic was simply not made with that intent. The name alone tells you what it truly is for - asking him questions about what already exists. That is not equivalent to requesting something be canonized. ~|ET|~
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